

The Reading Teaching Practice under the Guidance of Spirit of Dialogue

【作者】 张永霞

【导师】 李永伟;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着《基础教育课程改革纲要(试验)》和全日制义务教育及高中语文课程标准的陆续颁布,语文课程改革进入了一个新阶段,一些新的理念也随之涌来。其中,对话理论就是一个备受关注的焦点,它本来是关于引导人们如何遵循平等、互动等原则,通过话语交流而达到有效沟通的理论,源自西方,具有平等、开放、互动、生成等内涵。然而,由于国内缺乏对话理论学理的研究,没有现成的案例、经验可以参考。在阅读教学实践中,教师对对话的运用往往偏离了对话的平等、开放、互动、生成等基本要义,在理解上存在着种种偏差,甚至出现了诸多误区,例如,对话的神化、泛化,将对话误解为交谈或讨论等等。因此,笔者分析了这些偏差和误区,认识到人们在运用中往往过多地关注了对话的形式,而没有关注对话的实质,最重要的是对话者在对话过程中缺少对话精神。在此基础上,笔者借鉴国内外专家、学者的理论研究成果,提出“对话精神”的概念,并提出对话精神指导下阅读教学的实施原则、实施流程以及实施策略,以期对当前的阅读教学在理论和实践方面有一定的指导作用和借鉴意义。论文首先从哲学解释学、接受美学、主体间性哲学等角度分析了阅读以及阅读教学的本质,即阅读的本质是对话,阅读教学是一种对话过程,而且是教师、学生、文本、文本编者之间的一种多重对话过程。这是因为:文本意义的不确定性为对话提供了条件;文本语言的模糊性为对话提供了必要性;文本内容的把握需要对话。这一论点也为下文展开论述打下了理论基础。其次,论文结合案例分析了阅读教学实践中存在的种种误区并提出对话精神的内涵。当前存在的主要误区有:对话被简单理解成问答,造成学生难以表达真实想法,从而隐藏了自己的真实意图;对话被误解为讨论,致使阅读教学成了或无文本,或无主题,或无教师的辩论、争执过程等等。论文通过案例的分析揭示出问题存在的根本原因,即,这些阅读教学实践没有真正体现对话精神的民主、平等、尊重、信任,互动、生成等内涵。在此基础之上,笔者提出阅读教学应彰显对话精神,并借鉴戴维·伯姆、滕守尧先生以及国内学者对对话精神的理解,明确了对话精神的内涵,指出阅读教学是体现对话精神的教学,并进一步分析其具体体现。最后,论文在理论研究的基础上,提出了阅读教学的实施原则、实施流程以及实施策略。一是对话精神指导下的阅读教学实施原则的,即(一)民主、平等、尊重原则;(二)合作、沟通原则;(三)开放性原则;(四)生成性、创造性原则等。二是总结了阅读教学实践在对话精神指导下的实施流程:(一)教师、学生与文本之间的对话;(二)创设情境,确定话题;(三)以对话精神为指导,研讨话题;(四)形成对话结果,拓展利用;(五)自我对话三是提出了对话精神指导下阅读教学实践的实施策略:(一)设计话题策略;(二)情境设置策略;(三)师生与文本对话策略;(四)师生、生生对话策略。总之,论文从理论与实践两个角度展开,力图通过案例分析,在总结经验教训的基础上,提出阅读教学应彰显对话精神,并应以对话精神指导阅读教学实践,从而保障阅读教学顺利、有效地实施。

【Abstract】 Along with the "basic education curriculum reform outline (pilot)" and the full-time compulsory education and high school language course standard successively promulgated, the language curriculum reform has entered a new stage, a number of new concepts ensuing influx. The theory of the dialogue has the focus of attention, it guide people how to follow the principles of equality and interaction, this theory through the exchange of discourse to achieve effective communication originates from the West, and it includes the content generation of equal, open, interactive and so on.However, due to lack of the study of dialogue theory domestic and no off-the-shelf cases and experience can make reference to the reading teaching practice. Teachers when use of the dialogue often deviated from the generation of basic meanings of equality, openness and interaction of the dialogue, there are many kinds of deviations in understanding, and even a lot of misunderstanding, for example, the deification of dialogue, generalized dialogue and misunderstanding dialogue as conversation or discussion, and so on. Therefore, the author analyze these deviations and errors, recognize that people often use too much attention in the form of the dialogue, but don’t concern the essence,the most important thing is that the interlocutors in the dialogue process is lack of the spirit of dialogue. On this basis, I draw experts and scholars’results of theoretical studies domestic and foreign, the "spirit of dialogue", and put forward the principle of the implementation of the reading teaching, the implementation process and the implementation of strategies under the guidance of the spirit of dialogue to play a certain guiding and learning role in the reading teaching theoretical and practical aspects in the current period.First, the paper put forward the nature of the reading teaching and reading from the inter-view of the philosophy ,philosophical hermeneutics, acceptance aesthetics and so on, the nature of reading is dialogue. Reading teaching not only is a process of dialogue, but also a multiple dialogue processes between teachers, students, text and the text editor. The reason is that: the meaning of the text of uncertainty provided the conditions for dialogue; text of the fuzzy language of the need for dialogue; text of the content to grasp need the dialogue. This argument lay a theoretical foundation for below.Secondly, the paper analyzes the various errors with the teaching of reading practice and put forward the spirit of dialogue connotations. At present the major errors: dialogue was simply a quiz, the students can hardly express the real thoughts to hide their true intentions; dialogue has been misunderstood for discussion, which became debate or dispute process without teaching or reading text or without theme, or without teachers,. Papers analysis of the root causes of the problem, namely, those reading teaching practice did not truly reflect the generation of the spirit of democracy, equality, respect, trust, interaction,. On this basis, I put forward that reading teaching should highlight the spirit of dialogue, draw David Bohm,Teng Shouyao and domestic scholars’understanding about the spirit of dialogue, and clear the connotation of the spirit of the dialogue, point out that the teaching of reading is the teaching of the spirit of dialogue, and further analysis of its specific expression.Finally, in the paper, on the basis of theory, I put forward the principle of the implementation of the Teaching of Reading, the implementation process as well as the implementation strategy. First, the implementation of the principle of dialogue on the reading teaching in under the guidance of the spirit, namely, (1) democracy, equality, respect principle (2) cooperation, communication principle (3) a principle of openness, and (4) generation, creative principle . Second, it summed up the implementation process of the practice of reading teaching under the guidance of the spirit of dialogue: (1) the dialogue between teachers, students and the text (2) create the context to determine topic (3) discussion topic under the guide of the spirit of dialogue (4) format the results of this dialogue, expand to use (5) Self-five dialogue. Third, it is reading teaching practice implementation strategy proposed under the guidance of the spirit of dialogue: (1) design topic strategy (2) situational setting strategy, (3) teacher, students and the text dialogue strategy, and (4) teachers and students, students and students’dialogue strategy.In short, paper put forward the view from two perspectives of the theory and practice, I give the vision that the reading teaching should highlight the spirit of dialogue in a bid of example analysis through the case studying,the reading teaching practice should be guided under the spirit of dialogue to protect the teaching of reading smooth and effective implementation.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】315

