

The Study of Relevant Problems in Franchise of Public Utilities

【作者】 鲁岩

【导师】 黄学贤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 行政法学界对公用事业特许经营的研究,缘于近年来公共行政民营化在我国的兴起,是一个行政法学上较新兴的研究领域。公用事业特许经营问题已经引起了我国经济学界和行政学界的高度关注。随着特许经营制度在我国公用事业改革深化进行,其间发生的法律纠纷不断涌现,对于这些问题,行政法学界对现实问题的回应寥寥。本文认为:就目前而言,我国的公共行政民营化的主要围绕着特许经营的授予、监督和收回而进行的。特许经营在实际操作过程中体现出强烈的公私协力合作的意味。本文以公用事业特许经营过程出现的各类纠纷作为研究的起源,以期待将即存的事实转化为法律理论的语言,此后,再从行政法学的视角,对行政诉讼如何介入特许经营的纠纷做出具体分析。本文主要采取了以下的研究方法:案例研究法(以司法审查为基点,从具体的个案中仔细分析行政诉讼中的特许经营权纠纷)为主,辅以规范分析法((侧重于特许经营权的法律规定特点的分析从而揭示特许经营在司法审查中的定位)。

【Abstract】 With the rising of Privatization in public administration in recently years, The study of public utilities Franchise in Administrative law is becoming a newly developing research field. This problem has caused a great concerned in the circle of economy and administration in our country.With franchising system in the public utilities reform is deeply developing, the legal disputes have emerged more and more, but the circle of administrative law nearly has no response to these problems .As this paper thought, China’s Privatization public administration is mainly centered on the process of the franchise granted, monitoring and recovery. Franchise just reflects the strong cooperative meaning of public and private in the course of practical operation. This paper uses all kinds of disputes appeared in the franchise operation as the origin of studying which hoped to make the fact existed transformed as language in legal theory. Then from the visual of administrative law, the paper makes a concrete analysis of the dispute in franchise operation and how the administrative Litigation gets involved in.This paper has mainly taken the following research approaches: Law of case research (basic with the administration of justice, analyses the franchises dispute in administrative litigation carefully from the concrete case) is a main theory, complemented in normative analysis approach (laying particular emphasis on the law characters in franchises which is to make localization in the administration of justice).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】431

