

Analysis and Research on the Senior Middle School Students’ Chemistry Learning Strategies during Transition Period

【作者】 奉青

【导师】 吴鑫德; 肖小明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 学习策略历来是教育心理学关注的一个重点,且有关学习策略的研究主要是在传统的教学环境条件下展开的,而新课程背景下针对具体学科教学的实证研究还比较少见,而在新课程逐步在全国推广实施的阶段,对高中生进行化学学习策略指导,既是新课程目标的明确要求,又有利于促进学生终身学习能力的发展。本研究首先以湖南省13所高级中学23名经验丰富的专家型化学教师为调查对象,运用自编的《转型时期高中生化学学习策略开放性调查问卷》,对他们进行问卷调查与个别访谈,以提取转型时期高中生化学学习的策略。然后,根据所提取的化学学习策略,自编了《转型时期高中生化学学习策略训练教程》,并运用此材料,对湖南省4所高级中学的174名高一学生进行了一个学期的教学实验,以探讨策略训练的有效性。研究表明:(1)在转型时期高中生基本的化学学习策略有16种;(2)在转型时期对高中生进行化学学习策略训练能够有效地提高他们的学习能力,且能提高他们的化学学习兴趣;(3)在转型时期对高中生进行化学学习策略训练的效果,重点中学和普通中学没有显著差异;学困生的成绩提高幅度明显高于中等生和学优生,中等生的成绩提高幅度明显高于学优生。

【Abstract】 Learning strategies has been the focus in psychology and education for a long time, which was deployed under traditional teaching environment primarily. However, it’s very seldom to do the experimental research on learning strategies under new curriculum reform. When new curriculum reform popularized in our country, providing the guide of chemistry learning strategies to senior middle school students was requirements of objective of new curriculum reform, also in favor of accelerating students’ learning capability.Step1: Investigation research chosen 23 experienced expert chemistry teachers from 13 senior middle schools in Hunan province as SS, and made a questionnaire survey and individual interview to them with self-edited "open questionnaire on senior middle school students’ chemistry learning strategies during transition period", and extracted and named senior middle school students’ chemistry learning strategies.Step2: Experimental research chosen 174 grade one students from 4 senior middle schools as SS, and offered them experimental training for one whole semester with self-edited "Chemistry learning strategy training tutorial for senior middle school students during transition period" which is based on extracted chemistry learning strategies, aiming to explore the effectiveness of strategies training.Research shows that 1) There are 16 basic chemistry learning strategies for senior middle school students during transition period;2) Chemistry learning strategies training to senior middle school students can be able to improve their learning capability effectively, as well as arousing their chemistry learning interest;3) No difference between key middle school and average middle school in terms of effectiveness of training of chemistry learning strategies; However, increased gap for students with lower grade is much higher than those of high grade and moderate grade, while students with moderate grade is much higher than those of high grade.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】254

