

Experimental Study of Flow Characteristics of Salinity Intrusion and the Influence on the Heated Discharge of Power Plant in Fresh and Salt Water Mixing

【作者】 宋连瑞

【导师】 郝瑞霞;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 水力学及河流动力学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 河口附近水域在一定条件下会出现不同程度海水与河水分层现象,海水在表层淡水下呈楔状沿河底向上游推进,直接影响到了两岸城市的工业用水。随着电力发展需要,许多火/核电厂位于河口地区,若采用表面冷却方式,将向环境水域排放较大废热,其在水域中的运动规律不同程度的会受到盐淡水分层的影响,该课题的研究是具有重要的学术价值和实用价值。本文通过物理模型试验,研究恒定流情况下盐淡水交汇水域盐水楔的运动规律,同时结合电厂冷却水工程实际,针对表排深取的工程布置形式分析盐淡水分层对温排放水力热力特性的影响。研究内容主要包括:(1)进行了大量的文献查阅,对盐淡水交汇水域特性有了较全面的了解,通过物理模型试验作了进一步的探索。(2)进行了模型的设计、加工、仪器设备安装和调试工作。测试了上游来流、水深和外海盐度等参数变化的各种情况下盐度和温度空间分布,获得了大量的实测数据。(3)研究了恒定情况下盐淡水交汇水域盐度分布与上游淡水径流量、下游水深和海水盐度的相互关系,测试各种组合情况下的盐度分布,分析了盐水入侵长度的变化规律。(4)分析了盐度梯度对冷热水掺混、热量运输和温升分布的影响。(5)研究结果显示,盐水分层强度随着外海盐水浓度和水深的增加而增加,随着淡水径流量的增加而减小。同时由于温排水盐度的增加,不同程度减弱了冷热水密度差引起的浮力效应,视情况不同热水层可出现在上层、中层或底层。

【Abstract】 The estuary waters nearly under certain conditions will appear in varying degrees layered phenomenon, The sea water under the surface of fresh water along the river promote to upstream. Showing a wedge-shaped , this phenomenon direct impact on the city’s industrial water.With the development of electric power needs, many of the fire / nuclear power plants locate in the estuary region. The use of surface cooling will emission greater waste heat into the water environment. In the waters ,flow motion law will be impacted by layered salt and fresh in different degree. The research is of great academic value and industrial application.Through physical model testing, study on saltwater wedge motion law in fresh and salt water mixing area. Combined with the cooling circulation water engineering by power station and its arrangement of surfer discharge and deep intake, this paper analysis the layered of salt and fresh water impact on heated discharge. Key elements include:(1) Looking up a lot of literature, documentation available, the intersection of fresh water to salt water of a more comprehensive understanding of the physical model test through further exploration.(2) Completed model of the design, processing and equipment installation and commissioning work. Test salinity and temperature distribution changes with various upstream flow, depth and initial salinity changes. Access to large numbers of measured data.(3) On a constant flow of fresh water under the intersection of salt water salinity and the distribution of upstream freshwater runoff and downstream water depth and salinity of sea water of mutual relations, testing the salinity of the distribution of saline at various combinations. Analysis of the saline intrusion of the changes in law.(4) Analysis the Impact of heat dilution, transform and temperature distribution with Salinity gradients.(5) The results showed that layered degree of salt and fresh water increases with the nitial salinity or the water depth increases, decreases with the freshwater runoff increases. At the same time, buoyancy effect caused by cold and hot water density weakened in some degree due to increased depth of the drip, so hot water layer may appear at the bottom.

  • 【分类号】TV131
  • 【下载频次】120

