

The Studies of the Nuo Opera and the Sai Opera of Guyi Village

【作者】 秦佩

【导师】 吴秀华;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “傩”的出现在中国已有三千多年的历史,目前,有文献可考的记载出现在夏商时期的《周礼·夏官》中。其中便记录了“方相氏”行傩的仪式,古人类认为这一仪式蕴藏着神奇的超自然威力——一种神秘的征服自然、完善人类生存环境的力量。因而,傩与中国古代的雩祭、腊祭并列成为三大祭祀仪式,是祭祀活动中历史最久、影响最大的一种,成为中国历史上一个重要的文化现象。经过几千年的发展、变异,它至今仍在河北、贵州、江西、湖南、湖北、安徽、云南等省份的一些乡村流行。保留在河北省武安市固义村的“捉黄鬼”就是存活至今的大型傩活动。它以宏大的演出规模、激昂的精神气势,神秘的宗教色彩,丰富的表演内容,改变了学界一直以来认为“江北无傩”的观点。此外,在固义傩戏上演期间,同样由村民自发表演的舞动天地、唱响四方的赛戏,以其悠久的历史、鲜明的表现形式、深入人心的故事情节,成为固义傩活动当中不可或缺的组成部分。在查阅了大量相关文献资料之后,笔者看到,有关固义傩活动的文章,大多着眼于其外部特征、演出盛况,或以某一特定角度去研究,尚缺少具有深度、广度的理论性研究。故此,笔者于2006年10月至2008年3月间,数次来到固义村,对当地的傩活动进行实地调查。对当地傩戏艺人进行现场采访、对傩活动进行拍摄和录音,对赛戏剧本进行收集、整理。在此基础上,采用戏曲学、民俗学、人类文化学等知识,依照调查法、比较法等科学研究方法,全面地关照固义的傩活动,试图以理性的眼光向更深处挖掘,系统地研究、分析了固义傩戏与赛戏的特色和价值,并就其剧本特征、审美寓意、文化内涵等问题,形成了笔者的一己之见。笔者认为,固义傩戏与赛戏的产生、发展,是有其特定原因的。商周时期方相氏“帅百隶而时难(傩)”发展到汉唐,具有了规模宏大、场面壮观、并与艺术性较强的音乐、舞蹈紧密结合的特点。与南方傩戏人数少、表演形式灵活不同,保存至今的固义傩戏,仍具有汉唐时期规模宏大、有严格的演出时间和表演形式等特点。故而,从这一角度讲,固义傩戏上承汉唐。所不同者,固义傩戏中并无方相氏这一角色,从其演出人员来看,又与宋代傩活动相似,方相氏、十二兽、侲子等消失,取而代之的是判官、钟馗、土地神等道教神仙。“掌竹”这一角色的出现,又有力地证明了固义傩戏的悠久历史。因此,它又表现出宋代傩活动的特点。众所周知,明清时期,全国地方戏蓬勃兴起,民间秀才挥笔改编剧本,演员随之将其搬上舞台表演的情况比比皆是。固义赛戏很有可能在这个时期加入到傩戏的表演中,以求场面热闹、红火、隆重。由此可见,固义傩戏有着极为渊远的历史传承。此外,固义村本身的地理环境、村民的宗教信仰、文化娱乐方式、家族竞争因素等都从特定的角度,决定了固义傩戏与赛戏能够长久地保存于此。通过实地调查和剧本解读,笔者将固义赛戏的各个剧目,按其性质和内容分为四类:驱疫避邪的宗教剧(又可称之为“神鬼戏”);游走于人、神、鬼之间的娱人娱神戏(类似后代的神仙道化剧);娱人的历史剧(以敷演著名历史人物和故事见长);街头哑剧、滑稽剧(以调笑取乐为特点)。这些剧目,具有独特的演出体制、原生态的表演形式,其剧本结构、故事情节、人物形象、语言艺术等,也各有特色。其价值由此可见一斑。

【Abstract】 The appearance of Nuo had more than 3000 years history in China. At present,it has been recorded in book of "the Zhou Etiquette ; the Xia Dynasty’s official "in the Shangzhou time. In the book, the activity of FangXiangshi jumps nuo, was thought has the mysterious supernatural might - - one kind mystical to conquer the nature, to consummate the human survival environment the strength by the ancient. So Nuo, Xu and Zha becomes three big sacrificial offering ceremonies in the Chinese ancient times. They are the most glorious, and there influence is biggest. They are an important cultural phenomenon in the Chinese history. After several millennium development and variation, Now, Nuo was still popular in some villages of Hebei, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Yunnan.The activity of Zhuo Huanggui that is retained in Guyi village of Wu’an city in Hebei province is a large-scale activity of Nuo.In addition,the sai opera is the important constituent at Nuo performance time, which is performed by the local villagers. It has many characteristics, such as glorious history, bright manifestation, vivid plot.After consulting the massive literature, I think articles of the Nuo of Guyi village mostly focuses on its exterior characteristic, the performance grand occasion, or studies by some specific angle. It still lacked the depth, the breadth theoretical research. Therefore, I arrived Guyi village to investigate the Nuo in several times from July, 2007 from to March, 2008. I investigated the entertainers of the Nuo, photographed the activity of the Nuo, reorganized the script of sai opera. In such foundation, I use ethnology, human cultural science knowledge and the drama studies to study the Nuo of Guyi village, according to method of inspection, survey procedure, literature law, comparison test, content analytic method and so on scientific research method. I have analyzed the characteristic and the value of the Nuo of Guyi village systematically, discussed questions and so on script characteristic, esthetic implication, cultural connotation, formed my individual viewpoint.I believed that the production and the development of the Nuo of Guyi village have the specific reasons.“Fang Xiangshi leads hundred officials to carry on the activity”,this phenomenon in Shangzhou time had another kind of characteristic, such as great scale, magnificent scene, relating dance and music. With some different of the Nuo in the South, the Nuo of Guyi village has above characteristic. But, the Nuo of Guyi village does not have the role of Fang Xiangshi. Looked from its performers, also is similar with the Song Dynasty nuo activity, side, 12 beasts, Zhenzi sub-and so on vanishing, displace are Taoism deities and so on judge, Zhong Kui, god of the land. The appearance of“Zhang Zhu”had proven the Nuo of Guyi village has the glorious history. Therefore, it displays the Song Dynasty Nuo activity the characteristic. We all know that in the Ming and Qing Dynasties time, the national local opera emerges vigorously, folk scholar will write the reorganization script, the actor presents on the stage performance the situation everywhere. He has the possibility to join in the performance of the Nuo in this time, for the scene lively, prosperous, grand. So the Nuo of Guyi village has extremely the deep pool far history inheritance. In addition, the geographical environment, villagers’ religious belief, the cultural entertainment way, the family competition factor and so on all from the specific angle, had decided the Nuo can preserve for a long time .Through on-the-spot investigation and the script explanation, I divides the Nuo of Guyi village into four kinds according to its nature and the content. First, the religious play in order to eliminate evil and disease (may call it“The play of ghost and deity”).Second, walks randomly between the human, the god, the ghost amusement person amusement oratorio (a similar descendant’s deity play). Third, the amusement person’s historical drama (is perfunctory renowned historical personage and story grows perceptibly). Fourth, street corner dumb show, farce. These plays, have the unique performance system, the original ecology performance form, its script structure, plot, character image, language art and so on, also has the characteristic respectively.Their value is huge.

【关键词】 固义傩戏赛戏
【Key words】 Guyi villagethe Nuo operathe sai opera
  • 【分类号】J825
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】501

