

Compilation of Fatigue Loading Spectrum of Grid Structure under Suspended Crane Loading Based on Anysys

【作者】 黄晓阳

【导师】 雷宏刚;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 疲劳载荷谱的研究是进行疲劳强度计算和疲劳可靠性分析的前提和依据。国内外关于疲劳载荷谱的研究已有很多,但大都集中在航空、机械、桥梁领域,对网架结构疲劳载荷谱的研究甚少。雷宏刚教授主持的“平板网架结构在悬挂吊车作用下的疲劳实用设计方法研究”已经获得国家自然科学基金的资助。作为该项目的子课题,本文对平板网架结构在悬挂吊车作用下疲劳载荷谱的研究进行了相关探讨。本文经过查阅大量资料,回顾了疲劳问题及疲劳载荷谱问题在国内外的发展及目前的研究动态;本文经过调研,收集整理了国内主要厂家所产悬挂吊车的相关技术参数和国内设置悬挂吊车网架的工程实例。本文利用ANSYS有限元分析软件建立网架模型,模拟悬挂吊车运行过程,经过瞬态分析,得到吊点的载荷—时间历程,从而省去疲劳载荷现场测试采样的大量繁杂工作,在此基础上通过统计计数,编制出平板网架结构疲劳载荷谱,为疲劳载荷谱的研究提供一种新的方法。最后,就本文工作做了总结,并且对下一步的研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Fatigue load spectrum is the prerequisite and basis for fatigue calculation and reliability of fatigue.There are many researches of fatigue loading spectrum both at home and abroad, but mostly concentrated in the areas of aviation、machinery and bridge. The studies on fatigue load spectrum of grid structure are few. The topic of " the study of flat-panel grid structure fatigue practical design " chaired by Professor Lei Honggang has been funded by the National Natural Science Fund. As the project’s sub-topics, this paper has made an in-depth study on the fatigue load spectrum of flat-panel grid structure under suspended crane loading.This paper looked back the development and trend of the fatigue and the fatigue loading spectrum both at home and abroad by consulting literature; this paper collected and arranged the technical data of the suspended crane produced by main internal factories and the projects of grid structure with suspended crane by surveying.This paper used ANSYS to establish grid model to simulate operation process of grid structure with suspended crane, after transient analysis, then got the load - time history of point hoist.Thereby it eliminated the large number of complicated work of fatigue load tested and sampled at the scene. Finally, on the basis of statistics, this paper worked out the fatigue load spectrum of flat-panel grid structure, and provided a new approach for researching fatigue load spectrum.At last, a summary was draw about the work of this paper, and this paper also looked forward to the further researches .

【关键词】 疲劳载荷谱悬挂吊车网架
【Key words】 fatigueloading spectrumsuspended cranegrid structure
  • 【分类号】TU356
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】555

