

Study of Identification for Chinese Whispered Speech Based on Probabilistic Neural Network

【作者】 荣薇

【导师】 陶智;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 耳语音是一种特殊的语音交流方式。它在会场、音乐厅、图书馆和影剧院等禁止大声喧哗的场所被广泛地采用。随着移动电话的普及,人们常常需要在公共场合进行通话,为不影响他人或者保证通话的保密性可使用耳语音,为此要求移动电话有识别耳语音的能力。另外,对于喉部受损的失音患者,如能将其发出的气声自动识别出来,转换为正常音,则无疑方便了他们的语言交流。但耳语音识别问题,无论在国内还是国外,都处于前期研究阶段,所能利用的研究成果较少,加之耳语音的信噪比低等特点,识别起来比较困难。本文以实现汉语耳语音识别、提高识别率为目的,做了以下主要工作:1.通过研究耳语音的各种声学特性,分析不同特征参数在耳语音识别中的应用,提出了基于动态时间规划(DTW)和概率神经网络(PNN)两种模型的耳语音识别系统。2.对模型训练和识别算法进行软件仿真,建立用于训练和测试的耳语音数据库,并对识别算法的实时性和准确性进行测试,给出主要的仿真结果和结论。最后提出本课题今后进一步研究和改进的方向。

【Abstract】 Whispered speech is a special way for communication. It is widely used in a lot of places which could not speak loudly, such as meeting-room, library, and so on. When the mobile phone becomes more and more popular, people often need to talk with it in public. In order to talk secretly, people use whispered speech sometimes. So the mobile phone should be recognizing the whispered speech. And if we can recognize the whispered speech sound by those who have problems with their throats, and try to convert it to normal speech, it’ll be very helpful.But the recognition of whispered speech is much more difficult than normal speech because the S/N is much lower.In order to improve the rate of identification of the whispered speech, the main work is bellow:1. Based on the research of the acoustic characters of the Whispered speech, this thesis built two models of recognition system based on DTW and PNN.2 .Training models and algorithms are simulated by software. Training and testing database is established. Then real-time performance and accuracy of the system is tested and the main findings and conclusions are given. Finally, the further research and improvement direction of this subject are raised.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TP183;TN912.34
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】153

