

History is Witting

【作者】 杨荣号

【导师】 周作翰;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共运, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 伯恩施坦主义又称修正主义,它根源于19世纪末资本主义发展新现象,是使马克思主义顺应时代发展要求的一次尝试。但它因没能科学把握马克思主义精髓,固守资产阶级议会民主道路,否定无产阶级革命与专政,从而掉进反马克思主义的陷阱。伯恩施坦主义引起第二国际时期各社会主义政党间的巨大分歧,多数党在理论上批判伯恩施坦主义,实践上却实行它的主张,导致第二国际分裂;十月革命后伯恩施坦仍旧反对暴力革命与无产阶级专政,招致以列宁为首的布尔什维克党的严厉批判,二战前伯恩施坦主义在理论上和政治上均破产;二战后西欧社会民主党放弃了马克思主义指导地位,将伯恩施坦主义遵奉为“民主社会主义源头”;中国和苏联对伯恩施坦主义继续严厉批判,但滥用的修正主义概念造成了严重后果。十一届三中全会以后中国理论界对伯恩施坦主义作了较为客观全面的评价,但也有人将伯恩施坦主义供奉为新“偶像”。纵观对伯恩施坦主义历史评价可见:1、时代主题变化与国情的不同决定了各社会主义政党与理论家对伯恩施坦主义评价的巨大差异;2、评论家们的历史观、个人偏好及理论素养不同也对伯恩施坦主义的评价产生较大影响;3、在战争与革命的时代,无产阶级要利用资本主义民主制度作为无产阶级解放的斗争工具,但不能放弃革命的批判权利;4、在和平与发展时代主题下,能否真正推进社会主义民主关系到社会主义事业的成败。反思对伯恩施坦主义的历史评价可有如下启迪:1、必须在坚持马克思主义科学方法论与基本原理的前提下,使马克思主义与时俱进;2、必须坚持从实际出发、实事求是,结合中国国情,走自己的路;3、必须给理论工作者们以更大的思想空间,百家争鸣,才能赋予马克思主义蓬勃的生机,不能再现权威人物垄断马克思主义发展权而导致思想僵化局面;4、推进中国特色社会主义必须大力发展社会主义民主,才能真正实现社会主义的本质要求,有效地解决发展中出现的问题;5、以和解促和谐,营造共创和谐的局面,借鉴一切人类优秀文明成果,促进社会主义和谐社会与和谐世界建设。

【Abstract】 Bernstein principle,also named the revisionism,oranged from the new phenomenon of capitalism in the end of 19th century.Though Bernstein principle attempcd to comply Marxism with the time development request,it has not been able to comprehend the essence of Marxism scientifically,defended stubbornly on the bourgeoisie parliament democracy path, negatived proletariat revolution and dictatorship,and fell into the Antimarxism trap in the end.During the second internation time,Bernstein principle caused huge arguement between various socialism parties.The majority of them theoretically criticized the strategy of Bernstein principle,while,implemented it to advocate,which caused the second internation’s fission.After the October revolution,Bernstein still insisted on opposing the violent revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat,incured severe critique from the Bolshevik Party,headed by Lenin.Then Bernstein principle went bankrupt in theory and in politic in the eve of The World War II.In the age of postwar,Western Europe Social Democracy Parties gave up the Marxism guiding position,venerated the Bernsteinprincipleas "the democratic community principle source";China and Soviet Union continued to criticize severely on the Bernstein principle,but the abused revisionism concept had created the serious results. After the CCP’ s Third Session,theorists started to self-criticisied to the critique on revisionism,and made a more objective comprehensive appraisal to Bernstein principle.Looking back to the history appraisal on Bernstein principle,it is not difficult to discover that:firstly,time theme changes and various national conditions have determined the huge difference to the Bernstein principle history appraisal;secondly,the different appraisal to Bernstein principle has a close relation with critics’ conception of history,individual by chance and the theoretical attainment differently;thirdly,during the war and revolution period, the proletariat must use the capitalism democratic system as the struggle tool of the proletariat liberating,but cannot give up the critique rights of revolutionizes;fourthly,during the peace and development period,democracy,is related to the destiny of socialisism advancement.By considing of the Bernstein principle historical appraisal,we may have the following inspirations:firstly,we must insist that the Marxism scientific methodology and under basic principle’s premise,causing it along with the time development to keep pace with the times;secondly,we must insist that embarks,realistically from the reality,does not worship blindly other theories and the thought that we must unify the Chinese national condition,takes own road; thirdly,we must give the general theorists by the bigger thought space,only then hundred school of thought contends can entrust with the Marxism vigorous vitality,because it can reappear the authoritative character in no way to monopolize the rigid way of thinking which,the theory stagnation aspect Marxism right to development causes;fourthly,we should advance the Chinese characteristic socialism to develop the socialist democracy vigorously,which can realize the socialism essence to request truly,solving the problem which effectively in the development appears;fifthly,we must profit from all human outstanding civilized achievement,reconciling presses the harmony,building to create the harmonious aspect, and promoting socialism harmonious society and the harmonious world construction.

  • 【分类号】D091
  • 【下载频次】115

