

Comparative Study about Three Chinese Textbooks of Junior Middle School in Early 21st Century

【作者】 宋秋喜

【导师】 温欣荣;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 语文教材是教学要素的重要组成部分,随着我国基础教育课程改革的进行,语文教材建设的重要性日益显现出来,在当今的基础教育课程改革中,语文教材的改革一直是教育专家与一线教师关注的焦点之一,可以说语文教育的改革是一个系统工程,语文教材改革是这个系统工程中的一个重要环节。随着2001年7月《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》的颁布,国内出现了不同版本的语文教材,本文所选取的三套语文教材分别是人教版、语文版和苏教版。本文的绪论部分阐述了对三个版本语文教材进行比较研究的必要性及本课题研究的理论依据与方法,调查问卷部分则反映了三套语文教材在使用过程中出现的一些问题。第一章的内容既包括近二十年来语文教材的研究情况,也包括《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》颁布实施后,三套语文教材的比较研究情况。一般认为语文教材是由选文系统、知识系统、练习系统和导读系统构成,本文在第二章至第五章分别从以上四个角度对语文教材进行比较研究。对选文系统的比较研究包括中国古代文学作品、中国现当代文学作品、外国文学作品所占比例的比较、体裁的比较,选文编排体系的比较。对知识系统的比较包括知识分布的比较,以及文体知识、修辞知识、口语交际知识、写作知识的比较。练习系统的比较分别从记忆性练习、理解性练习、开放性练习这三种练习类型在三套语文教材中的设置情况进行,并且结合三套语文教材相同选文后的练习来比较练习内容的设置。导读系统的比较包括编者语、单元说明、练习提示、插图、注释、名著推荐导读等内容的比较。由于三套语文教材均有写作、口语交际、综合性学习的内容,在本文的第六章,就三套语文教材的写作、口语交际、综合性学习进行比较研究,全文通过以上五个角度的对比研究分析三个版本语文教材的特点。结语部分是对全文进行的概括性归纳,并对语文教材中的一些不足之处进行简要评析。

【Abstract】 Chinese textbooks are important part of education elements. As China’s basic education curriculum reforming,the importance of Chinese textbooks building increasingly become apparently, in the current basic education curriculum reform, education reform has always been the focus of front-line teachers and education experts, it can be said that Chinese textbooks reform is an important part of curriculum reform.With the July 2001 "full-time language courses compulsory education standards (trial version)" promulgated, there have different versions of the Chinese textbooks, the paper selected three versions:the Chinese textbook of People’s Education Press, the Chinese textbook of Jiangsu Education Press, the Chinese textbook of Chinese Press.This paper introduction described the need of compare about three versions, and the theoretical basis for research and methods, the survey part reflect some problems about the three versions used in the process. Chapter 1 including literature review the contents of both the 20 years of language teaching materials research conducted in order, including curriculum standards after the promulgation and implementation of the three versions research summation addition. Chinese texebooks are generally believed that text system,knowledge system, training system and guide system components, the paper chapter2 to chapter5 from the perspective of above four parts comparative study. On the text system, including the comparison about the proportion of ancient Chinese literary works, contemporary Chinese literary works, foreign literary works,genre comparison, the scheduling of the text system comparison.On the knowledge systems, including the distribution of knowledge, as well as knowledge of style and rhetoric knowledge, knowledge of oral communication, writing knowledge comparison.On the practice systems, respectively from the memory practice, understanding practice, opening practice, and combining the same practice after text to compare the contents of settings.On the guide system comparison including editor’s note,unit explain,illustrations, notes,and recommended about the famous works. As three sets of writing, oral communication, the composite learning content, chapter 6 in this paper are comparative study of those three parts. Conclusion part is the transcription of the general summarized, and some brief assessments about the shorcuts of the three versions.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1864

