

Research for Protection System for Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products

【作者】 张龙

【导师】 陈永红;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一项与农业紧密相关的知识产权,地理标志更多的与农产品联系在一起,地理标志自身的特性决定着其内在的经济及社会价值,充当着产品(尤其是农产品)产地和产品质量的指示器作用,牵涉着相关利益方之间的市场经济利益甚至是国家之间的利益关系。在国际层面上,导致多哈回合谈判失败的一个重要原因即在于各国对于是否加强地理标志保护意见的不一致,谈判的失败意味着世界农产品贸易中保护主义的抬头,在这种情况下如何利用各种有效的方式,包括地理标志产品,扩大出口,是各个国家思索和探寻的。同时我国在长期的历史发展中各地形成了众多的特色农产品资源,蕴含着地理标志开发和保护的较大潜力。我国在20多年的地理标志保护历史经验中,一些受保护的产品对当地的经济发展做出了很大的贡献,在消费者中形成了良好的口碑,如库尔勒香梨、阳山水蜜桃等等。我国的地理标志保护在为农业、农户带来助益的同时,其制度的实施和市场的实践也存在着许多的不协调甚至冲突。2008年以前我国的地理标志保护制度实行的是国家工商局和质检总局两部门共同管理的方式,在两部门的管理下部门之间的关系并未明确的做出规定,两种保护之间的权力属性也没有做出界定,使得我国的地理标志保护处于比较混乱的状态,造成了行政效率的降低、资源的浪费并使相关生产者对采取何种保护方式感到无所适从;2008年初实施的《农产品地理标志管理办法》标志着农业部也加入了全国地理标志管理中,两部门的管理上升为三部门共同管理,部门间的协调问题更显重要。因此,如何在结合国情的基础上选择适合我国的制度并对已有的制度做出完善是十分必要的,这正是本文研究的目的所在。本文首先分析了世界主要国家的四种保护模式,包括各国地理标志保护的历史和各自的制度特点;其次对我国的特色农产品资源和受保护的地理标志农产品现状作了相应的分析,并对我国的保护历史进行了回顾,在此基础上针对我国目前的保护制度进行论述和评价,指出了保护中存在的问题,同时辅以江苏阳山水蜜桃为例进行实证分析;最后在制度的选择和建构方面,研究了地理标志保护制度建构中所要考虑的各种相关因素,包括经济利益因素、社会组织管理因素、历史文化因素等。在对这些因素的研究基础上针对我国的国情选择适合我国的制度模式,并结合我国的保护现状和国外的经验提出政策建议。

【Abstract】 As an intellectual property rights closely relates to agriculture, geographical indication’s internal characters determine its economic and social values. It is the quality indicator of the products, relating to the interests of stakeholders involved in the market between economic and even relations between countries.In China’s long historical, it has formed lots of agricultural resources which has special features, containing larger potential of geographical indications development and protection. In our 20 years of historical experience in the protection of geographical indications, some of them have made great contribution on the local economic development, such as Korla Fragrant Pear, Yangshan peach, and so on.As China’s protection of geographical indications bringing benefits to agriculture and farmers, there is much disharmony and even conflict to the market practice. At present, the Ministry of Agriculture, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and General Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision jointly manage the geographical indications. The relationship between the departments has not made clear, the protection of power between the three properties also has not defined. We can say that the protection of geographical indications is in a state of confusion, resulting in the reduction of administrative efficiency, waste of resources. Therefore, how to choose appropriate protection system and to improve the current system is extremely necessary, and this is the purpose of this paper.First, this paper analyses the four major countries’protected mode, including the history of the protection and the characteristics of each system; This is followed by the analysis of the characteristics of China’s agricultural resources and the protection of geographical indications products, of China’s protection system and a review of history, making an evaluation of the current protection system, pointing out the problems of the existing protection system, also it is supplemented by Yangshan Peaches as an example of empirical analysis; Finally, on the selection of the system and construction, it studies some relevant factors to geographical indication protection system’ building, such as economic interests, social organization and management, historical and cultural factors and so on. On the basis of study of these factors, combining with China’s status and the protection of the experience of foreign policy , this paper makes it proposals.

  • 【分类号】F322
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】577

