

A Study on Perceived Social Support and Academic Help-Seeking of Migrant Children

【作者】 张希

【导师】 黄辛隐;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 跟随父母在城市生活的流动人口子女越来越多,他们的受教育状况正逐步为社会所关注。其中一部分流动人口子女进入公办学校读书,他们承受着很大的学习压力和心理压力。已有研究大多集中在流动人口子女教育政策、心理健康状况等。学业求助作为一项学习技能,对于流动人口子女来说也相当重要。目前,针对普通学生学业求助已有大量研究,针对流动人口子女的很少。本研究选取苏州第十二中学初一学生为研究对象,进行领悟社会支持和学业求助问卷调查。而后选取苏州市第十二中初中一年级的两个班级分别为实验组和对照组,对实验组实施为期10周的干预实验,尝试寻找针对流动人口子女的,改善其领悟社会支持水平来提高学业求助能力的有效干预途径。研究结果表明:⑴公办学校中,流动人口子女初一学生领悟社会支持与学业求助态度和学业求助行为有较高相关。其中领悟社会支持与学业求助态度呈正相关,与工具性求助行为正相关,与执行性求助行为和回避性求助行为呈负相关。这与研究假设相符,说明流动人口子女作为一个特殊的群体,在研究其学业求助时,可以把领悟社会支持作为一个影响因素。⑵公办学校中,流动人口子女初一学生男生和女生在领悟社会支持和学业求助态度上无明显差异。在学业求助行为方面,仅在回避性求助行为上有差异,即男生的回避求助行为高于女生,这符合在文理科上男女性别角色定向化的解释。⑶通过针对领悟社会支持的干预实验,流动人口子女初一学生的领悟外源性社会支持水平有显著提高,同时学业求助中求助代价水平明显降低,学业求助行为中回避性求助行为减少,这进一步说明领悟社会支持对学业求助可以产生一定影响。而求助益处、工具性求助行为和执行性求助行为无明显改变,说明短期的团体心理干预对认知和行为的各方面不是都能产生显著影响,团体心理干预有其特定的适宜内容。

【Abstract】 As increasing number of migrant children enter the local public schools, their educational condition and mental state have been widely focused recently. Most relevant researches were within the range of educational policy to common mental health. Due to the difficulty of participant collecting,there are few researches specialized on specific academic achievement and psychological dimension of migrant children. Academic help-seeking,as a basic learning skill,is necessarily important to migrant children who enter the local public schools.The students of grade seven of Suzhou No.12 middle school were selected as participants while two parallel classes were set to be experimental group and control group. Ten-week psychological intervention regarding perceived social support has been conducted in experimental group.The conclusions are the followings:⑴There is a statistically significant correlation between perceived social support and academic help-seeking of migrant children. Perceived social support is positively associated with academic help-seeking attitude and instrumental help-seeking while inversely associated with executive help-seeking and avoiding help-seeking. The results are accordant to hypothesis,which indicates that perceived social support can be considered as a possible factor of migrant children’s academic help-seeking.⑵No significant difference is found in academic help-seeking attitude and perceived social support between genders. In the aspect of academic help-seeking behavior,boys’avoiding help-seeking level is higher than girls’,which is coherent with the explanation of sex role orientedness in students’study of liberal arts and science. ⑶After the psychological intervention,migrant children’s perceived out of family support level is higher than before while the level of the cost of academic help-seeking and avoiding help-seeking is lower,which suggests that migrant children’s perceived social support has effect on academic help-seeking. Whereas, there is no significant difference in benefits of help-seeking,instrumental help-seeking and executive help-seeking.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】346

