

Study on the Impacts on the Industrial Competitiveness of Native Advertising Industry by TNCs’ M&A

【作者】 闫文

【导师】 王伟明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着广告行业对外资的全面开放,近年来跨国广告集团并购我国本土广告公司的风潮引起了业界的广泛关注。为了考察此种趋势将对我国广告业产生的影响,本课题将广告业置于宏观市场环境中,采用产业经济学中跨国并购相关理论来构建分析框架,考察在跨国并购风潮的影响下,整个广告产业竞争力的变化。本课题在学科交叉点上,从产业结构、组织管理、市场结构和专业能力四个层面展开对我国广告产业竞争力的分析。研究发现,外资并购对我国产业结构的升级是有促进作用的,这也是我国广告企业提高组织管理技巧的一个重要途径,与此同时,外资公司在国内扩张,刺激了规模经济的形成,也给我国广告企业带来严酷的竞争环境。此外,4A公司的创意和执行水平开阔了我国广告人的视野,但要更好地与中国消费者洞察相吻合,还需要广告人更多的探索。在分析了跨国并购给我国广告产业带来的各种影响之后,本文对如何快速提高我国广告产业竞争力提出了几点政策层面的思考和建议。

【Abstract】 Along with the completely opening to foreign capital in advertising industry, the trends of the TNCs’M&A to native ad agencies brought much attention these years. In order to find the impacts of this trend on the whole industry in China, this thesis put the advertising business in macro market background, analyzing the change the whole advertising industry undergoing under the trends of TNCs’M&A, and built the analyzing framework with industry economics theories on TNCs’M&A. On the cross field of the two subjects, the thesis discussed the issue in the aspects of industry structure, enterprise management, market structure and specialty competence. From the study, it’s revealed that the TNCs’M&A accelerated the upgrade of industry structure, and it’s also an important approach to the progress of management in our ad agencies. The overspread of foreign capital has simulated the forming of economics of scale, while at the same time, it has resulted in tough competition environment to native ad agencies. What’s more, the creative and executive competences of 4A agencies broaden the horizon of the native ad agencies, while some exploring is still required to fit in China consumer insights. Reviewed all the impacts, the thesis proposed some reflects and suggestions to the progress of ad industry in China from government regulation level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【下载频次】355

