

Research on the Establishing of Wall Environment of Kindergarten Activity Room

【作者】 常畅

【导师】 欧新明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 幼儿园环境可以影响幼儿的身心发展,这种观点正被越来越多的人所接受。活动室墙面环境是幼儿园环境中及其重要的组成部分,因此,幼儿园应十分关注幼儿园活动室墙面环境的创设,努力创设适合幼儿发展的活动室墙面环境。但是,由于学前教育没有纳入义务教育的范围以及人们对活动室墙面环境创设地位和作用认识不足,活动室墙面环境创设的研究相对比较薄弱。本研究分别选取长沙地区的21所幼儿园,其中农村幼儿园7所,城市普通幼儿园9所,城市示范性幼儿园5所。通过查阅各种文献、实地考察、教师问卷以及与相关的园长、老师的谈话中来获得各种资料,经过对资料的研究,提炼出相关的主题和观点,并对这些主题和观点进行归纳、整理和理论分析,在此基础上写成本论文。调查研究中发现活动室墙面环境创设缺乏明确的教育目标和理念;各类幼儿园墙面环境创设内容全面、丰富,但偏重于艺术和语言教育内容;各类幼儿园注重民族文化的传承与运用;教师制作布置为主,幼儿参与过少;静态创设的多,动态创设的少;注重运用夸张、拟人形象创设墙面;各类题材的运用比较全面,但有所偏重;墙面色彩运用不当,造成色彩污染或色彩单调。农村园的活动室墙创设的材料以挂图、涂料为主;以平面创设为主,但却非常重视对民族文化的创设与利用;普通园和示范园对民族文化创设与利用稍逊色于农村园,但比较注重立体墙面的创设,具有相对明确的创设目标。创设幼儿园活动室墙面环境的策略为:第一,用现代幼儿教育理念创设活动室墙面环境;第二,在墙面环境创设中应确立明确的教育目标;第三,增加创设材料和制作手段的多样性;第四,适时更换活动室墙面环境;第五,注重采用不同文化题材;第六,创设适合幼儿年龄特征的活动室墙面环境;第七,教育主管部门应增大对农村园的支持与引导。

【Abstract】 More and more people know that the Kindergarten environment plays a unique role in the children’ s development. The wall environment of Kindergarten Activity Room is important parts of Kindergarten environment. Therefore, People should pay more attention to the establishing of the wall environment of Kindergarten activity room.As the preschool education doesn’ t belong to the category of compulsory education and people don’ t recognize the function of education of wall environment, the research on this is much less.Twenty kindergartens in Changsha are chosen as objects in this research. Multiple methods of data collection were adopted including on-site observation and questionnaire analysis. All the records were transcribed and read repeatedly. Themes, comments and ideas emerging during this period were written down and acted as guidelines for further data-analysis .At last the themes were categorized and sequenced into the final report.It was found that the kindergartens usually take the establishing of content of healthy、science and sociology lightly and usually lopsided understanding the conception of art; In the establishing of the wall environment most part is done by teacher , lacking the join of the children; stress utilizing exaggerate and personification figure ; stress utilizing all kinds of subject matter; The establishing of wall environment of activity room should suit child’ s age; pay attention to the adopt of the color.By analyzing the problems, the thesis tries to put forward some suggestions for the practice of kindergarten activity wall design.

  • 【分类号】G612
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】4445

