

Sociolinguistical Investigation on Phonetics of Baduhua of Guapoqiao Village in Jianghua County

【作者】 刘双林

【导师】 鲍厚星;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以湖南江华瑶族自治县白芒营镇寡婆桥村的土话八都话为研究对象,通过深入细致的田野调查获得第一手材料,并以江华官话(属西南官话)为参照,运用社会语言学的方法对八都话的语音变异作了一番考察,分析了八都话语音变化发展的原因,并对八都话的发展趋势作出了预测。本文分为五章。第一章绪论第二章寡婆桥村八都话老派音系和官话音系第三章寡婆桥村八都话语音的社会语言学分析第四章寡婆桥村八都话语音变化发展的原因及趋势第五章结语通过调查和分析,本文认为:在长期的接触和影响下,江华官话对八都话的语音已经产生了一定的影响。年龄因素是影响八都话语音变异的最重要的因素,而且影响的程度是随着年龄的递减而递增。八都话变化发展的方向是朝当地强势方言江华官话逐渐靠拢。本文还预测:虽然八都话向江华官话甚至普通话靠拢是不可抗拒的趋势,但由于八都话发展速度相对缓慢,八都人由兼用八都话和江华官话到转用江华官话还会经历一段相当长时间的双方言阶段

【Abstract】 This thesis fouses on the Baduhua of Guapoqiao Village of Jianghua county in Hunan. On the basis of plentiful materials which come from the auther’s first-hand field work, this thesis, from the sociolinguistical point of view, investigates the phonetic variation of Baduhua, analyzes the causes of phonetic changes and development of Baduhua and gives a prediction to the developmental trend of Baduhua.Five chapters can be divided in this thesis.The first chapter: preface.The second chapter: the old phonological system of Baduhua and the phonological syetem of Mandarin in Guapoqiao village.The third chapter: sociolinguistical investigation of the phonetics of Baduhua.The fourth chapter : the causes and trend of changes and development of Baduhua.The fifth chapter: concluding remarks.Through investigation and analysis, this thesis holds that in the long period of contact and influence, Jianghua Mandarin has exerted certain effects on the phonetics of Baduhua. Age is the most important factor which causes phonetic variation of Baduhua and the extent of influence increases successively when age decreases gradually. Getting close to Jianghua Mandarin which is the local prestigious dialect is the direction of changes and development of Baduhua.This thesis also predicts that though the trend for Baduhua’ getting close to Jianghua Mandarin and even to Putonghua is a irrisistable, villagers in Guapoqiao will be confronted with a long bidialect period (Baduhua and Jianghua Mandarin) before they come to use Jianghua Mandarin only because of the relatively slow speed of development of Baduhua.

  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】181

