
河南境内桑叶葡萄(Vitis ficifolia Bge.)种内形态和遗传多样性分析

Researches on the Biodiversity of the Morphology and Polymorphy Based on SSR Markers of Vitis Ficifolia Bge. Native to Henan Province in China

【作者】 王姣

【导师】 刘崇怀;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 果树学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 桑叶葡萄(Vitis ficifolia Bge.)是我国野生葡萄的一种,分布广泛,具有多种抗逆性状和优良农艺性状。本文通过对分布在河南省的5个桑叶葡萄居群162份资源进行形态学调查和SSR标记分析,旨在揭示河南桑叶葡萄的形态学和遗传学多样性,为桑叶葡萄天然居群的保护和在研究中的利用提供一定的理论和实践依据。本研究还探讨了桑叶葡萄与毛葡萄(Vitis quinquangularis Rehd.)和腺枝葡萄(Vitis adenoclada Hand.-Mazz.)的分类关系。主要研究结果如下:(1)形态学分析结果表明,新梢、幼叶和成龄叶的17个性状中有10个性状在居群间存在显著或极显著差异,所有性状的变异系数在2.6%~54.7%之间,表明河南桑叶葡萄形态变异较丰富。居群内不同性状存在不同程度的分化,居群内形态性状的平均变异程度与我国野生葡萄资源的地理分布相吻合,由南向北依次减弱。(2)应用SSR方法检测的河南桑叶葡萄在物种水平上的遗传多样性指数(PPB=92.75%,HP=0.2608,IP=0.4049)表明河南桑叶葡萄较高的遗传多样性水平,其遗传变异以居群内变异为主,居群间变异较小(GST=24.05%)。(3)基于形态性状数据得到的聚类结果与河南桑叶葡萄收集地之间的地理距离相吻合,地理距离最近的伏牛山、青要山和嵩山居群首先聚类,再与距离较远的豫北太行山居群聚类,豫南鸡公山居群单独为一支。基于SSR数据的聚类结果显示,伏牛山、青要山和嵩山居群首先聚类,再与鸡公山居群聚类,而太行山居群单独为一支,与以形态性状数据得到的聚类结果不完全吻合。相关性分析结果表明,桑叶葡萄形态变异和基于SSR分子标记分析的遗传变异(r=0.2355,r=0.2632,p>0.05)相关性不显著。产生这种情况的原因可能是这种遗传差异体现在所调查性状之外的其它形态性状上,也可能与筛选引物太少或材料不同调查时期有关。(4)本试验在分子水平上对桑叶葡萄与毛葡萄和腺枝葡萄的分类关系进行了研究,结果表明桑叶葡萄与毛葡萄的遗传距离(d1=0.0307)要比腺枝葡萄与毛葡萄的遗传距离(d2=0.1396)近的多,支持了李朝銮将桑叶葡萄归为毛葡萄亚种,而将腺枝葡萄单独列为一类的分类结果。

【Abstract】 Vitis ficifolia Bge. distributed widely with multi-resistance and good agronomic traits is a kind of wild grapes native to China. Based on the analysis of morphological and SSR markers of 162 germplasm resourses of five Vitis ficifolia Bge. populations, we aimed to reveal the morphological and genetic diversity, and provide theoretical and practical basis for the protection and research on the chinese wild grape. This study aslo analysed the Taxonomic status of Vitis ficifolia Bge., Vitis quinquangularis Rehd. and Vitis adenoclada Hand.-Mazz..The main results as follows:(1) According to the mean variation coefficients of the 17 morphological characters, the rescult of morphological analysis showed that there were high phenotypic diversities within the populations. ANOVA analysis showed that there were significant differences in most morphological traits among populations.(2) Based on SSR markers, 69 loci were amplified with 9 primers, of them 64 were polymorphic. The proportion of polymorphic loci was 92.75% at the species level, and thus the genetic diversity of Vitis. ficifolia Bge. was high. GST and Nei’s genetic diversity index analysis showed that, the high genetic variations, 24.05% and 11.83% respect ively, existed within populations.(3) The clustering results based on the morphological characters were consistented with that on geographical distribution, the nearest population of Funiu Mountain, Qingyao Mountain and Songshan Mountain classified as the first cluster, then clustered with the population of Taihang Mountain. Jigong Mountains that in south of Henan was alone as a group. The clustering results based on the SSR data showed that Taihang Mountain was alone as a group, which was not totally consistented with that on morphological characters. There was a lack of significant association between morphological and genetic variations (r=0.2355, r=0.2632,p>0.05) based on SSR markers among Vitis ficifolia Bge..(4) This study analysed the Taxonomic status of Vitis ficifolia Bge., Vitis quinquangularis Rehd. and Vitis adenoclada Hand.-Mazz.. The results showed that the genetic distance (h1 = 0.0307) bewteen Vitis ficifolia Bge. and Vitis quinquangularis Rehd. was smaller than that bewteen Vitis adenoclada Hand.-Mazz. and Vitis quinquangularis Rehd. (h2 = 0.1396). It verified the Taxonomic result that classified Vitis ficifolia Bge. as the subspecie of Vitis quinquangularis Rehd. and classified Vitis adenoclada Hand.-Mazz. as one specie made by Li Chaoluan.

【关键词】 桑叶葡萄遗传多样性分类SSR
【Key words】 Vitis ficifolia Bge.genetic diversityTaxonomicSSR
  • 【分类号】S663.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】160

