

Exploration and Analysis of the Nature upon the Middle School’s Chinese Teaching Materials Literary Selected-system

【作者】 王建民

【导师】 林岩;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国中学使用的多是文选型语文教材。从构成要素上看,这类语文教材一般包括文选系统、助读系统、作业系统和知识系统,这四个方面相辅相成,有机结合。其中,文选系统是文选型教材的核心。它指的是根据语文课程标准或语文教学大纲规定的选文标准或选文原则所选取的课文系列,是语文课堂教学的基本内容。传授语文知识,训练语文能力,进行思想教育,培养审美情趣,提高语文素养,主要以文选系统为凭借。近年来,随着新课程的发展,以及人们对人文素养的高度关注,“语文教材文选系统的文化”研究越来越受到重视,研究数量呈现逐年增多的趋势。但是其中绝大多数的研究只停留在对语文教材文选系统的文化现象进行简单地划分和罗列上,并没有抓住语文教材文选系统的文化特质,失之肤浅,这样,不利于语文教材的建设,影响语文教材的使用,进而导致语文教学的低效。语文教材文选系统的文化“非特质化”研究有其主要的内外因素。从外在因素看:语文丧失“精神支柱”;从内在因素说:语言本身是一种文化,语言与文化具有同构性。我们从文化与语言的特质关系入手,才能更准确地把握语文学科的性质特点,明确语文的主要任务,并由此发现语文教材文选系统的文化特质:“言语—语言”文化。探究语文教材文选系统的文化要体现语文学科的特点,应以相关理论为指导,如语言学、教育文化学、语文课程与教学论、文学理论和文章学等理论。在此基础上,本论文建设性地提出在语文教材文选系统里分析“言语——语言”文化的方式:焦点性言语内容突破,并运用此分析方式对人教版《普通高中课程标准实验教科书·语文(必修)》文选系统中的古诗部分作示例分析,将理论与实践相结合。以语文教材文选系统的“‘言语——语言’文化”为基础来研究语文教材文选系统的文化等问题,将会给语文教材与语文教学的研究与实践带来一个新的视角,促使该研究回归本位;但同时也存在着困惑,这些将在本论文的结语中涉及到。

【Abstract】 At present, China’s middle schools mainly use the selected literary as the Chinese teaching materials. Looked from their integrants, these kind of materials generally include the literary selections system, reading assist system, the work systemand, the knowledge system. these four aspects complement each other as an integration.Among them, the core of the teaching materials is the literary selections system. It refers to the selected text series which is based upon standars of the Chinese courses or of the teaching guideline or its principles of the selection.Its the essential content of Chinese teaching.Teaching of language knowledge, language proficiency training, and carrying out ideological education, and cultivating aesthetic taste and improveing quality of the language are maily relied on the literary selections system.In recent years, along with the new curriculum development, people place great emphasis on the humanities accomplishment , the researches of“the culture in the literary selections system”arouse more attention,and the research quantity presented the tendency which increases year by year. However, the vast majority of researches merely remained in the study of cultural phenomena and a simple division of the list., and did not grasp the cultural essence(spirit) of the literary selections system.In this case,it’s not conducive to Chinese teaching material building and will influence the use of materials, which will lead to the inefficient language teaching.The culture nonessentialism in the literary selections system is formed by internal and external factors.From the external perspective, Chinese will lose "the spiritual prop"; but from the internal perspective, language itself is one form of culture, the language and the culture has the isomorphism. Studying the essential relationship between the cultural and linguistic can be more accurately grasp the nature of language subjects, clearify the main task of Chinese teaching, and then become aware of the cultural essence in the language materials: Speech - Language culture. Exploring the culture in Chinese teaching should reflect the characteristics of the relevant theories as a guide, such as linguistics, pedagogy, curriculum and teaching of language and literature theory and the theory of the article. On this basis, this thesis put forward an analysis method on "Speech - Language" cultural approach in the literary selections system of Chinese teaching materials :Breaking through with focus on the content of speech,and practise it in the system on some ancient poetry examples of "Senior High School Standard Experimental Textbook ? Chinese (Compulsory)”(People’s Education Press)To study the culture within the system of Chinese teaching materials with the method of ’Speech - Language’ culture" as its base will bring a new perspective to the research and study in Chinese teaching materials and teaching and urge this research return standard as well. But,simultaneously, there are some puzzles exist, and will be discussed at the end of this thesis.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】944

