

Preparation of Sericin Proteinic Cotton Fiber and Its Performance

【作者】 杨美桂

【导师】 陈宇岳;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 纺织工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为了将丝胶应用于棉纤维的功能化改性,以赋予棉纤维及其制品蛋白质属性,本研究采用先将棉纤维进行选择性氧化,再利用氧化后纤维中的醛基与丝胶蛋白中的氨基反应将丝胶蛋白固着在棉纤维上,从而获得丝胶蛋白棉纤维。本论文首先对氧化棉纤维及丝胶蛋白棉纤维的结构进行红外光谱分析,以说明丝胶蛋白棉纤维的制备原理和可行性。再分别考察了棉纤维及棉织物高碘酸钠选择性氧化的氧化程度、丝胶蛋白溶液的浓度、pH值、处理时间及处理温度等因素对丝胶蛋白棉纤维增重率和力学性能的影响,以获得合适的氧化棉丝胶蛋白处理工艺。最后研究了改性前后棉纤维的微观形态和聚集态结构,讨论了不同工艺条件对棉织物抗皱性能的影响,并对其吸水性、白度和染色性进行了测试分析。研究结果表明,氧化棉纤维中的醛基可以与丝胶蛋白分子中氨基直接发生化学交联反应,形成共价键结合;氧化棉纤维经丝胶蛋白溶液处理后表面变得光滑平整;氧化棉纤维经丝胶蛋白溶液处理后结晶度无明显变化,其热稳定性有所提高;不同工艺条件下丝胶蛋白溶液处理对氧化棉的增重率有一定的影响,但其力学性能基本不变;与普通棉织物相比,丝胶蛋白棉织物的抗皱性和吸水性有所提高,其白度和染色性没有明显变化。

【Abstract】 In order to achieve the protein property of cotton fiber, combinative ability between dialdehyde cellulose cotton fiber and sericin was studied in this paper. The sericin proteinic cotton fiber is expected to be obtained by treating the oxidized cotton fiber with sericin solution.Cotton fiber was selectively oxidized with NaIO4 and then the oxidized cotton fiber was treated with sericin solution. The preparation principle and feasibility of sericin proteinic cotton fiber was proved by FT-IR. And effect of different factors, such as oxidized degree, concentration of sericin solution, pH value, treating time and temperature, on the weight and the tensile properties of cotton yarns/fabric were discussed in this paper. The morphology and structure of sericin proteinic cotton fiber were analyzed by means of SEM, XRD, TG and DSC. The wrinkle resistance of cotton fabrics coated with sericin under different processing conditions was also studied, as well as their hydroscopicity, colourability and whiteness.The results show that sericin could be directly coated onto the oxidized cotton fiber without any other reagent and a covalence formed between amido and aldehyde group. After treating with sericin solution, the thermal stability of the oxidized cotton fiber improved and the surface became smooth, but the crystallinity changed little. The weight gain of oxidized cotton treated by sericin solution was also affected by the above mentioned factors, but their mechanical properties changed little. Sericin proteinic cotton fabrics showed better wrinkle resistance and hydroscopicity than original cotton fabric, meanwhile their colourability and whiteness changed little.

【关键词】 丝胶棉纤维氧化结构性能
【Key words】 sericincotton fiberoxidationstructureproperties
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TS102.211
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】206

