

Examination Principles of Company Establishment Registration

【作者】 李诗茵

【导师】 冯兵;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,在我国尚无统一的商事登记立法,对于公司设立登记审查,理论界普遍认为我国已由过去的实质审查主义转变为了折中主义,但是从实际来看,随着政府行政审批部门行政效率化的要求,且不少行政法研究结果认为公司登记制度不属于行政许可而应归入行政确认,同时以减少行政审批为主要方式的行政理念正误导着审批者,致使虚假登记行为的增多,如公司注册资本虚假、利用他人身份虚假注册等,这不仅造成了社会的信用危机,而且也引发了公司设立登记公信力的下降等一系列问题的产生。同时行政审判中由于对登记时应履行的审查义务认识不一,导致法院在审理这一类案件时标准也不一。笔者试从公司的分类及因申请人不同的角度,来分析我国公司设立适用的审查原则,同时辅以公司设立公示制度,并以公司设立瑕疵的法律救济途径来约束公司设立登记申请者的信用。全文共分四部分,约3万字。其中第一部分主要分析了公司设立登记行为的法律属性,得出了其为行政确认行为。进而在第二部分介绍了公司设立登记的几类审查原则及我国法律的相关规定,由此在第三部分提出了笔者所认为的分类方法的审查原则。第四部分,在第三部分的基础上完善了因审查导致的公司设立瑕疵的法律救济方式。

【Abstract】 At present, there is no unified law of commercial registration in our country, so to the examination of a company’s establishment, the theorists generally see it has changed from the substantial examination to the eclecticism. But actually, with the demand of government efficiency and many administrative research results which classify company registration system to administrative confirmation rather than administrative license, at the same time, the administrative staff being affected by the concept of reducing the amount of application which was regarded incorrect, unauthentic registrations like using false registration capital or using others’ID, increased. This hence resulted in a series of issues including the crisis of social credit, the decline of public credit of company registration. As there is no unified understanding of the duty in examining of a company’s establishment registration, the standard of to check these cases varies. This author tries to analysis the principle of company registration examination from the viewpoint of company classification and the applicants’variation. And also with the system of company registration publication, judicature help methods of company registration flaw, the credit of the company registration applicants can be restricted.This article consists of four parts, about thirty thousands words. In Part One, it mainly analyses the legal nature of company application to lead it to administrative confirmation behavior. In Part Two, the article continues to introduce principles of company establishment registration and the relative rules in our laws. Therefore in Part three, the author puts forward her own examination principles for the classification. Based on the former part, in Part four, the author improved legal help methods for the company registration flaw caused by examination.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】162

