

The Investigation and Analysis of the Sunan Migrant Workers’ Living Condition

【作者】 曹莹

【导师】 高峰;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城市化的根本要义是实现人口的城市化,而农民工的市民化则是达致这一结果的重要方面。本文以苏南三市四地为研究地点,引入社会融入与社会隔离两个概念,运用问卷调查与深度访谈相结合的方法,以农民工的城市融入为视角,调查分析农民工的居住状况及其相关问题。全文共分为五个部分,包括绪论、研究设计、调查结果呈现、影响农民工居住状况的相关因素及政策建议、结论和讨论。调查发现,当前农民工的居住方式与城市社区存在着三种不同程度的融入状况:没有进入城市社区类型、“准城市社区”的类型和进入城市社区类型。本文认为,当前农民工存在的居住隔离主要是基于收入偏低的经济因素,户籍排除的政策因素,政府管理不当和支持体系缺乏的环境因素,以及农民工自身存在的一种“过客”心理因素。为此笔者认为政府应在改善农民工住房条件方面起主导作用,通过改革户籍制度及其衍生的其他住房、医疗、教育等制度,确保房源供给和规范租赁市场等方面为农民工提供一个可进入的城市环境;社区支持以及农民工自身素质的提高也是改善农民工居住条件、促进社会融合的关键因素。

【Abstract】 Urbanization is the fundamental meaning of the population of the city. And the migrant workers of the public to achieve this result are an important aspect. This paper used the three cities of the sunan as a survey sites, and introduce the social integration and the social isolation as two important concepts, the questionnaires and in-depth interviews are the method of combining to survey the migrant workers living situation and other related issues.The full paper is divided into five parts: the introduction, research design, survey results showed, the living conditions of the migrant workers related factors and policy recommendations, conclusions and discussion. Survey found that there exist three different levels of integration: There is no access to urban communities’ type, "quasi-urban communities" and access to the type of urban community types. This paper believes that the current existence of migrant workers living isolation is mainly based on the low-income economic factors, the registration policy factors, the Government mismanagement and a lack of support system environment, as well as migrant workers themselves in a kind of "passing through" psychological factors .For this reason the author believe that the Government should play a leading role to improve the housing conditions of migrant workers, through reform of the registration policy and its derivatives to other housing, medical care, education and other policies to ensure availability environment ,the community’s support and improving the quality of the migrant workers to improve the living conditions are also the key factors to promote social integration .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】C912.81
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】575

