

Research on Characteristics of Tourist Moderate Routes of the Birthplace of Tibetan Culture and Their Efficiency Ways

【作者】 向小艳

【导师】 黄艺农;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 旅游管理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 2006年7月1号,青藏铁路通车,打通了以往进藏旅游的交通“瓶颈”,西藏自治区原有的旅游线路格局被打破,面对这样的新局面,各个地区旅游的发展充满机遇和挑战。西藏山南地区是公认的藏文化发祥地,旅游资源丰富,区位条件相对较好,但是其旅游线路一直处于不温不火的状态。新形势下如何使藏文化发祥地旅游线路由“温”转“热”,实现提质增效,是山南地区乃至西藏自治区发展旅游急需解决的现实问题。本文从旅游温线的特征入手,在分析藏文化发祥地旅游温线的成因以及提质增效的可能性的基础上,提出了具有实际借鉴意义的提效途径。主要内容包括:一是绪论,介绍论文的研究背景、国内外研究现状、研究方法;二是藏文化发祥地旅游线路的温线特征,分析西藏区域游线空间格局的现状,藏文化发祥地旅游业及旅游线路格局现状、藏文化发祥地旅游线路的温线特征;三是藏文化发祥地旅游线路温线特征的成因,分析了“阴影”现象突出、产品结构单一等八个因素;四是藏文化发祥地旅游温线提质增效的可能性,论述了藏文化发祥地拥有的巨大潜在市场、新的机遇、具有的比较优势和旅游资源具有深度开发的潜力和空间;五是论述藏文化发祥地旅游线路提效途径。通过分析藏文化发祥地旅游线路温线的特征、成因及提效的可能性,笔者认为,只有通过打造精品旅游线路,培养旅游增长极,发展特种旅游,充分发挥政府的主导作用,加强区域合作,提升藏文化发祥地旅游形象,优化旅游消费结构等措施,才能够实现藏文化发祥地旅游线路提质增效的目标。

【Abstract】 July 1, 2006, the opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the "bottleneck" of tourism in Tibet Autonomous Region traffic has been broken. The existing tourist routes pattern will be broken. in the face of this new situation, The various region of Tibet Autonomous Region have opportunities and challenges of the tourism development . Shannan region is recognized birthplace of Tibetan culture. Shannan region possess of rich tourism resource sand relatively good condition, but its tourist routes has been in a lukewarm the state. In face of the new situation, how to make the tourist route from "lukewarm" to "hot" and how to achieve efficiency is a urgent practical problem of the birthplace of Tibetan culture.In this paper, Based on analyzing the characteristics of tourist moderate routes and the cause of tourist moderate route in the birthplace of Tibetan cultural ,the author propose many validity ways to to resolve these practical problems. This paper include five parts: part one is introduction, and in this part on the research background papers, research the status quo, research methods; Tourist routes pattern of the birthplace of Tibetan culture and the status of tourist routes of the birthplace of Tibetan culture within the pattern of travel routes of the Tibet Autonomous Region is analysed in part two. Part three, this part analyzed the causes of tourist moderate routes of birthplace of the Tibetan cultural .The prominent " shadow " phenomena, the product structure of a single and other six factors are the main causes of tourist moderate routes of birthplace of the Tibetan cultural; part four is synergistic possibility of tourism-line in the birthplace of Tibetan culture. Discussed the tremendous potential markets of the birthplace of Tibetan culture , new opportunities, with the comparative advantages ,in-depth development of tourism resources in part four. Part five discussed effect means of tourist routes in birthplace of Tibetan culture .By analyzing characteristics, causes and the possibility of increase efficiency of the tourist route in the birthplace of Tibetan culture. the author believes that only give full play to the leading role of the Government, create quality tourist lines, cultivate a tourism increasesing pole, development of special tourism, strengthen regional cooperation, upgrade birthplace of Tibetan culture tourism image, and optimize the consumption structure can achieve the objectives of improving efficiency.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【下载频次】146

