

Concerning and Transcending the Reality in Liuxinglong Novels

【作者】 马会莲

【导师】 郭宝亮;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为了更加全面认识刘醒龙的小说创作概貌及其关注现实的精神,笔者通过文本细读,在忠于自己的阅读体验基础上,写成了本文。全文分五部分:引言、结语以及正文的三部分。内容提要如下:引言部分介绍刘醒龙及其小说在当下文坛的地位,并简要总结刘醒龙小说的研究现况,阐明本文的研究方向。第一章以刘醒龙上个世纪80年代的作品为论述对象,分为两部分。第一部分论述此时期小说创作上两个特点——在文化指向上他的小说和寻根文学有相通之处,都借助于神话、传说、梦幻、风俗、深山大林来表现一种古老文化;在形式上他又借鉴当时流行的预叙、叙事圈套等技巧。第二部分深入论述作品的深层意蕴——拨开文化和技巧的雾帐,我们看到的是关注现实的主题,只不过作者采用了一种隐讳的寓言的表达方式。其中第二部分分两个小方面论述,即“老人:传统的象征”和“现实的寓言化”两部分。第二章论述90年代刘醒龙创作直面现实的特点。90年代后,刘醒龙的小说完成了一次大的转型,由对神话、传说、梦幻、风俗、深山大林的关注转向了世俗的人和事,他的小说成了“现实主义”回归的标志。他的小说通过对两类人(底层官员和百姓)的关注,表达了对现实的深切忧患。此时期刘醒龙的创作不仅关注社会底层百姓的生存状况,更关注他们的精神存在状态。本章分为三部分:第一部分分析了底层官员的酸辣生活,从“伪保长抢粮图”、“为民谋富图”“争权夺利图”三个小方面展示底层官员的百态,并分析作者对这些腐败现象的态度及这种态度产生的深层原因;第二部分论述了底层百姓在无奈的生活中闪耀的人性光辉,分为两小节,第一节探讨底层百姓的人格状态,男人坚韧女人柔和仁慈;第二节探讨底层百姓的精神存在状态,第二节又从四个小方面进行论述(即:关注人的灵魂,关注命运,撤离与守望的矛盾,希望与失望的永恒悖论);第三部分分析此时期在小说叙事上所表现出来的平实风格:语言平实、叙事模式平实。第三章以其第三阶段的代表作《圣天门口》为探讨对象,论述其小说依托于历史叙事却实现了对现实的超越,从而实现了对历史、对现实的理性思考,完成了小说的构建:传达仁爱观。分为两部分:第一部分在将《圣天门口》和同类“革命历史小说”作比较的基础上,指明这种历史的表述形式所寄托的价值追求;第二部分在第一部分论述的基础上进一步探讨《圣天门口》的深层寓意:通过历史寓言传达对历史、现实、人生的理解,寄予作家对社会的关注,实现了对现实的超越,表达了一种形上追求——仁善是人类的梦想、人类的追求、人类的福音。结语部分简要总结全文并谈及刘醒龙小说创作的不足,最后对其创作做了展望。

【Abstract】 In order to recognize the creative concept and the spirits about the reality in the novels of Liuxinglong, the author through close reading the text based on her own reading experience and finished this thesis. It was composed by five parts: introduction, conclusion, and the body which was consist of the other three parts.In the introduction, author introduced the position of Liuxinglong and his novels in the literature field, then gave a brief summary about the current situation of studying Liuxinglong novels. Finally she pointed out the study direction of this thesis.The first chapter took 1980s works of Liuxinglong as study subject, which was divided into two parts. The first part discussed two characteristics in creating novels at this period. In the culture direction his novels are similar to the seeking root literature; both of them expect to present a kind of ancient culture through mythology, legend, illusion, custom and forest. In the form he drew support from the current popular techniques of the preliminary narration, narrative trap setting. In the second part author discussed the deep implication of the works and showed us with the theme of concerning about the reality in an obscure allegory way. The second part also discussed in two directions: the old man symbolizes the tradition and the allegorized reality.In the second chapter author pointed out the characteristics of Liuxinglong’s novels in 1990s which were directly face the reality. After 1990s the novels of Liuxinglong had finished a great transformation: his concerns from mythology, legend, illusion, custom and forest to the worldly people and events. His novels have become a mark of returning to the realism. Through concerning about two types people: lower level officials and the common people, his novels expressed the deep concern to the reality. At this time the works of Liuxinglong concerned not only the physical but also the psychological state of the common people. The body was divided into thee parts. In the first part author analyzed the rotten life of the lower level officials and fully displayed the kaleidoscopic pictures, then analyzed the writer’s attitude to these corruptions and the deep causes which made him to produce the attitude. In the second part the author discussed the human nature radiance which reflected in the common people’s choiceless life. Firstly she argued the personality of the common people: the man is persistent and the woman is gentle and merciful. Secondly, she discussed the spiritual state of the common people: the concerns of the soul, the fate and the contradiction of the leaving and waiting, the hope and disappointment. In the third part author analyzed the natural style of the novel based on the language and narrative model of this period.In the third chapter, author took the representative work shengtianmengkou as an example to discuss the structure of the novel and pointed out the novel had transcended the reality on the basis of the reality, and then he carried out the rational contemplation on history and reality. Firstly, author, comparing shengtianmengkou with other revolutionary historical novels, pointed out that the novel shengtianmengkou expressed a kind of form and value aspiration to the history. Secondly, author made a further discussion and argued about the deep implication. Through the allegorized story the writer expressed his understanding of the history, reality and life, placed his concern on the society and fulfilled the transcendence of the reality. He expressed a kind of formal aspiration namely the benevolence is human’s dream, aspiration and happiness.In the conclusion, author made a brief summary of the thesis and argued about the insufficient of Liuxinglong’s novels and prospected on his creating.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】282

