

Research the Superposed Energy Ingition System on Lean Burn and Fast Burn Engines

【作者】 丁宁

【导师】 乔安平;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 动力机械, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的不断进步和科学技术的不断发展,人们对物质生活的需求和生存环境的要求相应提高了。在这种时代背景下,世界各国的汽车保有量迅速的增加。然而由于传统发动机燃油经济性差和排放污染比较严重等问题,使全球范围内的生态环境进一步恶化,不仅造成了能源浪费和石油等能源危机,也同时给人类所赖以生存的生态环境提出了巨大考验。因此,节能和环境保护被列为新世纪发动机行业发展的首要目标。当前,全球范围的车辆节能和低排放要求极大地推动了发动机着火燃烧技术的研究,其中稀燃快燃是发动机燃烧技术的重要研究方向。而新型电火花点火系统的研发又是点燃式发动机实现稀浓度火花点火燃烧的关键技术之一。本文在课题组多年来对稀燃、快燃点火电路研究的基础上和发动机电火花点火基本理论的指导之下,分析和研究了发动机电火花点火系的充电过程、放电过程以及可燃混合气电火花的点火过程,采用充、放电分步等效的方法,进一步研究了稀燃快燃发动机能量叠加点火电路基本设计思想的可行性和优越性;分析和研究了传统直流升压电路的原理,在此基础上提出了三种直流升压器设计方案,并对比分析了各自的优、缺点。选择其中最佳的一种,利用电路工程软件进行参数化设计,绘制了电路图、PCB图,并自制了符合实验要求的简易的升压电路板。联系了生产厂家进行了加工和改进,随后进行了简单的性能测试;利用电路工程软件的分析功能,对比分析了升压器电压、升压器电阻、储能电容数量、点火线圈匝数比等参数变化对充、放电电路特性的影响。在此基础上完成了两种点火电路设计方案的比较,选择较好的一种进行了印刷电路板的设计和实验用点火电路主、辅助点火电路板的制作。又完成了触发电路、升压电路和点火电路的对接工作,进行了电路检测;接下来对于点火电路板进行了设备的改进,联系了生产厂家对改进后的PCB进行了加工,利用现有的设备进行了放电测试。随后,进行了系统的抗干扰设计,指出了现有设备的不足之处,并给出了相应的改进措施;最后,提出了把升压电路、触发电路和点火电路进行优化匹配和整合,并在此基础上集成到一个电路板上,制作成一个功能模块构想,描绘出了产品展望图,为稀燃快燃点火系统今后的工业化发展和应用指明了方向。对升压器进行的性能测试显示,该升压器基本性能良好,而抗电磁干扰的能力较差,但总体上可以满足实验的要求。利用现有的设备进行放电测试的结果显示,触发控制电路可以有效控制点火电路进行放电。但是由于在抗干扰问题和线路安全保护问题上还有很多不足,容易造成电火花不稳定和触发电路电子元器件的损坏,因此暂时还没有达到台架实验的要求,整套设备仍需要进一步完善。

【Abstract】 As the society and technology going on developing, the requirement of material for people is correspond to improve. During such the times’ background, the number of the cars around the world increases quickly. However, because of some problems about the traditional engine whose fuel economy is low and the emission is serious, it will lead the entironment around the whole world to deteriorate step by step. It can not only make energy source crisis, such as oil, but also it will bring us great trouble to the entironment which people’s life rely on. Accordingly, saving the energy source and protecting the environment have been ranked as the chief aim and standard of the development of the engine industry in the new century. Nowadays, the harder and harder standard of the world about the vehicle energy source economy and low emission forces the technology research on the spark-ignition combustion. During that, the lean burn and fast burn is the key research direction to the engines’ combustion technique. However, the research on the new type of the ignition system is one of the key techniques for lean burn of spark-ignition engine.At the guidance of the design ideology and the basic theory on the circuit characteristic of lean burn and fast burn ignition system, this paper analyzes and studies the charging process, the discharging process and the admixture gas’ ignition process of the ignition system. It adopts the charging and discharging equivalent method and demonstrates the basic design ideology’s feasibility and superiority of the superposed energy type of lean burn and fast burn for a further step; At the base of analyzing and studying the theory of the traditional DC/DC voltage rising circuit, it puts forward three kinds of design methods of transformer and analyzes each excellent and lack point by contrast. Choosing the best one among them, we utilize several engineering EDA software to draw the circuit diagram and PCB map, produce the circuit board which fit the experiment requirement. Then we get contact with the factory to manufacture and improve it, put up the simple performance test; By using the simulate function of the engineering EDA software, we analyze the effect of the charging and discharging circuit characteristic which due to the changed parameters by contrast, such as the voltage and the resistance of the transformer, the number of the capacitances, the ratio of the ignition loop’s number. At the base of this, the design project which compare with the two ignition circuit has been done. Choosing the best one, we design the circuit board and produce the main and the assistant ignition circuit board which will be used to the experiment; Then give an improvement to the ignition circuit board and get contact with the factory to manufacture the PCB, give a discharging test by using the equipment we own now. Later, we carry on the anti-jamming design, point out several shortcoming about the equipment and put forward a series of betterment measure; At last, put forward a conceive which integrates the circuits of the trigger, the transformer, the ignition into a circuit board and a function module, describe the future production picture, point out a direction to the industrialize improvement and application of the lean burn and fast burn ignition system.The performance test of the transformer shows that the basic capability of the transformer is nice; the anti-jamming ability toward electromagnetism is a little low. However, it can fit the need of experiment in the whole. The discharging test by using the equipment we own shows that the trigger circuit can control the ignition circuit and make it discharge. Because it still has many shortcoming on the problem of anti-jamming design and circuits’ security protect, it’s easy to make the spark unstabilize and the electronic components of the trigger circuit broken, so it hasn’t fit the need of experiment. All the equipment still needs to be modified for a further step.

  • 【分类号】TK403
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】127

