

Study on the Effect of Cutting Frequencies on Growth and Nutrition Composition of Allium Mongolicum Regel.

【作者】 苗春乐

【导师】 郝丽珍;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 沙葱(Allium mongolicum Regel.)又名蒙古韭,是一种广泛分布于我国西北及内蒙古荒漠草原、沙地的多年生百合科葱属植物。本试验在人工栽培条件下,通过对沙葱进行不同次数的刈割处理来研究刈割对生长发育、营养物质含量及产量等影响,来确定人工栽培条件不同栽培目的的适宜采收期和刈割次数,其结果表明:1、一年生沙葱,年内多次刈割对植株地上、地下指标均有一定抑制作用,随刈割次数的增加,抑制作用加强:(1)叶鲜重分别降低了60.1%、74.0%和83.1%,叶干重下降59.2%、73.5%和80.7%;根鲜分别重降低了39.5%、50.6%和72.8%,根干重降低41.4%、47.3%和70.7%;(2)根长分别降低5.8%、12.0%和18.4%;根数降低16.0%、27.0%和44.7%;(3)分蘖数降低19.9%、46.8%和52.5%;(4)鳞茎直径下降了20.9%、28.0%和36.2%。2、一年生沙葱当年多次刈割,随刈割次数的增加其第二年抽薹率较未刈割的对照分别降低了0%、40.0%、33.3%和46.7%;每簇抽薹数分别下降-11.0%、40.0%、31.1%和64.4%。说明一年生沙葱一年刈割次数≥2,均明显抑制第二年的抽薹率及每簇的抽薹数,刈割1次不但对其抽薹率无明显影响,反而对其每簇抽薹数有一定的促进作用。3、沙葱一、二年生总产量均以年内刈割3次(处理Ⅲ)最大,分别为212.8 kg/667m~2和1484.4 kg/667m~2,各处理单茬产量随刈割次数的增加而降低。4、沙葱各茬营养物质含量略有不同,刈割有利于沙葱干物质含量的积累;一年生可溶性糖含量随刈割次数的增加呈降低趋势,二年生则无明显变化,同时适当的刈割对沙葱叶片淀粉的积累有一定的促进作用;粗纤维含量随刈割次数的增加而降低,总黄酮和总氨基酸含量以二年生沙葱年刈割二次(处理Ⅱ)的第2茬含量最高;可溶性蛋白含量随刈割次数的增加变化不大;脂肪则随着刈割次数的增加含量略有下降。综上结果,建议一年生沙葱在生长后期刈割1次,有利于二年生植株的生长发育;二年生沙葱虽可刈割4次,但以刈割3次产量最高;为了利用其化学成分可采用二年生(或二年生以上)的沙葱,且减少刈割次数。该研究不仅填补了沙葱刈割采收的研究空白,且为不同栽培目的适宜采收期和刈割次数的确定提供了理论依据,同时为沙葱种质资源的保护及沙葱产业的发展提供了实践指导,有着广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Allium mongolicum Regel. , also named for Mongolia Leek, is the Allium of liliaceous,which distribute widely in hungriness, plain and dene of the northwest region and Inner Mongolia.This experimentation cut the Allium mongolicum. with different cutting frequencies ,on the manual plant condition, to study not only the effect of cutting frequencies on growth development , nutrition content ,output and so on. But also make certain the feasible harvest date and cutting frequencies, on the condition of manual plant and different plant aim. The result showed:1.There was some definite inhibit of cutting frequently in one year to every indexes of overground and underground annual Allium mongolicum. Inhibit was strengthen, with the increased of cutting frequencies:(1)Leaf fresh weight reduced to 60.1%,74.0% and 83.1%, leaf dry weight reduced to 59.2%,73.5% and 80.7%. Root fresh weight reduced to 39.5%,50.6% and 72.8% ,root dry weight reduced to 41.4%,47.3% and 70.7% .(2) Root length reduced to 5.8%,12.0% and18.4%. Root numbers reduced to 16.0%,27.0% and 44.7%.(3) Tiller numbers reduced to 19.9%,46.8% and 52.5%.(4) Bulblet diameter reduced to 20.9%,28.0% and 36.2%.2.With the increased of cutting frequencies, Allium mongolicum. bolting rate of second year reduced to 0%,40.0%,33.3% and 46.7%.Every cluster reduced to -11.0%,40.0%,31.1% and 64.4%.That was to say, if the cutting frequencies≥2 in one year, the bolting rate and bolting number of annual Allium mongolicum. would be restrained. There had not obvious influence to the bolting rate, contraries, had promotion to bolting number of every cluster.3. The biggest yield of annual and biennial Allium mongolicum.all were the TreatmentⅢ(cutting 3 times in one year). Each of yield was 212.8 kg/667m~2 and 1484.4 kg/667m~2.The single cluster yield of every treatment reduced gradually, with increased of cutting frequencies.4.Every cluster nutrition content was different appreciably. Cutting was propitious to accumulation of dry matter. With increased of cutting frequencies, soluble sugar content of annual Allium mongolicum .reduced, but had no obvious change of biennial .The appropriate cutting frequencies would promote the accumulation of leaf starch, With increased of cutting frequencies, crude fiber and fat content reduced Total flavone and amino acids content of second cluster ,cutting two times in one year (TreatmentⅡ) of biennial Allium mongolicum .,were the highest. soluble protein content was no obvious change.Sum up above result, we advise cutting once at the growth anaphase of annual Allium mongolicum . That was propitious to growth development of biennial Allium mongolicum. Biennial Allium mongolicum could cutting 4 times, but output of cutting 3 times was the highest. In order to make good use of the nutrition component, we should adopt the biennial (or above it) Allium mongolicum, and reduced cutting frequencies.This study not only supplied a gap to cutting frequencies and reaping of Allium mongolicum, but also provided the academic gist to harvest date and harvest time of different cutting aim. Furthermore, provided the practical guidance to the germplasm resource protection and industry development of Allium mongolicum. So, it has widely foreground.

【关键词】 沙葱刈割生长发育营养成分
【Key words】 Allium mongolicum (R.)CuttingGrowthNutrition composition
  • 【分类号】S633
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】164

