

Vis-à-vis-Solve the Abnormal Mediation

【作者】 严如春

【导师】 周永坤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 关于法院调解多未涉及方式问题或者仅仅是一带而过。实践中普遍存在的背对背调解是我国法院调解制度弊端产生的主要原因。关键是构建一个能真正体现自愿合法原则的调解制度一对席调解制度,以基本解决实践层面上存在的不正当调解问题。引言,通过法院强化调解的社会政治背景、现状,法院调解制度利弊的理论综述及其反思,引出本文观点。第一章通过个案分析,描述实践中不正当调解的表现形式,论证背对背是不正当调解的根源及其与调解正当性的背离。第二章通过重调轻判的传统对法治的背离、对席调解在西方法治社会的发展及法文化基础、对席调解对公正、公平的保障和促进三个方面论证对席调解是合理调解的程式基础。第三章通过对席调解应遵守的基本原则、对席调解的程序构造、法官在对席调解中的角色定位三个方面论述对席调解应遵守的原则与程序。结语,对调解应明确规定采取当事人、诉讼参与人在场的对席方式,实现调判结合纠纷解决机制的优化改革。

【Abstract】 Previous studies on court mediation seldom discuss its concrete methods,or just make a slight mention of them.Since the main cause for defects of the Chinese court mediation system lies on "back to back mediation" practice,the key to the solution falls on the construction of a vis-à-vis mediation system,which really embraces the principles of willingness and of legality,so as to essentially solve the abnormal mediation problems in judicial practice.This paper includes the following parts.The Introduction part makes a theoretical summary of and reflection on social-political background,status-quo merits & defects of the intensification of court mediation and then leads to the author’s own viewpoints.ChapterⅠdescribes various forms of abnormal mediation through analysis of relevant judicial cases and states that "back to back mediation" is the source of it and its separation from mediation legality.ChapterⅡmakes the conclusion that the vis-à-vis mediation is the format base for reasonable mediation via three aspects:the separation of the tradition of "emphasis on mediation,contempt for judgment" from rule of law;development of vis-à-vis mediation in Western society and its legal culture base;guarantee and promotion of vis-à-vis mediation for justice and fairness.ChapterⅢstates principles and procedures to be abided by in vis-à-vis mediation from aspects of essential principles for vis-à-vis mediation;construction for its process and judges’ role in it.The Summary part suggests definite regulations should be stipulated that the vis-à-vis mediation,in which all interested parties and participators for litigation are on the scene,shall be adopted for court mediation,so as to reform and maximize the ??disputes settlement mechanism of combining mediation and judgment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】D926.2
  • 【下载频次】46

