

【作者】 郑玉梅

【导师】 解毅飞;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代科学技术将人类从繁重的体力劳动中解放出来,使人们有了充裕的休闲时间:但不可否认,现代科学技术的飞速进步,人的异化问题也日益突出。这种异化,对人的身体和精神产生极大的影响。“现代文明病”正在威胁着人们的身心健康。而文明、科学、健康的休闲运动是一种高级、崭新的现代生活行为,它是社会成员派遣精神压力、散发心中郁闷和青少年发泄积蓄精力的一个安全释放口,它冲击并抛弃落后、愚昧、腐朽的不良生活习惯,抑制精神污染,引导社会风气,促进安定团结。休闲运动既有如此之价值,那对国民进行休闲运动教育可见其重要性非同一般。学校教育是一个人接受休闲运动教育的黄金时期,本文对国内外教育模式展开研究,旨在创建具有中国特色的休闲运动教育模式。本文采用文献资料法、系统分析法、逻辑归纳法、专家访谈法等方法,对美国著名学者西登托普提出的运动教育模式进行了归纳分析,并对我国中小学休闲运动教育引入运动教育模式进行了重构;对我国高校各种现有体育教学模式进行了分析,构建了我国高校以休闲运动为中心的“俱乐部”式休闲运动教育模式。通过研究,初步得出以下结论:1、休闲运动教育是一种适应休闲时代发展的,通过身体运动,谋求个体身心健全发展的集竞技性、表现性、娱乐性和教育性为一体的现代教育活动。2、美国学者西登托普提出运动教育模式,突出了学生的主体地位,体现了“以人为本”的人文教学理念。3、运动教育模式通过适当的修改引入我国中小学休闲运动教育课中,可以弥补我国体育教育的不足,具有可行性和必要性。4、以休闲运动为中心的“俱乐部”型体育教学模式,注重学生终身休闲体育意识的培养和学生运动习惯的养成,同时兼顾学生的兴趣和特长,是一种较理想的高校体育教育模式。

【Abstract】 Science and technology liberate the humanity from the arduous physical labor. It enables the human to have the abundant leisure time, but undeniable, on the other hand, human’s disassimilation question is also prominent day by day. This kind of disassimilation has the enormous influence not only to human’s body, but also to human’s spirit. "Modern civil disease" is threatening people’s physical and mental health. And the civilized, scientific, healthy outdoor activity is a kind of advanced, brand-new modern life behavior. It can let the social member send the spiritual pressure, distribute the heart gloomy, and let teenagers give vent to surplus energy. It assaults and abandons backward、ignorant、moribund bad habits and customs, inhibits the cultural contamination, guides the social conduct, promotes stable and united situations. Now that the outdoor activity has value like this, we can see the unusual importance to carry out outdoor activity education to our citizen. The school education is the gold time of a person to accept the leisure movement education. This text launches research to the domestic and international educational pattern, aims at establishing the educational pattern of outdoor activity which is suitable for Chinese.This text uses the methods as follows: citing the documents, systematical analysis, logical induction, interviewing experts, etc. It summarizes and analyzes the sports educational pattern which first described by the famous American scholar Siedentop, and reconstructs to the outdoor activity education of middle and primary schools of our country which introdues the sport education model. It analyzes various existing sports teaching modes of university of our country, and constructes club type sports education pattern of our country university which take the leisure movement as the center. Through the research, makes the following conclusions:1、The leisure movement education is one kind of modern educational activity which adapts to the development of the leisure time, through the bodily movement, to seek the individual to be sound in mind and body and collect athletics、performance、entertainment and education as a whole.2、The sports educational pattern proposed by the famous American scholar Siedentop has highlighted student’s main body status and reflected the human-oriented humanism teaching idea.3、The movement educational pattern introduces in our country elementary and middle schools’ leisure movement educational class through suitable revision, may make up the insufficiency of our country sports education, and has the feasibility and the necessity.4、The club sports educational model which take the leisure movement as the central, pays great attention to the raise of the students lifelong leisure sports consciousness and the fostering of the students movement custom, simultaneously gives dual attention to student’s interest and the special skill, is one kind of ideal university sports educational pattern.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】453

