

The Implement of Interface in ATS Based on ATML

【作者】 徐理中

【导师】 廖述剑;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自动测试系统经历了专用测试系统、积木式自动测试系统和模块化自动测试系统三代的发展,取得了很大的进步,在航空、航天、国防等领域发挥着越来越大的作用。但目前通用自动测试系统依然存在应用范围有限,开发和维护成本高,系统间缺乏互操作性,测试诊断新技术难以融入已有系统等诸多不足。针对以上问题,本文遵循标准IEEE1641,用信号来描述测试需求和测试资源,使资源管理和分配以测试信号需求(测试能力)和资源信号的描述(激励能力)之间的匹配为基础自动进行;然后利用可交换虚拟仪器信号接口进行集成,编写基于信号的测试程序;同时用自动测试标记语言(Automatic Test Markup Language,ATML)对IEEE1641信号、系统配置和测试结果等信息进行保存,促进了测试系统内部各组件间、不同测试系统之间、测试系统与外部环境间信息的共享与无缝交互能力,极大地提高了测试程序的开发效率。通过这三种技术的应用,从根本上解决了仪器可互换性和测试程序集重用性、可移植性问题。本文的主要工作如下:(1)根据ATML工作组公布的STDBSC schema,STDTSF schema,STDTSFLib schema给出的基于扩展标记语言(Extensive MarkupLanguage,XML)的信号描述标准,在IEEE1641给出的信号测试定义(SignalTest Definition,STD)层状模型和信号描述模型基础之上设计了可视化的信号集成编辑器。(2)在给出信号的描述的同时,在研究ATML工作组公布的CapabiliticsDraft基础上,给出了面向信号的仪器功能描述。(3)根据ATML工作组公布的TestDescription schema给出的基于XML的描述标准,详细分析了组成一个测试操作序列的Actions,然后给出了对用户自己选择的测试操作序列的解析方法。(4)同样根据ATML工作组公布的TestDescription schema给出的基于XML的描述标准,详细分析了Test和TestGroup的组成,然后给出了它们的实现流程。(5)要实现仪器的互换性就要在测试系统中使用可交换虚拟仪器(Interchangeable virtual instrument,IVI)驱动程序,那么首先要配置系统,使得能够与仪器具体驱动程序通信。本文以具体的实例来说明如何通过第三方工具MAX(Measurement and Automation Explorer)修改存储在IVI配置文件中的仪器接口地址、驱动程序路径、初始化信息和仿真、状态查询等仪器配置信息。(6)最后在前面实现的基础上介绍了自动测试系统软件的整体实现以及测试结果的输出。目前的自动测试软件的编写,大致可分为用通用编程软件进行编写(主要有Microsoft公司的Visual C#、Visual Basic与Visual C++等)和用专业图形化编程软件进行开发(如HP公司的产品VEE、NI公司的产品LabView和Lab windows/CVI等)两种方式,我们在开发过程中统一用C#完成。

【Abstract】 Automatic test system is playing a greater role in the field of aviation, aerospace and national defense after experiencing the development from dedicated test systems to modular automatic test system and having made great progress.But the application of universal automatic test system still remains limited,which has some deficiencies of high costs of development and maintenance,vacuity of interoperability between systems,being incompatible of the diagnostic testing new technologies and the existing system.In view of the above problems,this paper follows the signal test definition according to the standard of IEEE1641,describes the test requirements and resources with a signal,which allows the resource management and distribution auto run on the basis of that needs of the test signal(test capability)match with description of signal and resources(incentive capability),and then integrates the system through interchangeable virtual instruments signal interface and codes the test program based on signal.At the same time,ATML(Automatic Test Markup Language)is used to save the information of IEEE1641 signal,system configuration and test results and so on,therefore promote the information sharing and seamless interaction ability among the system components,different test systems,test systems and the external environments and enhance the development of the test procedure efficiency.Through the above three technologies,problems of the interoperability of equipment and reusability and portability of test procedures set are fundamentally solved.The main work of this paper is as follows:(1)According to the XML-based signal description standard of STDBSC schema,STDTSF schema,STDTSFLib schema released by the ATML Working Group,a visual signal integrated editor is designed on the basis of the STD(Signal Test Definition)layered model and signal description model given by IEEE1641.(2)At the same time,a description for equipment function on the basis of the study of Capabilitics Draft released by ATML Working Group is given.(3)According to an XML-based description standard of TestDescription schema given by the ATML Working Group,Actions composing a test operation sequence are analyzed and a method of parse for operating sequence is presented.(4)Likely,according to an XML-based description standard of TestDescription schema given by the ATML Working Group,the composition of Test and TestGroup is investigated and the related implementation process is given.(5)To use IVI(Interchangeable Virtual Instrument)drivers in the test system for achieving the exchange of equipment,a system must first be configured to communicate with specific drivers.This paper gives specific examples to explain how to amend the instrument configuration information of interface addresses,driver paths,initialization information and simulation and state inquiring with the third-party tools MAX(Measurement and Automatic Explorer).(6)Finally,the implementation of ATS software is introduced and the test results are analyzed.At present,there are two ways for the development of ATS.One is generic software,such as Microsoft’s Visual C#,Visual Basic and Visual C++,etc。The other is professional graphical programming software,such as HP’s VEE, NI’s Lab View and Lab windows/CVI.In our subject,we use C#.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】388

