

【作者】 鹿美丽

【导师】 韩仁生;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中学时期是个体身心发展非常迅速的时期,是一个人由不成熟向成熟过渡的时期。这一时期个体的心理健康状况往往影响甚至决定着个体成人以后的生活。个体的自我中心水平如何、采取什么应对方式都直接与个体的心理健康状况有关。所以研究中学生自我中心、应对方式及其对心理健康的影响,对于中学生心理健康教育具有重要意义。本研究在文献研究的基础上,采用陈明辉修订的《假象观众量表》、《个人神话量表》、肖计划编制的《应付方式问卷》以及SCL-90对1022名中学生进行调查,探讨中学生自我中心、应对方式、心理健康的特点及其相互关系,主要研究结果如下:1、中学阶段个体自我中心发展模式是曲线式的,中学生自我中心在初中阶段发展迅速,15岁时达到顶峰,此后虽然有所起伏,但发展相对稳定。中学生自我中心不存在显著的性别差异;城乡中学生只在个人神话高人一等上差异显著;独生子女与非独生子女在社会契合假想观众、个人神话不被了解、高人一等上差异显著。2、中学生面对应激情境时较多采用解决问题、求助等积极应对方式。不同年级中学生在应对方式自责、合理化、求助、幻想因子上差异显著;不同性别中学生在自责、求助、合理化应对方式上差异显著,女生比男生更多采用求助应对方式。3、中学生总体存在轻度心理健康问题;中学生存在的较明显的心理问题依次是强迫、人际关系敏感、敌对、偏执和抑郁。中学生心理健康总体状况存在显著的年级差异,其中初二学生总体心理健康状况最好,初一学生最差;中学生心理健康状况存在性别差异,女生心理健康总体水平高于男生。4、中学生自我中心与应对方式相关非常显著,自我中心的假想观众和个人神话两因子与不同应对方式的相关指向恰好相反;自我中心对自责、解决问题、幻想应对方式有较明显的预测作用。5、中学生自我中心与心理健康相关非常显著;自我中心对中学生人际关系敏感、强迫、心理健康总体状况和抑郁有较明显的预测作用。6、中学生应对方式与心理健康相关非常显著;应对方式对心理健康具有明显的预测作用,自责方式对中学生心理健康的预测作用尤其明显。根据上述研究结果,提出了增强中学生自主感和自信心,促进中学生自我中心良性发展,以及引导中学生克服消极应对方式,提高积极应对能力的教育建议,以期能为中学生心理健康教育提供有价值的参考。

【Abstract】 In the period of middle school, an individual develops rapidly in all aspects. It is also a period in which an individual grows from juvenility to maturity. The state of an individual’s mental health may affect and even decide his after life. The level of the students’ egocentrism and the kind of coping styles the students adopt are directly related to their mental health. So, it is significant to study middle school students’ egocentrism, coping styles and the affection to middle school students’ mental health.Based on overviews of former research, the Imaginary Audience Scale and the Personal Fable Scale revised by Chenminghui, the Coping Style Scale complied by Xiaojihua and the SCL-90 were used to investigate 1022 middle school students. The study explored the middle school students’ egocentrism, coping styles and the affection to middle school students’ mental health. The results show:1. The egocentrism development tendency of middle school students presents a curve model. Egocentrism of middle school students develops rapidly in junior middle school stage, peaked at the age of 15. Although there are some ups and downs since then, but the development of egocentrism is relatively stable. There are no significant differences concerning the egocentrism of middle school students on gender. With regard to superior personal uniqueness, there are significant differences between urban and rural students. Concerning the social conjunction imaginary audience, unknown personal uniqueness and superior personal uniqueness, there are significant differences between only child and siblings.2. Middle school students in stressful situation mainly adopt problem-resolution and help-seeking styles to cope, which are positive coping styles. Concerning the autopunction, rationalization, help-seeking and fantasy coping styles of middle school students, there are significant differences on grade. Also, there are significant differences on gender concerning autopunction, help-seeking and rationalization. In addition, it shows that famale students use help-seeking coping style more often than male students.3. Middle school students have mild mental health problems in general. According to the descending order, they are obessive symptoms, interpersonal relation sensitivity, hostility, paranoid and depression. There are significant differences concerning the mental health state of middle school students with regard to grade and gender. In detail, eight grade students’ mental health state is best, but seven grade worst. In addtion, famale students’ mental health state is better than that of male students.4. There is significant correlation between egocentrism and coping styles of middle school students, but imaginary audience and personal fable have reverse correlation with different factors of coping styles. Egocentrism can obviously predict the autopunction, problem-resolution and fantasy coping styles of middle shcool students. 5. There is significant correlation between egocentrism and mental health of middle school students. Egocentrism has obvious predictive effect on interpersonal relation sensitivity, obessive symptoms, mental health total state and depression.6. There is significant correlation between coping styles and mental health of middle school students. Coping styles can obviously predict mental health of middle school students. Autopunction, problem-resolution and fantasy coping styles have especially significant predictive effect on mental health of middle school students.According to the results, two pieces of advice are proposed:1. Enhance the sense of ownership and self-confidence of middle school students and guide the sound development of their egocentrism.2. Developing the middle school students’ positive coping styles and overcoming their negative coping styles to promote the level of the students’mental health.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】904

