

Studies on Synonyms of the Monosyllable Words in Zhou Yi

【作者】 杨冬梅

【导师】 郑振峰;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 《周易》是我国先秦时代的一部重要典籍,也是一本奇特的哲学著作。其博大精深的思想体系,简练含蓄的行文风格,凝炼生动的语言运用使它在先秦著作之林中独树一帜,因此研究先秦专书同义词就不能不研究《周易》。我们的研究是把《周易》看成一个封闭的语料系统,对该书中的单音节实词同义词尽可能地进行穷尽性的考察,以便为先秦汉语同义词研究和汉语词汇史的研究提供一些经过分析整理的,可资借鉴的文献语言材料。本文以《周易》原文为依据,参考前人的注释,同时归纳出该专书所有单音节实词的义项,进而严格按照“一义相同”的标准进行构组,从而得出《周易》单音节实词同义词较为准确的构组情况。我们共归纳出名、动、形三类同义词228组,其中名词同义词59组,动词同义词123组,形容词同义词46组。在此基础上,结合前人的同义词研究成果和辨析实践,选取其中的一部分同义词进行辨析,并对先秦汉语专书同义词研究作一些相关的理论探讨。全文共分6章:1.绪论。说明选择本课题的原因以及本课题的研究现状。2.《周易》单音节实词同义词研究的理论依据和研究方法。从古汉语同义词的确定标准、认定方法、辨析方法以及词性问题等四个方面明确本文所依据的原则和方法。3.《周易》概况。简要介绍《易经》和《易传》的成书年代、思想内容以及编写体例。4.《周易》单音节实词同义词的考释及辨析。首先概述《周易》一书同义词的基本情况,然后采用归纳法、系统分析法、反义词分析法、义素分析法等重点辨析《周易》中的23组单音节实词同义词。5.《周易》显示单音节实词同义关系的常见格式。举例说明《周易》中单音节实词同义词出现的6种常见格式。6.先秦汉语专书同义词研究应该注意的一些问题。结合本论文的写作实践,探讨先秦汉语专书同义词研究在构组、立义、辨析等方面应该注意的问题。

【Abstract】 Zhou Yi is an important book on the pre-Qin times, which is also peculiar in philosophy. Its ideology is broad and profound, its style is succinct and implicit, its language is condensed and vivid. All of these features make it unique among the pre-Qin works. Therefore, it is necessary to study"the Book of Change"when we research the synonyms on pre-Qin books. Zhou Yi is considered as an enclosed language system, we inspect all the monosyllabic synonyms as thoroughly as possible. This provides some analytic materials and references for pre-Qin Chinese synonym research and Chinese glossary history research.On the basis of Zhou Yi, referring to the annotations of prdecessors. we induce the sense items of all monosyllable words. Then, we strictly defer to the standard of "a sense is same" to construct group. Accordingly, we obtain the accurate constructing group situations of the monosyllable synonym words in Zhou Yi. The total number is 228 groups, the noun synonyms is 59 groups, the verb synonyms is 129 and the adjective synonyms is 46. On this basis, together with the predecessors’synonym research and the discrimination practice, we select part of synonyms to analyze and make the relevant discussion on the theory which is related to the synonym research.This paper is composed of six parts: 1.Introduction. The reason of choosing this topic as well as the current research situation. 2. The theoretical basis and methods for monosyllabic synonyms’ research in Zhou yi. The principle and method that the paper rests on are illustrated by the identification standard, the discrimination method as well as the gender. 3. The general situation of Zhou yi. The introduction of Yi Jing and Yi Zhuan’s finished time, the ideological content as well as the compilation style. 4.The identification and discrimination of monosyllabic synonyms Words in Zhou yi. Firstly, outlining the basic situation of sysnonyms in Zhou Yi. Then, using the induction, the system analytic method, the antonym analytic method, sense element analytic method to discriminate the 23 goups of monosyllabic synonyms.5. Displaying the forms of monosyllabic synonyms in Zhou yi. The 6 kinds of forms are explained by examples. 6. Some questions in pre-Qin Chinese books to which special attentions should be paid. During the writing practice, we will discuss such questions as constructing group, establishing sense items, discrimination which should pay more attentions.

【关键词】 《周易》单音节实词同义词
【Key words】 Zhou Yithe monosyllabic wordssynonym
  • 【分类号】H131
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】305

