

Study on Fishery Resource and Ecology of WuLanNuoer Reservoir in Inner Mongolia

【作者】 朱存良

【导师】 张玉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 动物生产与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对内蒙古乌兰诺尔水库的水质现状、部分生物因子、鱼类群落结构及渔业资源动态进行了全面调查研究,在此基础上综合评价了水库的营养状态和环境现状,为水库渔业资源的合理利用和渔业环境的生态学管理提供理论基础。主要结果有:1.水库7站明水期平均水深为152.06cm,平均水温为11.4℃;浊度平均为20.89FTU;pH值平均为7.92;DO含量平均为7.11mg/L;ALK和Hd分别为11.67mmol/L和6.04mmol/L。NH4+(NH3)-N的年平均浓度为1.384mg/L,NO3--N为0.474mg/L,NO2--N为0.079mg/L,PO43-P为0.187mg/L,TP为0.159mg/L,TN为1.233mg/L。2.浮游植物共有30种,生物量的平均湿重为7.88 mg/L;浮游植物个体生物量以蓝藻门和绿藻门占优势。3.浮游动物共有28种,平均生物量为3.86mg/L,桡足类>枝角类>轮虫>原生动物。浮游动物和浮游植物的生物量没有明显的相关关系(p>0.05),仅依靠浮游动物不能对浮游藻类进行有效的控制。4.水库鱼类约有14种,其中主要经济鱼类为鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鲶鱼和红鳍鲌,根据实际情况对其中的三种鱼类进行了分析测定。无论从经济角度看,还是从水库渔业生态来看,水库中鱼类的群体存在不合理的结构。5.根据水化学特性、各种生物的生物量及指标种类判断水质为中——富营养型,并有继续向富营养型发展的趋势。提出加强浮游植物食性鱼类的放养,调整小型肉食性鱼类的结构,以强化水体中营养物的利用和输出,既增加经济收入,又保护环境。并提出渔业环境保护的生态学对策,为水库渔业的可持续性发展提供理论依据和实践指导。

【Abstract】 Overall investigation of physiochemical features and fish community structure and fisheries resources and biological factor of reservoir water quality were conducted during 2006 to 2007 in Wulannuoer Reservoir. At the basis of these investigations, integrate evaluation of trophic state and environmental status was made. Theoretical base for the reasonable utilization of fishery resource and ecological management of environment were provided. The main results are as follows:1. The average water depth, water temperature and turbidance seven stations in the reservoir was 152.06 cm, 11.4℃and 20.89 FTU, respectively. Mean pH value was 7.92;the average content of DO was 7.11mg/L;ALK and Hd were 11.67 mmol/L and 6.04 mmol/L, respectively. The mean concentration of NH4+(NH3)-N,NO3――N,NO2――N and PO43-—P were 1.384,0.474,0.079 and 0.187 mg/L, respectively. The content of TP and TN averaged 0.159 and 0.233 mg/L, respectively.2. There were 30 species of phytoplankton. The average phytoplankton biomass was 7.88 mg/L in wet weight. Phytoplankton was dominated by Cyanophyta and Chlorophyta according to biomass.3. There were 28 species of zooplankton. The average biomass of zooplankton was 3.86 mg/L. There was no pronounced relationship between the standing crops of zooplankton and of phytoplankton (p>0.05); so phytoplankton cannot be well controlled only depending on zooplankton.4. Fourteen species of fish exist in the reservoir, mainly Common carps, Crucian, Catfish and the Whitefish economically, three of which were analyzed. Whether from the point of the economy or ecology, there is inconsistence in the construction of the fish population.5. According to water physiochemical features, biomass and indication species of every kind of organisms, the trophic level of Wulannuoer Reservoir is of eutrophic type; and has the trend of future eutrophication. It is suggested the following measures should be taken: strengthening the stocking of fish which is fed on phytoplankton and adjusting the structure of minor carnivorous fish. Then the utilization of nutrients in the reservoir and output of trophic load from the water will be improved. Thus more economic benefit can be achieved as well as the environment can be protected. The strategy for the fishing industry environmental protection was proposed to provide theory for the sustainable development and guide for the practice.

  • 【分类号】S931.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】123

