

1958: The New Folk Song Movement

【作者】 王芳芳

【导师】 张清华;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 发生在1958年的新民歌运动,也被称为大跃进民歌运动或文艺大跃进,这场由毛泽东发起、各级政府积极响应的群众性诗歌运动,是本文的研究对象。本文尽可能采用客观的历史资料来呈现这一非常的诗歌事件:其过程和结果、原因和背景。本文共分为四章。第一章主要呈现新民歌运动从兴起到落潮的过程。这一章又分为四节,第一节是兴起,成都会议上毛泽东的倡议收集民歌;第二节是高潮,文化部门和各级政府迅速响应,提议转化为政治任务,全国上下掀起搜集、创作新民歌的高潮;第三节是插曲,在新民歌运动方兴未艾的时候,诗坛上掀起关于新诗发展问题的讨论;第四节是落潮。第二章是新民歌的文本研究,本章分三节,第一节介绍在新民歌运动中各地出版的民歌集,本节采用列表的方式,按民族、地域、内容等不同的标准将现存的民歌集进行分类整理,以便对新民歌有更直观的认识;第二节介绍专业诗人在这一时期的创作情形;第三节从新民歌的代表文本——《红旗歌谣》来管窥新民歌的创作特色。第三章是新民歌运动发生背景和原因的分析,分为四节。第一节是政治、经济领域的大跃进形势的推动;第二节反右扩大化后,荒芜的文艺界迫切需要一个轰动的创作运动来显示文艺的“繁荣”景象;第三节,毛泽东一贯喜爱古典、民间文学,而对新诗抱有偏见,这也是他发动新民歌运动的深层原因,同时,他还期望通过这一运动实现文艺的大众化。第四节,从五四文学革命到“左联”时期到延安文艺运动,文艺大众化也始终是一部分知识分子的追求,新民歌运动正是在这样的基础上发生的。前三章是本文的重点,第四章主要是对新民歌研究的研究,重点梳理自新民歌运动结束以来的半个世纪文艺界对这一事件的认识和评价。

【Abstract】 The New Folk Song Movement which took place in 1958 is also called the Folk Song Movement of Great Leap Forward or Great Leap Forward of literature and Art. This mass poetry movement originated by Mao Zedong and responded by all governments is the main exploration of this article. It will try to present the special movement with objective information, including the process, result, causex and background. There are four chapters in this article.Chapter 1 is the process of the New Song Movement from its start to the end. There are four sections in this chapter. Section one is the start, when Mao Zedong initiated to collect the folk songs. Section two is the climax. The culture department and all levels of government immediately responded, proposing to transform it into political task, then comes the climax of composing new folk songs all over the country. Section 3 is the interlude. It comes the discussion on how to develop new poems in the Parnassus, as the New Song Movement was in its flourishing. Section four is the end.Chapter 2 is the study of the folk songs, including three sections. The first section is about the folk song collections. I will list them in a form according to the standards of nation, area, and content. I will introduce the composing of the professional poets during this period in section two. In section three, we will view the writing characteristics of the new folk songs from the representative ---- Red Flag Ballad.Chapter 3 is the background and cause analysis of the New Fork Song Movement, four sections in this part. The first section is about the cause coming from the Great Leap Forward of its political and economic fields. Section 2 presents another cause: after the anti-rights struggle and its expansion, it is in great need of a composing movement to show a so-called prosperity in the deserted literary and art circles. The deep reason for Mao Zedong to initiate New Folk Song Movement which is presented in section 3, is that he prefers classic and folk literature all along to new poems, against which has prejudice. In addition, he expects to popularize literature and art through this movement. The last cause in section 4 is that from the period of May-Forth Literature Revolution to the Leftist Association to Yanan literature and art movement literature and art popularization is the persistent pursuit for some intellectuals, on the basis of which the New Fork Song Movement comes into being.The first three chapters are the main part of this article, the forth chapter is the study of the study on the New Fork Song Movement, restructuring the cognizing and evaluation on the movement from the literary and art circle after its ending.

  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】682

