

An Analysis on Factors Influencing the Development of Young Children Basic Gymnastics in Shijiazhuang City

【作者】 李淑慧

【导师】 徐华;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 幼儿基本体操是指以学龄前儿童为主要对象,以徒手操动作为主,辅以简单的以简单的技巧动作,加上形式多样的队形变化和造型,配上鲜明欢快的音乐,集体团结协作完成的一种体育活动,它是一项集健身性、大众性、竞技性、娱乐性为一体,形式简单,实效性强的幼儿体育项目,具有突出的健体、健心和娱乐等价值,深受幼儿喜爱。它有别于竞技体操运动中的幼儿体操训练,而是更加遵循幼儿生长发育规律,从幼儿的生理特点、心理特点、认识规律和肢体运动特点出发,引导和促进幼儿身心健康发展,从而达到科学、自然、身心合一的教育目的和教育手段,在健康教育和促进幼儿身心发展方面更具有实践意义。是实现幼儿体育活动任务和对幼儿实施素质教育的重要手段之一,对幼儿全面发展有重要意义。河北幼儿基本体操发展起步相对较晚,普及面相对狭窄,从2000年至今石家庄市已经连续举办了七届表演大会(2003年由于非典停办一届),除此之外,石家庄市这几年连续选派十二支幼儿园代表队参加了全国表演大会,共获得了六个一等奖,先后四次获得全国通讯评比的一等奖。使幼儿基本体操在石家庄得到了迅速发展,显示出了项目旺盛的生命力。为了更好的宣传和推动该幼儿项目健康、稳定和有序的发展,有必要对幼儿基本体操发展的影响因素进行研究。本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法和数理统计法对影响石家庄幼儿基本体操发展的因素进行研究。通过分析得出以下结论:1.石家庄幼儿教师群体处于年轻化趋势,精力充沛,学历程度一半以上是大专,大部分教师执教年限短,教学训练经验不足,科研水平不强、运动经历缺乏、能力结构也不够全面。2.家长对幼儿基本体操了解不够,他们支持孩子参加学习训练和表演的主要原因是因“孩子喜欢”,其主动参与意识不强。3.幼儿基本体操资料信息较缺乏,幼儿教师获取资料的渠道不够宽泛,缺乏交流。4.影响石家庄市区发展幼儿基本体操的影响因素主要为领导的重视程度,幼儿教师幼儿基本体操水平,家长对项目的了解和认同,经费问题,政府及有关部门的支持程度,幼儿体操表演大会的规程赛制。针对目前影响我国表演性幼儿基本体操运动发展的因素,提出如下建议。1.提高幼儿园基层领导的重视程度2.基层单位应通过多渠道,多形式筹措资金,加快表演性幼儿基本体操场地、器材和设施建设。3.加快表演性幼儿基本体操师资队伍建设,完善幼儿教师培训体系。4.加强政府及相关部门的支持5.保持基本体操的特色使幼儿基本体操发展平衡、避免“重表演、轻普及”的情况。6.借助电视、报刊、互联网等新闻媒体的力量来播发表演性幼儿基本体操的资料和信息,进一步加大宣传力度。争取更多人的支持。7.石家庄幼儿基本体操组织领导部门应建立完善的管理机制,督促幼儿基本体操组织领导机构开展工作,如培训教师,组织表演和比赛等。

【Abstract】 Young children basic gymnastics is a kind of team sport practiced mainly by preschool children, featured by empty-handed physical jerks supplemented by simple techniques, diversified formation and model, and brightly-rhymed music. It combines body-training, mass participation, competition and entertainment together, simple but practical. The sport is quite popular among young children for its body-training, psychological training and entertainment values and serves as an important means to involve children into sport activities and to implement quality education for children, which is significant to the overall development of the young children.The practice of the young children basic gymnastics in Hebei province started relatively late with comparatively narrow coverage. From 2000 Shijiazhaung city has held 7 exhibition games (2003 exhibition game is suspended because of the SARS epidemic). Besides, the city has selected 12 kindergarten teams to participate the national exhibition games and won six first prizes and four first prizes by the national media, which spurs the development of the young children basic gymnastics and shows the vitality of the sport. In order to better propagandize and promote the healthy, steady and ordered development of the sport, it is necessary to carry out the research into the factors influencing its development.The methods of literature documentation, questionnaire, interviewing experts, logical analysis, and mathematic statistics are deployed in the research into factors influencing development of young children basic gymnastics in Shijiazhaung city.The following are the conclusion made through analysis:1. The major factor influencing basic gymnastics development of young children in Shijiazhuang city is leaders’ attitude. Although a majority of leaders in the kindergartens support basic gymnastics development of young children, yet some still do not give enough attention to the sport due to the lack of understanding.2. The coach group is young and energetic with high education level. However, they lack the ability to do scientific research due to their short of teaching and training experience and incomplete ability-structure. They need further study and improvement.3. The parents do not have enough understanding of the sport. They support their children to participate training and performance of sport because "their children like it" but with little active involvement.4. The organizers of young children basic gymnastics in Shijiazhaung city dedicate themselves to the course of children education without concerning the payment and make great contributions to the development and popularization of the sport. However, due to the aging of the leadership, the recruit of young carders is necessary.5. Notwithstanding the abundance of the documents and information, the coaches do not have enough channels in getting them due to lacking of communication.6. Young children basic gymnastics has been integrated into the education plan as an important physical education and body training means in kindergartens in Shijiazhuang city. Although it has become a grand occasion, its development is still not balanced due to structure problem which "stresses more on performance while pays less attention on popularization".The following suggestions are proposed concerning the factors affecting the, development of young children basic gymnastics in China.1. Raise the awareness of leadership in kindergarten level.2. Speed up construction of the site, equipment and facilities for the performing young children basic gymnastics in kindergarten level.3. Improve teacher-training system so as to speed up the training of teachers for performing basic young children gymnastics.4. Seek supports from government and relevant departments.5. Preserve the basic features of young children basic gymnastics with a balanced development so as to avoid the problem of "stressing more on performance while paying less attention on popularization".6. Further strengthen the propaganda by publicizing the documents and information of performing young children basic gymnastics through media such as television, newspaper and magazine, and internet so as to win more support. 7. Built a sound management mechanism so as to supervise the leaders in charge of young children basic gymnastics work to organize well in training of teachers, performance and competition.

  • 【分类号】G613.7
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】459

