

Analysis and Design of Dining Management System Based on SaaS

【作者】 吴慧

【导师】 杨社堂;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 SaaS(Software as a Service,软件即服务)模式是一种新型的软件提供方式,它的出现为中小企业信息化的发展注入了新的力量。目前我国餐饮业是一个集中度很低的行业,多以中小型企业为主,信息化程度极其低下。中小企业信息化难以推进,主要是面临软硬件购买及维护成本过高的问题。而新兴的SaaS软件服务模式通过将离散的软件买断模式转化为集中的软件租用模式,从而为企业同时降低一次性软硬件投资成本及维护成本提供了可能。但正当软件服务提供商们准备利用现有的系统来提供SaaS软件服务时,却发现这些在原有架构下设计出来的系统,在多系统界面、多运算逻辑、多数据结构等多企业应用方面,均无法满足SaaS软件服务模式的需要,这就阻碍了SaaS软件服务模式的推广。本文以餐饮管理系统的开发为背景,以面向对象的方法论为指导,依据面向对象的建模理论,结合设计模式相关理论,探讨SaaS模式下餐饮管理系统的软件架构的分析与设计。在研究过程中,分析了适合SaaS模式的应用架构,并且结合餐饮业管理系统的特点,分析和设计出适合餐饮管理系统的SaaS模式平台。其中,着重分析餐饮管理系统的概念模型、用例模型、活动模型;立足于对象结构模型与交互模型进行系统分析与设计;同时分析和设计了多用户数据结构。首先引入SaaS模式,介绍其涵义、服务特征以及其发展趋势展望。结合餐饮业的特点,分析SaaS模式在餐饮业应用的优势。然后分析SaaS模式的应用架构,针对SaaS模式软件成熟度模型进行叙述,分析了各种模型的优缺点。分析当前流行的复杂系统应用架构,结合SaaS模式的需求,给出了适合SaaS模式应用的高级架构。同时在此基础上设计出餐饮管理系统SaaS模式平台的基本框架。其次介绍整个分析设计过程中所基于的系统建模和设计模式理论。其中重点的介绍贯穿整个设计过程的面向对象的建模理论以及实现过程中采用的MVC模式理论。另外介绍系统开发工程中涉及的技术、框架、建模过程中使用的工具以及整个系统平台选择的理论基础。最后重点分析和设计SaaS模式餐饮管理系统平台。从业务模型分析到领域模型分析,从领域模型分析到领域模型设计等进行了详细的论述。其中基于SaaS模式特点要求,强调了多用户数据库的设计。着重以收银子系统为例,基于上述分析与设计的模型理论,给出SaaS模式餐饮管理系统的部分实现。

【Abstract】 SaaS(Software as a Service) is a new way of software providing. Its appearance has poured the new strength into the information development of small and medium-sized enterprises. In China, dining industry is a low concentric industry. Because the small and medium-sized enterprises are faced with excessive cost of the software and hardware, they difficultly step into the information time. SaaS gives them a chance to save the cost based on change from self-owned mode to host-leased mode. But when SaaS Providers want to use the current systems, they find those systems based upon traditional architect can’t support multi-enterprises with multi-GUIs, multi-logics and multi-data structures. It is not a SaaS.Based on object-oriented methodology, Dining Management System of SaaS architect is the major subject in this paper. The author steps deep into the SaaS architect and characteristics of Dining Management System, and finishes the design of the whole platform. Via coding, debugging, the most complicated part, cashier sub-system has been implemented depending upon the author’s theories.In the first part, this paper introduces the definition of SaaS, interprets its features and forecasts its trend of development. Based on the features of Dining Management System, the author analyzes the advantages of SaaS architect. Comparing with all kinds of software’s maturity models, analyzing the current popular architects in complex systems and combining the requestments of SaaS architect, a basic framework of Dining Management System of SaaS architect is designed.In the second part, the technologies of systems design and integration are introduced. Particularly, 00 and MVC design methodologies are discussed in detail.Finally, the paper highlights on designing and analyzing SaaS platform, including Business Model and Domain Model. Based on all of the above, the cashier sub-system is implemented.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1210

