

Research on Female College Students’ Employment and the Factors

【作者】 何娜梅

【导师】 常思亮;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国社会经济、政治制度的改革,整个社会的就业形势发生了巨大的变化。就业制度的变革与高校的扩招,使我国大学毕业生就业形势十分严峻,难度加大,女大学生就业难问题已成为社会各界备受关注的焦点问题。女大学生就业难,并不是说女大学生找不到工作,而是指与同班同届男大学生相比,女大学生找工作相对比较困难,择业的时间相对较长,择业的工作单位相对较差;选择职业的范围、机遇不如男生,对所得到的工作的满意度相对较低。因此,女大学生就业问题除了是一般的劳动就业问题外,还有其它方面的影响因素。那么对于“女大学生就业难“的主要影响因素则各有看法,很多研究认为性别歧视是影响女大学生就业的关键因素。本文采用问卷调查与个案访谈相结合的方法,从定量和定性结合调查获得的资料中归纳女大学生当前的就业特征,对女大学生结果、就业认知、就业心态、就业意向等进行统计描述。对影响女大学生就业的因素进行分析比较,得出结论:影响女大学生就业难的因素是多方面的,包括就业制度改革、高校扩招、性别刻板印象、用人单位偏见、女大学生自身素质等等,其中最关键因素是“女大学生自身素质”,并从发挥女大学生性别优势的角度出发,提出帮助女大学生成功就业的对策。

【Abstract】 As China’s social economic, political reform in the system, the employment situation in the entire society has undergone tremendous changes. Reform of employment system and the enrollment in universities make China’s employment situation very severe, more difficult. The difficult employment problem of female college students has become a community focus.Female college student employment difficulties, is not to say that female students can not find a job, but that in the same class the female students are relatively difficult to find a job, choosing a relatively long period of time, in choosing the relatively poor work units than the male students ; choice of occupation , the scope of opportunities as boys to get the satisfaction of the work are relatively low. Therefore, the female college student employment problem is not only the general labor and employment issues, but also with other factors. The difficult employment situation for female students, the main influencing factors in each view, a lot of studies prove that gender discrimination is the key factor affecting the employment of female college students. This paper attempts to use the survey and interviews cases the method of combining, from the combination of quantitative and qualitative information obtained in the investigation into the current female college students employment characteristics, to describe the of male and female college students’ cognition of employment, employment mentality, employment intentions and the results of the employment. Analysis and comparison from the statistics Description of the impact of the employment of female graduates factors, it concludes: the employment system reform, colleges and universities increased enrollment, gender stereotypes, employing units prejudice, female college students ’ own qualities and so on, the most critical factor for female college students is lack of professional quality, and from the point of view of gender superiority to help female students get a job successful and supply official efficient employment measures.

  • 【分类号】G647.38
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2662

