

Analysis Tang Xianzu’s Zhiqing Thinking

【作者】 王海慧

【导师】 王俊才;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 汤显祖是我国明朝中晚期一位伟大的戏剧家,他的著作《牡丹亭》、《南柯梦》、《邯郸梦》、《紫钗记》(即“临川四梦”),之所以为历代所喜爱和推崇,除了在戏剧艺术上的成就外,更主要的原因是“临川四梦”所包含的作者的进步思想,即“至情”主题的宣扬和对以“情”为基础的人性的关注。明代初期,程朱理学被奉为官方哲学,取得了独尊的地位。从宣扬“天理至上”发展到“以理杀人”,理学的森严统治到了极点。到了中期,具有思想解放意义的阳明心学逐渐崛起并得到广泛传播,在士大夫心里占据了主要地位,实现了明朝中后期的思想启蒙。在这样的时代背景下,随着自身对现实的体会逐渐加深,以及受罗汝芳、达观和李贽等师友的影响,汤显祖反观人的本性,开始了对“至情”理想的追求和对程朱理学的挑战。“临川四梦”可谓是四颗重磅炸弹,不仅在文学艺术界,而且在思想观念领域都有震聋发聩的作用。但是,毕竟理学的观念是根深蒂固的,他并没有完全抛弃正统理学的思想,作品中多处包含了对理学的妥协。但尽管如此,汤显祖的“至情”思想因符合了时代的发展要求、喊出了许多人的心声而对当时和后世的思想界和文学界带来了深远的影响。关于汤显祖的研究从他的作品问世之后就开始了,不同时代、不同身份的研究者选取了的不同的研究重点。有人研究其作品中的文词鉴赏、曲律辩证,有人研究其作品中的精妙情节及其讽刺意味,还有人关注到了作品中戕害自然本性的精髓等等。这些研究成果加深了人们对汤显祖作品的理解,然而,这些研究大都是从文学和戏曲的角度入手的,从思想层面对汤显祖及其作品进行深入研究的作品很少。鉴于上述情况,本文选择了从思想角度入手,对汤显祖及其作品进行尝试性探析。首先,本文根据“意识取决于一定物质条件”的哲学原理,详细闸述了汤显祖所处的时代环境和个人成长经历对其思想形成的影响,其次,在总结了前人研究的基础上,分析了汤显祖“至情”思想产生的思想根源,再次,本文深入的研究了汤显祖作品中所渗透的“情”的思想及其从“一点情痴”到“生死为情”的升华,并重点阐述了汤显祖关于“情”与“理”的关系的观点,得出如下结论:汤显祖虽然“主情”,但并不是单纯的要以“情”代“理”,而是驳斥虚理、张扬实情,基于真情、维护合理,统一理欲于真情。主张以情为主而情理兼顾,即以“情”抑“理”、以“理”助“情”。从而成为中国古代史上第一位用形象语言展示新型情理关系的学者。

【Abstract】 Tang Xianzu is a great dramatist,Late in the Ming Dynasty,China.The reason why hisWorks"The Peony Pavilion","Nake Dream," "Handan Dream," "Purple Hairpin"("Linchuan Four Dreams"),are liked and respected by People of Different times,in addition to the achievements of Dramatic Art,the main reason is that "Linchuan Four Dreams" contains the author’s progressive thinking,promote the theme of"Zhiqing" and concern the humanity based on the passion.Beginning of the Ming Dynasty,Neo-Confucianism was enshrined as the official philosophy,and achieved overwhelming position.From"The supremacy of Jurisprudence"to the "Jurisprudence Murder",the heavily guarded rule of jurisprudence to the extreme.To the medium-term,Yangming’s mind gradual rised and Widespread,which had the Significance of ideological emancipation,it occupy a major position in the heart of the Literati and achieve the enlightenment of thinking in the late Ming dynasty.In such a Background of the times,with his own experience of reality gradually deepened,as well as the impact of the Friends,such as Luo Ru-fang, Li Zhi and DaGuan.Tang Xianzu Re-thought human Nature,began to pursuit of "Zhiqing" ideal and challenge the Neo-Confucianism."Linchuan Four Dreams" can be said to be four heavy bombs,can be rouse the deaf not only in the literary arts,but also in The field of ideas.But,after all,the concept of Neo-Confucianism are deep-rooted,he has not completely abandoned it and his works include many Compromise to the Neo-Confucianism.Nevertheless,tang Xianzu’s Zhiqing thinking meets the development requirements of the time,so it brought a far-reaching implications In the ideological and literature,At that time,and future generations.on the basis of Aggregate predecessors’s research,through my reading,study the relevant information.The research of Tang Xianzu was Start from his Works Come out.The researchers Selected different focus because Different times and different identity. Some people researched the expressions Appreciation of tang Xianzu’s works,Some people researched the Sophisticated plot,Some people research the Ironically,and Some people Concerned the Quintessence of tang Xianzu’s works—Harmed the natural nature.These research results Deepen people’s understanding of the works of Tang Xianzu,Nevertheless,The most of the research are pase the Focus on the literature and the opera of the hia works.the research which in-depth study the works of Tang Xianzu From the level of thinking was very few.In light of the above,This paper chose to start from the ideological point of view, to Trial Analysis Tang Xianzu and his works.First,According to the philosophical principle "consciousness depends on a certain material conditions," This paper Detailed Descriptioned the environment of tang Xianzu’s times and personal growth were worked on on ideological formation,Secondly,on the basis of summing up the previous research,Analysis the source of Tang Xianzu "Zhiqing" thinking,thirdly, this paper in-depth research the passion thinking Infiltrationed in the works of Tang Xianzu and the Sublimation from "a little passion"to" life and death for passion",as well as This paper focus on the Tang Xianzu" passion "and" Neo-Confucianism "of the view,and concluded:Although Tang Xianzu Advocated "support passion",but it is not simple to use "passion" replace the"Neo-Confucianism,but to take The two balanced,harmonic reunification,use"passion" curb the"Neo-Confucianism,use "Neo-Confucianism" help "passion".so he becomed the first Scholars in Chinese ancient history who Display new relationship of passion and Neo-Confucianism with a image language.

【关键词】 汤显祖至情思想探析
【Key words】 Tang XianzuZhiqing thinkingAnalysis
  • 【分类号】I207.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1626

