

Design and Implementation of SOA Based Auction Platform

【作者】 赵秋锋

【导师】 张广泉;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在IT网络开发中,为了更好地适应激烈的市场竞争,企业往往要求软件开发必须以更低的开发成本和更高的开发效率进行。这就要求在开发设计中使用一个优秀的,不同于传统开发的系统架构。而面向服务的体系结构(SOA)的突出特点正是能更好的复用、组装和与外部系统集成,通过使用实现SOA最佳途径的Web Service能大大降低IT网络项目的开发成本,显著提高开发效率。本文依托网络拍卖平台这个开发案例,深入探讨如何完整设计和实现SOA项目。首先简要介绍了传统拍卖的悠久历史和现今网络拍卖的类型,对该平台的特点作出充分的研究;其次针对SOA的概念和设计思路作了较详细的理论分析,包括SOA的运行环境和设计原则;然后在对现有流行的网络拍卖平台和本系统的要求作了简要分析的基础上,提出了本系统的总体设计方案,即SOA的解决方案模型;之后结合给出的面向服务的层次结构,详细地描述如何结合目前流行的开源工具实施SOA,并适当列出其核心源代码和SOA的配置脚本;最后对本次SOA设计作出总结并对后续工作给出建议。

【Abstract】 For better adapting the drastic marketing competition in the area of network development, enterprises may require the development being handled in a way of lower cost and higher efficiency, so it’s necessary to adopt good and uncommon system architecture other than traditional one. The merits of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) are great ability of reuse, composition and integration with external systems. Hence the using of Web Service (the best way of SOA implementation) can greatly reduce project cost and improve development efficiency.This article intends to describe how implement a full SOA by giving an example of network auction platform.In this article, firstly briefly introduce the history of auction and the types of current network auction system. Secondly, details the concept of SOA and design methodology, including the running environment and principals of SOA design. In the next, it gives the overall design precept based on the analysis of current auction system and its requirements. Then with the giving SOA architecture and popular 3rd tools, the article describes how to implement SOA for every tier, and also shows its core source code and deployment descriptors of SOA. At last, summarizing this research and giving the suggestions of post work.

【关键词】 拍卖体系结构面向服务架构Web服务
【Key words】 AuctionArchitectureSOAWeb Service
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】130

