

Design and Implementation of Information Security Experiment Management Based on Light-Weight JavaEE

【作者】 张志强

【导师】 彭新光;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科技的不断发展,网络教学平台在远程教育、高校教学等诸多方面扮演着越来越重要的角色。日益扩大的高校规模、分散的校区等都使得现代高校越来越倚重于网络教学模式,传统的面授教学模式受到时间、空间的限制,在很大程度上满足不了日益增长的社会教育需求,而高校校园网的迅速拓展为网络教学提供了基础设施,因此,网络教学平台在高校教学中已经被越来越广泛地应用。文章在分析网络教学平台的现状以及未来发展方向的基础上,着重介绍了一套基于轻量级JavaEE架构;采用Struts 2、Spring和iBATIS;以Web形式访问的信息安全实验平台。信息安全实验平台是一个集实验管理、课件管理、公告管理、留言板管理、论坛管理和机器管理等功能于一体的网络教学管理平台。该平台更加侧重对安全实验软件和安全实验文档的管理,管理员可以通过权限的设置来防止用户对安全实验工具和安全实验软件的随意下载和滥用,只有授权的用户才可以在特定环境下下载实验工具和软件。信息安全实验平台采用Java技术进行开发,使用Tomcat作为Web服务器,SQL Server 2000作为后台支持数据库。论文首先介绍了当今流行的轻量级JavaEE技术:Struts 2、Spring和iBATIS,然后分析了信息安全实验平台的整体需求、系统架构和整体设计,介绍了该系统的数据库设计和类层次结构设计,并且通过用户管理子模块详细地阐述了框架技术的设计过程和整合过程,同时详细介绍了该系统的具体功能模块,包括登录系统部分、基本信息管理、用户管理、权限管理、公告管理、留言板管理、实验管理和课件管理、论坛管理和机器管理,最后对该平台中主键自增、事务管理、权限设计和自定义的Html标签等关键技术进行了总结。

【Abstract】 With the development of technology, web-based teaching platform is playing an important role in distance learning. Especially in higher education, web-based teaching platform is being highly valued due to several reasons such as expansion of institutions, scattered campuses. The traditional education mode can not meet the need of the increasing education demands because of the limitation of the time and space and so on. The rapid development of campus network has provided a good infrastructure for web-based teaching platform, and has also pushed the widely use of web-based teaching platform.Based on the current situation and the future of web-based teaching platform, we develop a Light-Weight JavaEE-Based Platform - Information Security Experiment Platform, using Struts 2, Spring and iBATIS. These functions include experiment management, courseware management, bulletin management, message management, forum management and machine management.This platform emphasize on the management of experiment software and document, administrators can control the authorization in order to prevent from abuse, only the authorized user can download and use.This web-based teaching management platform - Information Security Experiment Platform adopts Java technology, using Tomcat as its web server, SQL Server 2000 as its database server.The paper first introduces the popular Light-Weight JavaEE technology: Struts 2, Spring and iBATIS, then analyses functional design and technical framework of Information Security Experiment Platform, and introduces the database design, class structure, design process, integeration process by the user management sub module, and introduces the function module of this platform, such as: login management, base information management, user management, authority management, bulletin management, message management, courseware management, experiment management, forum management, machine management in detail and summarizes some key technologies of Information Security Experiment Platform such as: self-defined primary key, transaction management, authority management and html taglib.

【关键词】 轻量级教学管理Struts 2SpringiBATIS
【Key words】 light-weightteaching managementstruts 2springibatis
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】127

