

The Public Interest Litigation under Modern Judicial Theory

【作者】 许红会

【导师】 黄涧秋;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,我国社会上不断出现为维护公共利益而启动的诉讼,然而,在我国至今尚且没有公益诉讼的立法。保护公共利益的诉讼行为往往因于法无据而纷纷落败,致使在公共利益保护的层面上形成了一个法律的空白和制度缺口。公益的维护已成为社会的共识,那么究竟由谁来维护?用什么方法去维护?通过什么程序维护?法益的保护方式是多样的,在法治社会,诉讼被认为是保护法益的一种普遍和有效的方式。然而,在我国的三大诉讼中,诉讼的公益保护功能是有缺陷的,如何调度有限的司法资源形成对公益的强大保护是值得我们重新思考和梳理的。公益诉讼应当说是对传统民事诉讼理论,特别是当事人和诉权理论提出了严峻的挑战。公益诉讼制度不仅是一种有效维护社会公共利益手段,它更是一种有效推进法治、构建法治社会的途径。它对于我国的司法理念、司法体制改革具有深远的意义,这也正是近期以来公益诉讼成为司法理论结合实务部门讨论的热点问题的原因所在。其认为,从保护公共利益维护正当合理的社会公共秩序的角度出发,应当尽快建立我国的公益诉讼制度。为此,本文从民事诉讼的角度对公益诉讼问题进行了一定的剖析,首先从公益诉讼的概念和理论基础入手,对公益诉讼的历史作了简略的回顾,并在考察研究了国外公益诉讼模式的基础上,阐述目前在我国建立公益诉讼的理论基础及现实依据,并通过价值分析,对公益诉讼的设立进行了框架式的构想,以期有助于推动这一制度的深入研究。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the litigations to protect public interests are constantly commenced, but China does not have legislations on public interest litigation up to now. The litigations to protect public interest often failed because of the lack of relevant laws, which results in the loophole in the law system about public interest protection. Protecting public interest has become a consensus, but the problems are as follows: who protect? how to protect? what is the procedure? The approaches of protecting legal interest are diverse. Under the rule of law, the proceedings are considered as a universal and effective manner of protecting legal interest. However, in China’s three major proceedings,the function of public interest litigation protection is flawed. So how to arrange the limited judicial resources to form a powerful public protection is worth rethinking and carding.Public interest litigation should be said to pose a severe challenge to the traditional civil proceeding theory, in particular the theory of“the parties”and the theory of“litigation rights”. Public interest litigation system is not only an effective means of safeguarding social and public interest, but also a more effective approach to promote“the rule of law”and to construct the society of“the rule of law”. It is of far-reaching significance for China’s judicial philosophy and the reform of the judicial system. This is the reason for the public interest litigation being a hot topic of judicial theory combined with practicing sector. This paper views that for the protection of public interest to justify the maintenance of social and public order, China should establish the public interest litigation system as soon as possible.Therefore, from the perspective of public civil litigation, this paper analyses of the public interest litigation. It starts with the concept and theoretical basis of the public interest litigation, and makes a brief historical review. On the basis of research of the public interest litigation modes of foreign states, this paper sets out the theoretical foundation and practical basis in the establishment of China’s public interest litigation. Through the value analysis, this paper establishes a framework of the public interest litigation in order to contribute to the in-depth study of this system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】D925
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】192

