

A Study of Practice and Inspiration on Inquiry Learning of General High School in Poor Regions of China

【作者】 卢祖琴

【导师】 宋志轶;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 研究性学习对于培养学生的创新意识和实践能力,提高学生学会学习和终身学习能力等方面有着重要意义。为了确保研究性学习在普通高中的开展,国家教育部要求全国各省市高中从2001年9月1日起都要实施研究性学习,然而我国贫困地区普通高中开展研究性学习的状况如何,面临的问题是什么,他们又是如何来开展研究性学习的?这是作为教育研究者在我国教育发展不平衡的现实面前需要关注的问题。基于此,本论文以泗县一中开展研究性学习的实践为基础,总结和反思其所获得的经验和教训,以期获得对类似地区开展研究性学习的启示。本文首先,分析归纳研究性学习的概念、特点、开展价值以及研究性学习在国内状况,提出本研究的理论基础;其次,以安徽省泗县一中为例,采取访谈和观察的方法,同时结合问卷调查的情况,具体展现泗县一中开展研究性学习的全过程:开展研究性学习的预备、具体开展过程、成果展示及评价交流,并分析其开展效果;再次,总结该校开展研究性学习的经验:校长重视,组织得力,调动学生积极性,因地制宜,培训教师;基于泗县一中的经验,我们认为它对我国类似学校的启示是:树立“学会学习”的意识,设立研究性学习三级管理体系,构建三维教师培训模式,确立研究性学习评价体系,开发研究性学习资源,建立有效监督评估机制;最后,从研究性学习的意义认识与积极实践、知识传授与探索学习、课程改革与高考压力等方面进行探索和再思考,以利于推进研究性学习的深入开展。

【Abstract】 Inquiry learning is quite significant on cultivating students’ awareness of innovation and practical ability, as well as improving their ability of "how to learn" and lifelong learning. In order to ensure that the inquiry learning be carried out in general high schools, the Ministry of Education requested the provincial and municipal high school to implement it from September 1, 2001. However, how is the implementing situation in high schools of poor regions? What problems do they face? How do they implement the inquiry learning? The problem should be concerned by our education researchers facing the unbalanced education developing situation in our country. Based on this, this paper takes Sixian high school as a case study, sums up and reflects on their experience gained and lessons learned, so as to get some inspiration for other similar schools on carrying out the inquiry learning.This paper sums up the points studied on the inquiry learning and lists the theories used in this study at the beginning, then take the first high school of Sixian as an example, presents the whole process of their implement on inquiry learning and analyzes its effect with the survey of interviews and observation in the real situation, questionnaire is used as well. Their successful experience is finally concluded as following: president concern; effective organization; motivate the enthusiasm of students; adjust measures to local conditions; teachers training. Based on the experience, we get the following inspiration to its similar schools: build up the consciousness of "learning how to learn"; set up the three-level management system; establish the teacher training model and the research-based learning evaluation system; develop the research-based learning resources; set up an effective supervision mechanism. lastly, reconsider about mquiry learning.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】116

