

The Case Pertaining to Crime of the Corruption Hush Money Registers for the Record a Start Mechanism a Research.

【作者】 褚诗峰

【导师】 蒋先福;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国现行贪污贿赂案件刑事立案启动机制经历初创、法制化和规范化与创新三个时期,形成了我国独有的专项刑事诉讼机制。文章分析了它的法理基础、法律特征和价值取向,探讨了相关因素和组织参与机制中的相互作用方式和结构秩序及其运行过程。文章从实证角度和法律运作过程剖析了我国现行贪污贿赂案件刑事立案启动机制虽然经过一定时期的规范化而仍然存在的缺陷:具体包括器质性缺陷和机能性缺陷,从动态刑事学理角度深层次揭露了当前我国现行贪污贿赂案件刑事立案启动机制所表露出来的诸如有案不立、不破不立、疑案不立、利益驱动,贪污贿赂犯罪黑数居高不下等问题的根源和症结所在。基于本文所创设的语境及课题目的,文章认为完善我国现行贪污贿赂案件刑事立案启动机制应当坚持“依法治国先治吏”的原则,与国际法接轨原则,遵循“成套设备”结构规则原则。围绕贪污贿赂案件刑事立案启动机制中的焦点,建议建立集反贪污贿赂实体法、程序法、组织法于一体的制度,成立专门的反贪污贿赂机构,受最高人民检察院检察长节制,独立于地方各级人民检察院,并接受其诉讼监督。按照及时、准确原则建立刑事立案启动机制,设立刑事立案启动的证据标准及期限规定,赋予侦查机关对公务员或国家工作人员的资产和职能、职责采集信息的措施,所依法取得的信息材料具有法律效力。对贪污贿赂案件启动刑事立案可以适用推定制度。对个人或单位的检举、举报真实性和积极性设立制裁或奖励、保护等措施,明确保护期限及范围。对立案应采取秘密原则,但当采取涉及人身、财产安全的侦查措施时,应当能让关系人推定已经作出立案的决定。对贪污贿赂案件启动刑事立案及调查情况可以依法向主管机关作必要的报告等等。虽然建议是一部分但可以体现作者试图在建立反应灵敏、高效的贪污贿赂案件刑事立案启动机制所作的努力。

【Abstract】 Our country current corruption bribe the case pertaining to crime register for the record a start mechanism to experience beginning create, the legalization and norm turn with innovation three period, become our country possess singly particularly an item a pertaining to crime litigation mechanism. The article analyzes its legal theory foundation, law characteristic and is worth a mindset, inquiry into related factor and organization to participate the interaction method in the mechanism and structure order and its movement procedure. The article operated process to analyze an our country current corruption hush money case pertaining to crime to register for the record a start mechanism from the substantial evidence angle and the law although pass by certain period of the norm turn but still exist of blemish: Concretely include the machine quality blemish and function blemish, made public a current our country current corruption hush money case pertaining to crime to register for the record what start mechanism show from the academic theories angle of the dynamic state pertaining to crime deep time such as have a case don’t sign, don’t break don’t sign, the mystery case doesn’t sign, the benefits drive, grafting hush money to commit crime black count high etc. Source and key sticking point of problem. According to language environment and topic purpose established by this text, the article thinks perfect our country current corruption bribe the case pertaining to crime register for the record a start mechanism and should insist the principle of "cure country to cure an officer first by law", being in line with a principle with international law, following the structure rule of become set equipments" a principle. Around corruption bribe the case pertaining to crime register for the record the focus in the start mechanism, suggesting the establishment gathers anti- be greedy for hush money entity method, procedure method, organic law in the system of the integral whole, become specialized anti- be greedy for hush money organization, be subjected to the tallest people to check chief prosecutor forbearance in the Procuratorate, procuratorates in the place all levels people independently, be alongside of is inspected by its litigation. According to in time, the accurate principle establishment pertaining to crime register for the record a start mechanism, establishing proof standard and term that the pertaining to crime registers for the record a start provision, give to investigate the measure that organization’s property to the public official or the national staff member and working talent, job collect an information, obtain by law of the information material have legal effect, apply to predict outcome system towards grafting hush money case to start pertaining to crime to register for the record canning, to personal or the unit denounce, raise the report reliability and aggressive to establish measures, such as sanctions or reward and protection...etc., explicit protection term and scope, opposition the case should adopt a secret principle, but when adopt to involve Human body, property safety of investigate measure, should can let relation person to predict outcome have already made to register for the record of decision, to corruption bribe case start the pertaining to crime register for the record and investigate a circumstance and can think the supervisor organization makes a necessary report etc. by law. although suggestion is a part can try now by body author to be building up respond intelligent, efficiently of corruption bribe the case pertaining to crime register for the record a start mechanism make of effort.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】180

