

Research on Our Citizens’ Right to Access to Higher Education

【作者】 刘风云

【导师】 薛彦华;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 权利一直是人们追求的目标,公民受高等教育权的实现是社会发展和个人素质提升的有效手段。马丁·特罗(Martin Trow)的高等教育发展大众化理论说明,在大众化阶段,接受高等教育从少数出身好或天赋高或两者兼备人的特权成为具有一定资格的人的权利。我国法律已把受高等教育权作为法律权利确定下来,并提出了一系列保障措施。然而,权利的实现是一个逐步发展的过程,在我国现阶段,公民的受高等教育权在实现过程中还有许多问题需要给予注意和解决。本文共分四部分,第一部分是引言,该部分主要介绍了本项研究的意义、本领域的研究现状、研究的思路和方法。第二部分对受高等教育权及有关概念进行了界定,并论述了我国公民受高等教育权的特点和内容。受高等教育权的一般特点包括:权利的法律规定性、权利主体的平等性、受高等教育机会排他性、权利实现的收益性,在我国现阶段还有权利主体的特定性与广泛性、权利实现的不平衡性等特点。根据受高等教育权产生、发展的时间顺序,其内容包括开始阶段的受高等教育机会权、过程阶段的受高等教育条件权、结束阶段的获得公正评价权,三者共同组成完整的受高等教育权。第三部分研究了我国公民受高等教育权的权利保障,这一部分以我国当前教育立法和有关国际人权文件为背景,以权利的保障为切入点,以事前保障为考察主线,论述了我国公民受高等教育权的立法保障和行政执法保障。第四部分探讨了我国公民受高等教育权的救济,这一部分对受高等教育权司法救济的可行性进行了分析,结合具体案例分析我国当前受高等教育权被侵害时可采取的不同救济途径,并提出完善救济制度新渠道的建议。

【Abstract】 Right always is the goal people pursue, the realization of citizens’right to access to higher education is an effective way of social development and individual quality promotion. Martin Trow’s higher education development massification theory showed that, in the massification stage, receiving higher education has changed from either the talent or the minority’s privilege who own good family background into certain people’s right. Our country’s law has determined receiving higher education as a legal right, and proposed a series of safeguard measures. The right realization, however, is a process which develops gradually, in such process, presently; many problems need attention and solution.This article is divided into four parts; the first part is the preface, mainly introducing the significance of this research, the present research situation in this domain, and the research planning and the methods. The second part defines the concept of right to access to higher education and related ones, and elaborates the characteristics and content of our citizens’right to higher education. the common characteristics include: legal regulation of right, the equivalence of object, the exclusiveness of higher education opportunity, the instability of right realization, in addition , the specificity and universality of object, and the imbalance of right realization in present stage of our country. According to time order of right to higher education development, its content consist of the higher education opportunity right in the initial stage, the higher education condition right in the process stage and the fair appraisal right in conclusion stage, which compose the integrity of higher education right. The third part has studied the safeguard of our citizens’higher education right, and it elaborates our citizens’higher education legislation safeguard and the administrative enforcement, taking our country’s current educational legislation and the related international human rights document as a background, taking the right safeguard as the breakthrough point, and taking safeguarded in anticipation as the main research line. The fourth part has discussed the relief of our citizens’higher education right, which analyzes the feasibility of judicature relief to higher education right, and which, with concrete cases, analyzes different relief ways when higher education right is violated, and finally which proposes how to consummate the new channel of relief system.

  • 【分类号】D921;D922.16
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】135

