

【作者】 于晓燕

【导师】 蔡世连;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 1990年代以来,随着改革开放的进一步深入发展,社会主义市场经济所带来的前所未有的自由、开放的风潮席卷中国,反映在当代文坛上,它呈现出异彩纷呈的多元格局。新写实、新生代等一批文学思潮在文学的苗圃里遍地开花。在其间,迟子建以她清风拂面的素朴之风安静地远离争奇斗艳的姹紫嫣红,于是对“异质”的迟子建的个案研究,将会是十分必要和有意义的。当前对迟子建的研究评论,大多选择乡土叙事、乡恋情结、叙事视角、美学意蕴、女性视角及人与自然的关系等层面来研究,这些都具有极其重要的研究意义和价值。本文试图以乡土抒情小说一脉为串起文章的红线,而迟子建作为其中的一个点,自觉地接续了废名、沈从文将之发扬光大的乡土抒情小说一脉,以故乡东北黑土地作为其文学现实与想象的起点,开启了对乡土的审美叙述。其小说体现出了一种现代人文主义的观念,即“在中国历史、文化现代转型及现代化的过程中与理性主义、科学主义以及现代科技工商对生命与人性产生的异化力量抗衡的人文性文化倾向”(孔范今语)。本文的创新之处就在于用现代人文主义对其作品进行宏观关照,以及在论述“温情对话”中探讨人与动物/非人之间实现对话的可能性。本文大致分为四部分,第一部分展示其创作的背景——“故乡”东北黑土地上的诗意之美,第二部分论述乡土的温情之美,第三部分论述乡土的神秘之美,第四部分论述乡土之上的不和谐因素,前三个部分紧扣乡土抒情小说的审美特性进行论述,三部分并行不悖,有机统一,是审美的一体三面,第四部分是审美的对立面,通过展现不和谐来达到批判现实的目的,落脚点还是在于表达自然向真、人性向善,多一些人文关怀,少一些理性色彩的理想诉求。用人文主义来制衡、规约、整合、协调科学主义、理性主义、技术主义的必要性,应该承认它们之间的差异性,允许多样化,谋求一种多元共生的文化形态。这样,历史进步过程中出现的有害于社会的健康与和谐的现象才能够得到及时的矫正,并最终实现社会的公平、公正与正义以及人与社会、自然的和谐发展。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990s,along with the further implementation of reform and opening-up policy, the unprecedented free and open wave brought about by the development of the socialist market economy sweeping across China,reflected in the contemporary literary scene. It is showing mult-pattern of the colorful diversity. New Realism,the new generation of a large number of literary trends in the literature of the nursery,bloom everywhere. During this period,Chi Zijian with her simple writing style as cool breeze blowing was quietly away from the outstanding displays.Therefore,it is very necessary and meaningful to have a case study of the "heterogeneity" about Chi Zijian.At present,researches into Chi Zijian’s works focus on local narrative,nostalgia complex, narrative perspective,aesthetic connotation,and the female perspective and the relationship between man and Nature,which possess extremely important significance and value.This paper attempts to take the local lyric novel as a thread to string the whole article together. Chi Zijian as a successor develops the local lyric novel carried forward by Fei Ming and Shen Congwen. He takes northeast native land as a starting point to open up a description of the beauty of the local land. His novels reflect the concept of a modern humanism,that is"The humane cultural orientation is formed in the process of modern transformation and modernization of Chinese history and culture contending with the forces of alienation against life and humanity produced by rationalism and scientific doctrine,as well as modern science and technology and business" (Kong Fanjin ).In this paper,the innovation lies in using modern humanism to have a macro care,as well as discussion of the possibility in "Tender Dialogue" between human and animal and among inhuman.This paper is broadly divided into four parts:the first part introduces its writing background-poetic beauty from the native land,northeast.The second part displays of the warmth and beauty of native and the third part on the mysterious beauty of native,the fourth part discusses the factors of disharmony on the native land. The former three parts expose the aesthetic property of the local lyric novel. The three parts are compatible organic unity and the unity of three Aesthetic aspects. The fourth part shows opposition of appreciation of beautiful,through the display of disharmony to criticize the reality. It aims to express the ideal pursuit of the true,human nature to better themselves,some more humanistic care and less rational demands. The necessity to balance,standardize and harmonize science doctrine with humanism lies in recognizing the difference between them,allowing diversification,seeking a multi-symbiotic cultural patterns.Thus,the phenomena in the process of history can be received timely correction,and ultimately bring about social equity,fairness and justice,as well as the harmonious development among people,society,and nature.

【关键词】 诗意温情神秘现代人文主义和谐
【Key words】 PoeticWarmthMysteryModern humanismHarmony
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】564

