

Research on Staff Training System in Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd

【作者】 胡睿龙

【导师】 苏志霞;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 员工培训在帮助公司迎接竞争性挑战的过程中扮演着重要的角色。员工培训可以有效地帮助公司创造价值或赢得竞争优势,重视员工培训工作的公司会比他们的竞争对手表现出更好的经营业绩,更有信心迎接竞争性挑战。我国培训体系存在的主要问题是重视程度不够、体系不完整以及没有考虑到与企业发展之间相互适应。目前,系统性的培训体系构建既重要又迫切。东购作为大型的零售企业,其培训体系的系统性构建不仅有利于自身战略目标的实现,同时对于其他零售企业也具有重要的借鉴意义。国内外学者在本领域的研究已有诸多建树,但对于单体大型零售企业培训体系的研究还较少见。通过对东购现有员工培训体系的研究,在培训体系一般原理和学习理论的指导下提出新的设计方案,较全面地论述了员工培训对企业发展的重要作用。同时,结合东购自身特点,运用新的培训理论和方法有针对性地对东购员工培训体系做了再设计,重点是针对员工培训系统的有效性进行设计,注重对各层次员工业务技能、沟通能力和献身精神的培养,进而形成全员培训的体系。石家庄市东方城市广场有限公司位于河北省石家庄最繁华的商业黄金地段,是一家集购物、写字、餐饮、娱乐、休闲于一体的现代化、多功能的商业企业。从开业的12年来,经历了四次大的战略调整,使她从一个百货店的经营模式过渡到有自己清晰的愿景目标、完善的战略营销,打造了“九场五城”的个性化、时尚消费的典范。长期以来,石家庄市东方城市广场有限公司将持续的人力资源开发作为实现人力资源增值目标的重要条件,十分重视员工的培训,通过建立并运行一套专业的培训系统,持续地提高员工的技能与绩效,以达到人力资本的增值。石家庄市东方城市广场有限公司的培训体系的建立分为初步开创、整改求变、返本孕育、精细完善四个阶段。目前,培训中心为与人力资源部并列的独立的职能部门。培训中心共有专职人员五人,分为管理培训与素质培训两个部门。培训类型有常规培训和专项培训两大类。常规培训已经建立起比较规范的考核体系。培训管理制度也已成体系。2007年东购商学院成立,在培训课程上有了长足的进步。石家庄市东方城市广场有限公司培训体系具有许多明显优势,如领导重视、与学习型组织建设相适应、体系基本形成并能满足企业对人力资本的需要等等。另一方面,也存在着一些不足之处,如流程有待进一步完善、评估与宣传缺位、培训与员工职业生涯I设计、绩效考评和薪酬体系等结合还不够紧密等等。重塑员工培训体系既重要又迫切。从标杆角度讲,培训体系主要分为需求分析、培训项目的设计、成果转化以及效果的评估四个部分。其中需求分析包括客户调研、组织分析、人员分析、任务分析以及培训需求评估应采用的方法五个内容。培训项目的设计主要包括确保雇员做好接受培训的准备、培训程序设计的内容和培训方法的选择等几个方面。成果转化这一部分是整个培训过程的转折点,也是培训效果是否显著的关键,主要有将培训内容与工作相结合、行动计划以及营造一个支持的工作环境等三个组成部分,注重培训课程效果迁移的成功性。培训效果评估主要采用柯克帕特里克的四个层次评估和菲利普斯的投资回报率法。本着战略性、针对性、科学性、动态性、经济性的再设计原则,培训体系再设计的具体方案包括培训需求分析的深化、培训课程的规划与设计、培训效果评估理想模型的建立等内容。培训课程的规划与设计尤其应考虑东购商学院成立的背景,统筹兼顾。未来东购培训中心应突出组织功能与宣传功能,同时应注意对未来培训风险的防范。重构后的石家庄市东方城市广场有限公司培训体系更为科学、合理;将更加有利于培训效果的转化;更加有利于提高石家庄市东方城市广场有限公司员工素质及企业的核心竞争力。

【Abstract】 Staff training plays an important role in helping the company meet the competitive challenges in the process. Staff training can effectively help companies create value or gain a competitive edge, attached great importance to the training of the company than their competitors show a better operating performance, more confidence to meet the competitive challenges.The main problem of the training system in our country is that there are not enough attention, the system is incomplete and does not take into account the gap between development and adaptation. At present, the systematic construction of the training system is important and urgent. Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd as a large retail business, with the systematic training system is conducive not only to build their own strategic goals, while other retail enterprises also have an important reference. Domestic and foreign scholars in the field have been made many research achievements, but for large-scale retail enterprises monomer system of training is rarely . Sdudy by the existing staff training system in Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd , under the general principles and learning theory put forward a new design, we discuss the important role of staff training to the enterprise development. At the same time, with its own characteristic of Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd, we redesign the staff training of Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd with the new theories and methods of training system, the focus is on the effectiveness of staff training system design, focusing on the training of business skills、communication skills and dedication of all levels staff, and form a corporate training system.Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd in the downtown prime business′s location, is a shopping, writing, dining, entertainment and leisure in one of the modern, multi-purpose commercial enterprises. Since the opening of the past 12 years, Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd has experienced four major strategic adjustment to enable her from a department store business model transition to a clear vision of their objectives, a sound marketing strategy, creating a model of"nine shopping five city" of customization , fashionable consume.For a long time, Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd making the persistent development of human resource as a condition of human resource increment and attacheing great importance to the staff training, through the establishment and running a professional training system, continue to improve staff skills and performance in order to achieve the increment of human capital.The establishment of the training system in Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd is divided into four stages: preliminary create, rectification change, back to the gestations and fine perfect. At present, Training Center and HR department tied the functions of the independent sector. Training Center has five full-time employees and be divided into two departments: management training and Character training. Training types has conventional training and specialized training two categories. Conventional training have established normative examination system. Training management system has also become system. Since Business School of Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd set up in 2007 , the training courses have made substantial progress.Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd training system has many obvious advantages, such as the leaders pay more attention to the building and the learning organization to adapt itself to the system and basically formed to meet the needs of the human capital, and so on. On the other hand, there are also some shortcomings, such as the need to further improvement of the process, assessment and the absence of publicity, training and career employees design, performance evaluation and salary system are not closely enough. Redesigning staff training system is important and urgent.From the perspective models, the system can be divided into four parts: training needs analysis, training of project design, transformation and effect of the assessment. Needs analysis, which includes research, analysis, staff analysis, task analysis, as well as training needs assessment methodology to be used five content. Training in the design of projects including training to ensure that employees do a good job of preparing, training program design and the content of the choice of training methods, and several other areas. This part of the transformation is a turning point in the entire training process but also the effectiveness of training is the key to significantly, it contents three components :training content combined with the work, create a plan of action as well as to make a supported working environment, pay attention to the effect of migration on training courses. The success of Evaluation of training mainly Kirkpatrick’s four levels of assessment and the rate of return on investment Phillips law.According to the redesign principles of strategic, targeted, science, dynamic and economy, redesign the training system to the specific training needs of the program include the deepening of the planning and training courses designed to assess the effectiveness of training, such as the establishment of ideal model content. Training courses especially the planning and design should consider the establishment of the Business School background. The company′s Training Center should highlight the organizational functions and publicity functions ,at the same time , should pay attention to the training of risk prevention in the future.The training system of Shijiazhuang Dongfang City Plaza Co.Ltd through redesign will be more scientific and rational in the near future; will be more conducive to the transformation of the effectiveness of training; will be more conducive to raising the quality of the staff and her core competitiveness.

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