

The Study of Mechanism Analysis and Space Layout Mode of Regional Sports Tourism in Shandong Province

【作者】 邢亮

【导师】 曹莉;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 根据对旅游消费方式和旅游消费结构的调查,目前国内主流旅游市场呈现大众化、低消费、中近距离旅游的特点,属于观光旅游,文化型、享受型极少,即走马观花式的参观型旅游活动较多。而当前旅游者需要的是参与、体验、满足个性需要的旅游经历。旅游主题因此变得丰富多彩,攀岩、冲浪、蹦极、滑雪等体育旅游,已经成为当前旅游的时尚。近年来国内外有关体育旅游业区域空间结构分析和规划布局的研究正在迅速增多,但综观当前以空间结构和规划布局为主体的许多研究,大都站在了宏观的角度分析讨论如何促进大区域的体育旅游业持续稳定健康发展,从业务角度提出建议和对策,缺少运用技术方法或建立恰当的学术模型来研究体育旅游业的空间布局。本文以山东省17地市特别是重点城市体育旅游资源为研究对象,采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、实地调查法、系统分析法等研究方法,对体育旅游空间结构布局的相关理论以及基本布局模式进行探讨,就山东省体育旅游空间结构的影响因素及存在问题进行了分析,研究结论如下:1将青岛作为体育旅游中心城市,开发海上运动,进而发挥青岛体育旅游中心城市的辐射、扩展、带动作用,与烟台(烟台体育主题公园)、日照(水上之都)等周边次级城市相互补充、呼应,构建行程在三个小时以内的中程环状外围带,形成以青岛为核心,烟台、日照为边界的“核心——圈层”体育旅游发展模式。2将“泰山国际登山节”打造成国际知名旅游品牌,使其成为山东省的知名旅游项目,逐步将前往泰山的游客向被泰山光环掩盖的蒙山、梁山等低级别景区转移,带动区域内体育旅游的发展,形成体育旅游发展的“增长极”模式。3开发“济南(雪)——泰山(山)——青岛(水)”的体育旅游线路,形成体育旅游的“点——轴”模式,并依托这一体育旅游品牌线路,对沿线的蒙山、梁山、浮来山、五莲山等登山旅游产品、“枣庄——临沂”红色之旅、日照的“水上之都”进行开发,最终形成体育旅游网络布局。4构建分布有序的“点—轴”开发结构和优化区域体育旅游空间结构,是形成体育旅游网络发展模式,实现体育旅游业健康、持续发展的必然选择。5体育旅游从开始阶段的以山脉、湖泊、海洋等自然资源为主要旅游吸引物参与市场竞争,逐渐转变为注重体育旅游产品的独特文化内涵,开始发展滑雪、高尔夫、大型体育赛事观光等体育旅游产品。6体育旅游需求的目的也不再是满足单纯的健身休闲,而是转为休闲度假、文化欣赏,并融合参与性、体验性于一体,对体育旅游消费环境注重其整体性、规范性和人文性。7区域体育旅游的空间规划布局需要处理好区域内体育旅游业竞争与联合的关系,建立科学的体育旅游产品开发的时空顺序。8山东省体育旅游的规划布局可以采取梯度推进模式为总框架、“点—轴”结构模式为基本过程、网络结构模式为发展目标的基本思路。9依据山东省东、中、西三个板快的的区域经济条件,确定体育旅游的开发顺序和开发重点,并根据区域发展目标和地域特色开发相关体育旅游产品,打造以青岛为中心的中国北方海滨体育旅游度假中心、以济南为中心的山东省都市体育旅游中心、以济宁为中心的中国传统体育文化中心三个体育旅游中心,在山东省范围内形成区域互补、链接合理的体育旅游布局。10以孔子故里曲阜作为区域体育旅游中心,开发传统体育项目,围绕孔府和孟府打造中国民俗体育文化中心、中国传统体育文化中心(可以作为中华文化标志城的一部分),进一步打造“东方体育文化中心”。11以青岛为中心,烟台为辅中心,东营、威海、日照为增长极,连接成强大的海滨体育旅游产业带,构成山东省的纵向主发展轴;以山东省龙头城市青岛和省会城市济南为两个高级增长极,连接着两个城市的胶济线为轴,构成山东省的横向主发展轴,共同构成山东省“T”字形体育旅游业的发展布局。12以沿黄河的聊城、济南、滨州、东营为增长极,其中济南为中心节点,连结构成强大的沿黄河体育旅游产业带,构成山东省的主辅助发展轴,发展都市体育项目;以沿京杭大运河的枣庄、济宁、临清、德州等为增长极,其中济宁为中心节点,连结构成强大的沿运河体育旅游产业带,构成山东省的第二主发展轴。

【Abstract】 This paper is based on the investigation of sports tourism resources in Shandong Province at the view of industrial economics and regional economics. It aims to the space layout mode of regional sports tourism in Shandong Province by discussing the operation mechanism of the sports tourism’s development and the factors that influence the structure of regional tourism in Shandong Province. The study is of great significance for the development of sports tourism in Shandong Province and may be used for reference by other region. Furthermore, it may be help to the general layout of sports tourism in China, for which walk up to the world.This paper is based on the investigation of sports tourism resources in Shandong Province at the view of industrial economics and regional economics. According to operation mechanism of the sports tourism’s development, it puts forward a ladder-like outline, "dot-axis" process and network aim for development of the sports tourism in Shandong Province.By searching information, interviewing experts, field survey, systems analysis, structure evolvement of sports tourism is influenced by the resources of tourism, also by the the market mechanism. As a newly-developed compound industry, sports tourism, itself, is still growing up, so it need government’s timely and moderate control. To choose the proper mode requires economic rules and realistic conditions, including guest-home system, travel system, destination system and supporting system. Area conditions, resources conditions, the direction of economic society should be in accord with the development of sports tourism.The principal part for the development of sports tourism is government, tourism Corporation at the second place, so the development of sports tourism is the process of benefit—balancing between local authorities. According to the study, we put forward some advice as follows:1. It puts forward a ladder-like outline, "dot-axis" process and network aim for development of the sports tourism in Shandong Province. The space layout of sports tourism is a complicated systems engineering and the process of "develop—conform-- develop—conform", considering all the key factors of the space layout of the sports tourism. Overall arrangement follows the "T"—shape layout.2. Set up the association attended by government all levels, corporations, consumer representatives; Instructed by scientific development conception, issue the special layout of sports tourism in each region;3. Deal with the relationship between competition and cooperation in regional sports tourism and design the scientific sequence in the course of sports tourism’s development;4. Increase the investment of means of transportation and Jiaodong Peninsula arrives at same-city avail first to realize the admittance of each sports tourism region.5. Reinforce the layout of sports tourism lines to realize the linkage of sports tourism in each region.6. Shandong province is a complicated area which has both mountains and seas, so the resources of sports tourism also has two characters. And its cultural characters is of great diversity. How to choose the guidelines to estimate the resources in such a complex area needs us to keep on working., including the composing factors, such as resource structures, product structures, market structures etc.7. We still need to work on the issues of the developing layout of inside tourism places, sports products and net-shape development of tourism.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】909

