

A Study of Lexical Cohesion from the Perspective of Metonymy

【作者】 袁静静

【导师】 卢卫中;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 词汇衔接指语篇中出现的一部分词汇相互之间存在语义上的联系,或重复,或由其他词语替代,或共同出现(胡壮麟,1994:112)。它是语篇衔接的一种重要手段。自从韩礼德和哈桑于1976年合著的《英语的衔接》一书问世以来,词汇衔接引起了国内外学者的广泛关注。有的学者对词汇衔接的理论本身进行了修正和发展,有的学者则在词汇衔接的应用方面进行了研究,这些方面主要包括外语教学、翻译理论和实践、文体学等。近年来,随着认知语言学的发展,人们又给衔接理论的研究提出了新的视角。在认知语言学研究中,隐喻一直占据显赫地位,受到研究者的高度重视,而转喻则处在次要位置。近年来,转喻研究逐渐受到重视,人们开始认识到转喻同隐喻一样不仅是一种语言手段更是一种认知和推理的过程。转喻是一种特别类型的心理映现,即通过理解一个人、物体或事件的显著部分,来认识整个人、物体或事件。它是人类重要的思维方式,是人类认识客观世界的重要手段,根植于人们的基本经验之中,构成我们日常思考和行为的方式(Lakoff&Johnson,1980)。其实,转喻更具本原性,即语言本质上是转喻的(Radden&K(o|¨)vecses,1999)。转喻思维在话语的产生与理解中都起着重要的作用。既然转喻是一种重要的思维方式且建立在邻近性(contiguity)和因果关系(causality)的基础上,那么我们就可以用它对语篇的词汇衔接进行解释。事实上,国内外对于这方面的研究还很少,国外只有Al-Sharafi(2004),国内则只有魏在江(2007)做出了初步的探索。本文中,我们在Al-Sharafi和魏在江研究的基础上,结合Radde和K(o|¨)vecses的转喻理论以及Lakoff的ICM理论对语篇的词汇衔接进行解释。本文由六个部分构成。第一章简要阐述了该文的研究主题、意义、方法和研究框架。第二章为文献回顾,对语篇的词汇衔接在国内外的研究和发展进行了简要概述。第三章首先对转喻理论的发展进行了简要概说,然后又对转喻研究的语篇基础进行了介绍,实际上是为语篇词汇衔接提出了理论基础。第四章是本文的主体部分,即用转喻理论对语篇词汇衔接进行解释。本章中我们主要从以下几个方面进行解释:概括词、同义词、上下义词和整体与部分关系词。本研究表明,Radden与K(o|¨)vecses的理论可用来解释语篇中的概括词,语篇的转喻模式可用来解释语篇中的同义词和上下义词,ICM理论和语篇的转喻模式可用来解释整体部分词。语篇的词汇衔接在本质上是转喻的,这一观点也反过来证明了转喻是一种重要的思维方式。第五章介绍了本研究的应用——特别是在外语教学上的应用:本研究对英语教学中的阅读、词汇、写作和听力都有一定的指导意义。最后一章在总结全文的基础上,指出了本研究的不足,并指明了今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Lexical cohesion refers to the linguistic phenomenon that some words which appear in the same text have certain relationship in meaning, including repetition, substitution and collocation (Hu Zhuanglin, 1994:112). Lexical cohesion is an important type of cohesive devices. Its conception first systematically appears in Cohesion in English by Halliday and Hasan in 1976. Since then, it has attracted the attention of many scholars. Some scholars try to develop the theory itself; and some others try to apply this theory into different fields, such as foreign language teaching, translation theory and practice, stylistics and so on. In recent years, with the development of cognitive linguistics, people offer a new perspective for the study of lexical cohesion.In cognitive linguistics, metaphor tends to occupy a prominent position and attracts the attention of researchers, while metonymy is taken to be less important. In recent years, people come to realize the importance of metonymy. Just like metaphor, metonymy is not only a linguistic device but also an inferential process. Metonymy is a special kind of mental mapping. People can speak and think metonymically. Metonymy allows us to focus more specifically on prominent aspects of what is being referred to, such as a person, an object or an event. Metonymic concepts are part of the ordinary, everyday way we think and act as well as talk (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). Actually, metonymy is more original, namely, language is metonymic in nature (Radden & Kovecses, 1999). Metonymic thought has an important role in the production and comprehension of discourse. Now that metonymy is an important thinking mode of human beings based on the relations of contiguity and causality, we can turn to it for interpreting lexical cohesion in English texts. Actually, there are few scholars who have done researches on this topic except Al-Sharafi (2004) and Wei Zaijiang (2007).In this thesis, based on Al-Sharafi (2004) and Wei Zaijiang (2007) and other relevant researches, we try to explain lexical cohesion from the perspective of metonymy. This thesis is comprised of six parts. The first chapter introduces our research topic, significance, methodology and general organization. In the second chapter, as the literature review, we give an account of the research development of lexical cohesion both at home and abroad. In Chapter Three, which serves as the theoretical basis of our research, we first briefly introduce the development history of metonymy, then explain the textual basis of metonymic research. The fourth chapter is our major part, in which we try to explain lexical cohesion in the light of metonymy theories. Our discussion is unfolded in terms of the following aspects: general nouns, synonymy, superordinateness and hyponymy, part-whole relationships. It is proved by our research that the category-and-member metonymy and its metonymic relations by Radden and Kovecses (1999) can be used to explain the relations between general nouns; the textual model of metonymy by Al-Sharafi (2004) can be used to account for synonymy, superordinateness and hyponymy. Al-Sharafi’s textual model and Lakoff’s theory of ICM can be used to analyze part-whole relationships. Lexical cohesive devices are metonymic relations in nature. This opinion also testifies that metonymy is an important thinking mode. Chapter Five discusses the implications of our research for foreign language teaching. This study sheds light on the teaching of English reading, lexis, writing and listening. The last chapter, as the conclusion, summarizes the whole study, points out its limitations and the directions for future research.

【关键词】 语篇词汇衔接转喻转喻关系
【Key words】 textlexical cohesionmetonymymetonymic relations
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】228

