

Comparative Research of Aesthetic Education Strategy in Junior and Senior Middle School’s Classic Poetry Teaching

【作者】 曹亚平

【导师】 刘静;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着语文新课程改革的不断推进,语文的美育功能越来越受到广大语文教育工作者的重视,古典诗词教学以其所蕴涵的丰富的美育因素成为语文教学中对学生进行美育的重要途径。然而,目前初、高中古诗词教学现状却不容乐观,其美育效应也并未凸显出来。为了深入了解初、高中古诗词美育教学的现状及其原因,笔者对河北、河南两省的石家庄、邢台、新乡等市和县区的多所学校初、高中学生及教师进行了问卷调查。通过对回收的有效问卷的分析与反思,发现造成古诗词教学低效、无趣的主要原因是教师对古典诗词美育因素认识不够深刻,长期以来对教育对象的身心发展特点的极大忽视,致使在古诗词教学中不能依据教育对象的变化而采取恰当的教学策略。学生是一个发展着的群体,从初一到高三,历时六年,他们的年龄在增长,其审美心理和审美能力也在发生着变化。可许多教师却没有充分认识到这种潜在的变化,在初、高中古诗词教学中依然采用着几乎雷同的教学方法和策略,致使原本魅力无穷的古诗词成了学生眼中冷冰冰的枯燥文字。针对这些问题,本文试图依据教育心理学、审美心理学、接受美学和语文教育学等相关理论,以初、高中学生审美心理差异的研究为出发点,分析了初、高中古诗词教学不同的美育目标,从美育的角度探讨了初、高中古诗词教学策略的共性与差异,并在此基础上分析了为促进古诗词教学美育策略的实施,教师所应具备的基本素养。以期为初、高中语文教师古诗词教学的具体操作提供一些借鉴,为古诗词教学有效落实美育功能提供一些有益的帮助。全文分为四章,主要内容如下:第一章首先分析了古诗词教学中的美育因素,然后对古诗词教学美育现状调查作了分析,最后针对教学中存在的问题及目前古诗词教学美育研究领域存在的不足,提出本论文要探讨的问题及研究意义。第二章依据初、高中学生的心理特点分析其审美心理的不同,进而结合语文课程标准分析、比较初、高中语文不同的美育目标,明确初、高中古诗词教学应采取不同策略的目标依据。第三章是本论文的重点部分。基于古诗词自身的特点,使得该文体的教学呈现出独有的教学规律,从而使其美育教学在不同学段不可避免地要面对一些共性的策略。本章首先探讨了初、高中古诗词教学美育策略的共性问题:重视诵读、品味语言和分析意象、品味意境。其次分析了初、高中古诗词教学美育策略上的差异。基于教育对象的不同特点,差异性应是主要的:教学前,为学生搭建的阅读心理支架不同;教学中,分析、拓展文本的方法不同;讲授诗词鉴赏理论的深广度不同。最后提出了古诗词美育教学中应注意的问题:注意发挥不同学段古诗词教学活动层面之美;正确认识和处理不同学段中美育与应试的关系。第四章主要探讨为促进古诗词教学审美教育的有效实施而对教师提出的要求。本章主要探讨了四个问题:首先,为使不同学段的古诗词教学永葆对学生的魅力,初、高中语文教师要具备整体教学观念,以便从自己所教学段学生的特点及所选古诗词内容出发设计符合学生身心发展特点的教学策略。其次,教师在教学中要有美育的意识,要关注学生的审美个性养成。第三,为提高自身的审美素养,教师要掌握中国古典诗词有关常识,积蓄文化素养,学习一定的美学理论知识。第四,语文教师要掌握娴熟的教学技能,熟练驾驭教学语言,具有运用现代信息技术的能力。

【Abstract】 Along with the new curriculum reform of Chinese is being continuous impelled, more and more teachers who teach Chinese take much count of the function of aesthetic education of Chinese, the rich esthetic education factor in the classic poetry teaching becomes an important way in Chinese teaching. However, initially, the present situation of esthetic education factor in junior and senior middle school is actually unoptimistic; its esthetic education effect has not been highlighted. For the inquire deeply the present situation, the author made survey research in many junior and senior middle schools of Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Xingxiang. I analyzed and reflected through these working papers, and discovered that teacher is not very profound to the classical poetry esthetic education factor creates the ancient poetry teaching is low efficiency, since long time neglecting the body and mind’s development characteristic, causes not to be able to adopt the appropriate teaching strategy in the ancient poetry teaching based on the education object change.Students are the developing community, from the first day to high third grade, lasts for six years, their age are increasing, its esthetic psychology and the esthetic ability is also occurring is changing. But many teachers actually do not have to understand fully to this kind of latent change, at the beginning, in the high Middle Ages poetry teaching was still using the nearly identical teaching method and the strategy, the cause charm infinite ancient poetry has become in originally the student eye the icy arid writing. In view of these questions, this article attempts based on the educational psychology, the esthetic psychology, to accept esthetics and the language pedagogy and so on correlation theories, take the junior middle school, the high school student esthetic psychology difference’s research as the starting point, has analyzed at the beginning, the high Middle Ages poetry teaching different esthetic education goal, has discussed at the beginning, the high Middle Ages poetry teaching strategy general character and the difference from the esthetic education angle, based on this and analyzed to promote the ancient poetry teaching esthetic education strategy implementation, the basic accomplishment which the teacher should have. Take the time as the junior middle school, the high school language teacher ancient poetry teaching’s concrete operations provides one to use for reference, carries out the esthetic education function for the ancient poetry teaching to provide beneficial help effectively. The full text divides into four chapters, the primary coverage is as follows:The first chapter analyzed in the ancient poetry teaching esthetic education factor, then has made the analysis to the ancient poetry teaching esthetic education present situation investigation, finally aims at the question which and the present ancient poetry teaching esthetic education research area existence insufficiency in the teaching exists, proposed the present paper must discuss question and research significance.The second chapter based on the junior middle school, the high school student’s psychological characteristic analyzes its esthetic psychological the difference, then the union language curriculum standard analysis, the comparison junior middle school, the high school language different esthetic education goal, is clear about at the beginning, the high Middle Ages poetry teaching to adopt the different strategy the goal basis.The third chapter is the key part of this thesis. Based on ancient poetry own characteristic, causes the teaching rule which this literary style the teaching presents is in sole possession, thus causes its esthetic education teaching the section not to face some general character inevitably at schoolmate strategy. This chapter has first discussed at the beginning, the high Middle Ages poetry teaching esthetic education strategy general character question: The value reads aloud, savors the language and the analysis image, savors the ideal condition. Next has analyzed at the beginning, in the high Middle Ages poetry teaching esthetic education strategy difference. Based on the education object’s different characteristic, the difference should be main: Before the teaching, the reading psychology support which builds for the student is different; In the teaching, the analysis, the development text’s method is different; Teaches the poetry connoisseurship theory the deep breadth to be different. Finally proposed in the ancient poetry esthetic education teaching should pay attention question: Attention display not schoolmate beauty section ancient poetry teaching activity stratification plane; The correct understanding and processing not schoolmate in the section the esthetic education with the relations which takes an exam.In the fourth chapter, discussed the request to teachers based on the promotion of the rich esthetic education. This chapter has mainly discussed four questions: First, to cause schoolmate the section ancient poetry teaching not to preserve forever to student’s charm, the junior middle school, the high school language teacher must have the whole instruction idea, in order to and chooses the ancient poetry content from oneself teaching section student’s characteristic to embark the design to conform to the student body and mind development characteristic teaching strategy. Next, the teacher must have the esthetic education consciousness in the teaching, must pay attention to student’s esthetic individuality to foster. Third, is enhances own esthetic accomplishment, the teacher must grasp the Chinese classical poetry related general knowledge, the savings culture accomplishment, studies certain aesthetic theory knowledge. Fourth, the language teacher must master the adept teaching skill, controls the teaching language skilled, has the utilization present information technology ability.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】953

