

Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium on Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Rice

【作者】 李玉鹏

【导师】 王贵强;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 种植, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文通过田间小区试验和室内分析相结合的方法,系统研究不同的外源氮磷钾组合,包括NPK组合、NP组合、NK组合、PK组合,在三江平原水田上的综合效应,包括对生物学效应及土壤肥力变化规律的影响,结果表明:1、从水稻整个生育期来看,不同施肥处理对土壤全N、全P、速效K含量影响都不大。有机态N变化较为复杂,其中,氨基糖态氮和未知态氮没有明显的规律性;酸解全氮在整个水稻生育期的变化则呈抛物线形的单峰曲线,NPK、NP、PK处理和CK的峰值均出现在拔节期,而NK处理则在抽穗期达到最高。各处理氨态氮均呈现明显持续下降的趋势。氨基酸态氮对不同处理的反应各不相同,NP处理在整个生育期的含量持续下降;其他处理和对照则表现出了先上升后下降的趋势。2、随着水稻生育进程的延续,单位面积地上部干物质积累量逐渐增加,前期增长缓慢各处理差异不大,后期差异较大,生育末期NPK、NK处理的积累量高于其他处理和对照。氮肥对分蘖的形成更为重要,NPK、NP和NK三个处理的最高分蘖期较PK处理和对照延长了一周左右,最高分蘖数分别为34.4、29.9、32.6。施肥对水稻株高的影响不大。3、与对照相比,各施肥处理产量均有增加,增加幅度在5.55~28.88%之间,方差分析表明,NPK、NP处理达到相同水平且高于其他处理和CK,而NK、PK处理与CK无显著差异,说明不施P产量降低,但在没有N配合的情况下施P,产量增加也不明显。不同处理间产量构成因素,以单位面积穗数对水稻产量的影响为最大(r=0.8773**),其次是穗粒重、结实率和千粒重(r=0.5364*、r=0.5356*和r=0.6037*),第三是穗粒数(r=0.5055),穗长对水稻产量的影响则最小(r=0.4112)。4、不同生育时期的含N量,拔节期和成熟期对水稻产量有显著影响,影响为成熟期全N含量大于拔节期;不同生育时期的含P量,分蘖期和成熟期对水稻产量有显著影响,影响为成熟期全P含量大于分蘖期。5、水稻生育进程中单位面积氮素的吸收符合Logistic生长曲线模型。不同处理水稻根系对氮素反应能力的差异主要表现在分蘖期,从整个生育期来看,SARN值表现出持续下降的趋势,水稻根系的氮吸收量逐渐减少,至成熟期前,单位根量几乎停止对氮素的吸收。6、不同处理的强、弱势粒灌浆特征均符合Richards方程,强势粒生长终值量NPK>NK> NP>PK>CK,弱势粒生长终值量CK> NPK > NP> NK> PK;弱势粒灌浆时间均比相应的强势粒拉得长,无论强弱势粒,灌浆前期和盛期都占据灌浆过程的绝大部分时间,且各处理之间差异不明显。

【Abstract】 In this paper, field plot experiment and laboratory analysis are studied to effects of the unit of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, including NPK, NP, NK and PK combination in rice fields of Sanjiang plain. The results show that:1. Fertilization has no significant impact on Total N, Total P, and Available K-content of soils. Changes of Soil Organic N-content are more complex under different treatments. Organic nitrogen forms change complexly, total HYD N change in the parabolic-shaped curve. Amm-N shows a downward trend, but Ami acid N has different influence on different fertilization combinations.2. Increase of dry weight of rice goes with its growing process, and the difference in early growth stage in treatments is more visible than the later. The dry weight of NPK and NK is higher than other combinations and CK. Nitrogen is more important for the formation of tillering, and the maximum tiller stage of NPK, NP and NK is postponed for one week in contrast with PK and CK, and the maximum is 34.4、29.9 and 32.6 respectively. Fertilization has less influence on the height of plants.3. In contrast with CK, other treatment yields have been increased by 5.55%-28.88%. As the results of variance analysis, yields of NPK and NP are higher than other treatments and CK, and there’s no obvious differences in NK, PK and CK, which indicates the production will be reduced when lack of P. But yields cannot be increased obviously by fertilize application alone. Ear number has greatest impact on yields(r=0.8773**), the second ear heavy, solid rate and 1000-grain weight and the third is grain number, and the impact of ear length on rice production is the smallest.4. N-content of jointing and mature stage has significant impacts on yields, and the influence of mature stage is greater than that of jointing stage. P-content at tiller and mature stage has a significant impact on yields, and the influence of mature stage is greater than that of tiller stage.5. The N absorption curve of rice accords with the Logistic model. Tiller stage is an important stage in the absorption of N in roots. In the growth phase, there is a continued downward trend of the SARN value, the absorption of N in roots almost stops at the mature stage.6. Superior and lower grain filling of rice all accords with Richards equation, and the superior final value is: NPK>NK> NP>PK>CK, and the lower final value is CK> NPK > NP> NK> PK. Filling period of IG is longer than one of SG. Whatever SG or IG, former and medium term occupies most of filling.

【关键词】 氮肥磷肥钾肥水稻田
【Key words】 NitrogenPhosphorusPotassiumrice field
  • 【分类号】S511
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】435

