

Research of Automatic High-rise Warehouse Based on Modern Logistics

【作者】 潘芸

【导师】 王富东;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代化的生产系统对物流现代化的要求越来越高,而自动化立体仓库作为现代物流系统的重要组成部分,其应用越来越广泛。本文基于现代物流的应用和发展要求,着重研究自动化立体仓库的管理和控制技术,并利用人工智能理论进行货位优化。课题研究内容可分为三大部分:第一部分基础篇——以现代物流为背景,阐述自动化立体仓库与现代物流的关系、自动化立体仓库在现代物流系统中的作用;介绍了自动化立体仓库的分类、构成以及基本概念;分析了自动化立体仓库的基本作业流程和参数计算方法,为后续设计开发打下理论基础。第二部分应用篇——按照需求分析,系统设计,编程的步骤,设计和开发出一个拥有良好的“0客户端维护”和跨平台特性的自动化立体仓库管理信息系统雏型。把先进的射频识别技术引入到自动化立体仓库的货物出/入库控制中,弥补现有条码识别技术的不足。通过对一个立体仓库模型进行控制,具体实现应用PLC对堆垛机的定位及存取控制。第三部分提高篇——在实现自动化立体仓库管理和控制基本功能的基础上,对货位优化问题进行了研究。选用人工智能中的遗传算法对由货架稳定性和存取效率构成的组合多目标优化问题进行求解。算法同时可为用户提供多个优化解,以便用户根据实际情况确定最终货位分配。

【Abstract】 The requirement for modern logistics increases with the development of advanced manufacturing system. As an important part of modern logistics, the application of automatic warehouse has been increasingly popular. Based on application and development requirements of modern logistics, this paper puts emphasis on the research of control and management techniques in automatic high-rise warehouse. And artificial intelligence theory is used to solve slotting optimization. The whole paper includes three sections.The first section relates on foundation- studies organization, fundamental concepts on modern logistics and expounds performance of automatic high-rise warehouse in modern logistics system and their relationships. Primary operation flows and calculation methods of chief parameters are analyzed, which placed foundation for further study and design.The second section relates on application- develops a prototype of management information system on automatic high-rise warehouse with characteristics of“none client service”and cross- platform attribution. In this section advanced radio frequency identification is used in the control of goods flow, which covers the shortcuts of barcode scanning identification. Taking a model warehouse for example, this paper demonstrates how to utilize PLC in stacker positioning control.The third section relates on improvement- discusses slotting optimization on the basis of completion of control and management on automatic high-rise warehouse. Genetic algorithm is used to realize the multi-objects optimization, including stabilization of racks and frequency of In-Out flows. The algorithm offers several optimized options, which bring conveniences to decide the final slot considering practical situations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1439

