

Current Situation and Research on Countermeasures of Required Volleyball Courses of Physical Education Specialty in Colleges and Universities in Hebei Province

【作者】 李亚龙

【导师】 霍行琪;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高等院校体育教育专业是基础教育体育教师的“母机”,承担着为中小学输送新型合格体育教师和为大众体育运动输送基层体育指导者的重大任务。排球必修课程作为高校体育教育专业课程体系的一门主干课程,在体育院系的教学中占有重要的地位,对体育教育专业人才培养有着不可忽视的作用。通过必修课的学习,可以使学生掌握排球运动的基本理论、基本技术及基本技能,使学生具备组织排球教学和课余训练工作能力等,为他们走上工作岗位打下良好的基础。因此,排球必修课的教学质量直接影响到培养人才的质量。长期以来,我省由于受传统观念与意识的影响,排球课程沿袭着以运动技术教学为主的传统,竞技运动的一整套方法、规则制约了排球教学、群体活动和比赛,不利于学生的培养与时代的要求,不能满足现代社会发展的需要和学校体育教学改革的要求。随着“素质教育”和“健康教育”的提出及全民健身计划的深入实施,健康观念在人民生活中的形成,排球教学应改变原有的教学观念与模式,以提高排球运动的普及,使排球运动在大众体育与中小学的学校体育中发挥越来越重要作用。本文采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法,对河北省12所高校体育院系体育教育专业排球必修课程教学的现状进行了调查与分析,并进行了较为系统的研究。本人查阅了大量有关对体育教育专业排球课程教学的文章,我省关于高校体育教育专业排球必修课程教学改革方面的论文很少,所以,对我省的研究还不够全面和深入。因此,本文对我省高校体育教育专业排球必修课教学现状进行了全面深入的调查和研究。研究结果表明:1.教育观念落后,“重竞技、轻素质和能力”的指导思想已经与时代发展不相符合;课程目标符合社会发展需要,但在实际的教学中没有得到有效地贯彻2.课程设置不完善,课程偏重于技战术知识的传授,实践能力培养不足;教学时数压缩过多,导致教学目标难以完成;排球必修课程开设时间不统一。3.技战术教学内容过于繁冗,忽视了学生排球能力的发展和综合素质的培养。4.师资队伍学历、职称结构、知识结构、业务水平、自身素质还有待提高。5.教学方法与手段的使用上,仍以传统教学方法手段为主,教学方法及手段更新速度太慢,尤其是现代多媒体技术手段的使用率偏低;教学场地、器材设备有待进一步改善。6.在考核评价体系方面,只重视学生理论知识及运动技术的评价,而忽视学生能力的评价;只重视结果的评价,而忽视过程的评价;考核中主观因素影响过大;理论考试不规范,技术考试过于呆板、枯燥。7.教材内容陈旧,必修与专修教材通用,缺乏启发性与趣味性。机遇与挑战并存,困难与希望同在。如何在新形式下根据学生的实际情况和社会需求,及时调整、改革和优化河北省高校体育教育专业排球必修课程,进而不断提高排球教学质量,是今后教学改革中亟待解决的问题。因此,本文从转变教育观念、完善课程设置、优化教学内容、加强师资队伍建设、改进教学方法手段、改善教学场地和器材设备、完善考核与评价体系、完善教材体系等方面来诠释今后河北省高校体育教育专业排球必修课程改革的策略。本文通过研究力求使我省的排球教学真正适应时代发展的潮流,走在时代的前列,充分体现以学生为主体和以学生发展为本的教育思想,使排球教学在加强基本理论和基本技能教学的基础上,突出学生创新能力的培养和综合素质的提高,从而培养能够胜任中小学的排球教学、训练和竞赛组织工作,并能从事学校体育科学研究、社会体育指导等多元化应用型排球人才,以拓宽学生的就业渠道,为今后提高学生的就业率奠定基础。同时为我省高校体育教育专业排球必修课程教学改革提供可借鉴的理论基础,也为我国高校体育教育专业排球必修课程教学的改革积累经验。

【Abstract】 Content: As the source of physical teachers of elementary education, physical education specialty undertakes the significant missions of sending new-type and qualified physical teachers to primary schools and middle schools and sending guides to masses sports.As main course of physical education, the required volleyball course occupies an important position in teaching of sports yards, playing an important role in cultivating speciaties. After learning the required volleyball course, students can master fundamental theory, fundamental technology and basic skills of volleyball games, and they can have abilities of organizing volleyball teaching and training after school and so on. It lays good basis for them to take up their working position. Therefore, the teaching quality of required volleyball course has direct impact on the quality of training talented persons.For a long time, owing to the effect of traditional ideas and consciousness, the volleyball course has been following the tradition of giving first place to the teaching of motion technology. The whole set of methods and regulations of athletics has been restricting volleyball teaching, group activity and competition, failing to meet with the need of the development of modern society and the request of school sports educational reform. With“quality education”and“health educate”suggested and the nationwide body-building plan going into deep, healthy concept forms in people’s life. Volleyball teaching should change the original teaching concepts and patterns so as to improve popularizing volleyball moves, making it play more and more important role in masses sports and school sports of primary and middle schools.This article, with the literature material, the survey procedure, expert interview, the mathematical statistic and analysis, investigates and analyzes the current situation of professional volleyball teaching in Hebei Province, and carries out comparatively systematic research. The author has looked up large amount of articles about the volleyball course,but few is about educational reform of required volleyball course in colleges and universities in our province, so the research on our province is fairly insufficient. Therefore,this thesis carries on full and thorough investigaion of current situation of required volleyball courses of physical education specialty in colleges and universities in Hebei ProvinceThe results indicate: 1. Educational concept has been out of date, the guiding ideology of valuing atheletic and ignoring quality and ability does not accord with the development of the times already. The course target accords with the need of social development, but has not been carried out effectively in actual teaching.2. Courses offered are not perfect. The course is inclined to impartment of skill tactics,ignoring the traning of practice ability; teaching periods are overcompressed, making it difficult to fulfil the teaching aims; the time of setting required volleyball course is not consistent.3. Courses content of skill and tactics have been excessively verbose, ignoring the development of students’volleyball ability and the foster of synthetical quality. 4. The ranks of teachers educational background, academic structure, structure of knowledge, professional competence, self’s quality remain to be improved. 5. It still gives first place to traditional teaching methods, renewing slowly, and the using of modern multimedia should be improved;teaching space and material equipment remain to be improved further. 6. In the field of the examine evaluation, it only pays attention to the evaluation of students’theory knowledge and sports technology, but ignoring students’ability seriously; it pays attention to the evaluation of results only, but ignoring the process; the effect of subjective factor is too great; theory examination is not so standard,and technology examination is excessively stiff and dull.7. Teaching material is obsolete, the only teaching material applied, lacking inspiration and interests.Opportunity coexists with challenge, difficulty coexists with hope. Basing on students’realities and social demand, it is an urgent problem to be solved to adjust, reform and optimize required volleyball courses in colleges and universities in HeBei Province, and to improve the teaching quality. Therefore, this article annotates tactics of volleyball courses reformation of physical education specialty in colleges and universities in Hebei Province from changing education concepts, perfecting courses offered, optimizing contents of courses, strengthening ranks of teachers, improving teaching methods, improving teaching conditions, improving assessment and valuation systems, perfecting teaching material system and so on.By studying, this paper wants to make our volleyball teaching follow the steps of times, even ahead of it, embodies the education thought of taking student as the main body and taking the students’development as basis, lays stress on the cultivation of students’innovation and improvement of synthetical quality on the basis of reinforcing fundamental theory and basic skills teaching, so as to cultivate talented volleyball specialties who are competent for volleyball teaching in primary schools and middle schools, training and organization of matches, who can be engaged in research on science of school sports and serve as guides of society sports, to broaden the students’employment channel, and establish a basis for improving students’employment in the future. At the same time, it provides our province’s educational reform of required volleyball course of physical education specialty in colleges and universities with rationale theoretical basis, and also accumulates experience for our country’s educational reform of it.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】657

