

Preliminary Research of the Effective Class Education of High School Mathematics

【作者】 许莹

【导师】 朱汉林;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我们的高中数学教育不仅要使学生有广博的知识(即让学生具有较全面的知识结构,较丰富的知识内容,较雄厚的知识功底);而且要使学生有敏锐的思维(即让学生能较快地发现问题、分析问题,恰当地解决问题);能够勤奋的实践(即让学生积极投入、热情参与、大胆尝试,真正置身于广阔的社会实践活动之中).“高中数学有效课堂教学的初步研究”旨在推进广大教师对高中有效课堂教学的认识和实践,为改变低效的高中数学课堂教学提供参考,同时也是课堂教学改革的必然和归宿.本文从以下几个方面对高中数学有效课堂教学进行了探索和实践:第一,分析探索有效课堂教学的背景、内涵、原则、体现标准、基本特征、价值取向.第二,探讨高中数学有效课堂教学的模式和策略.第三,在理论研究的基础上,对日常教学中的教学实践案例进行分析研究,并进行总结和反思.希望通过高中数学有效课堂教学的研究和实施能使数学教学做到:以简驭繁,平实近人,返朴归真,循循善诱,引人入胜。

【Abstract】 Our high school mathematics education needs to provide the students with not only large knowledge base, but also logical thinking abilities and practical .operation skills. Here the knowledge base refers to comprehensive information and profound technical skills; while the logical thinking abilities are talking about the students’capability to find the problems, to find out the paths to solve them and get the results. As for the practical operation skills, I am talking about the students’passion to put all the theoretical knowledge into daily life and jobs.This essay is aiming at promoting the attention from high school mathematic teachers on their education theory and practice. In order to change the current low-efficient classroom education, the paper explores into the problem from the following aspects: Firstly,it analyzes the definition, principles, characteristics, values of effective classroom education; Secondly,it gives some research of the models and strategies of effective classroom education; Thirdly,it cites some real case to give more evidence to support the theory and make a conclusion.It is hoped that, through such a research, we can make the high school education of mathematics more easy to catch, informative, attractive and helpful.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】630

