

The Investigation and Research of the Vocational School Students’ Mathematics Study Interest

【作者】 张秀梅

【导师】 张硕;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 数学教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由于近年来职业学校学生生源质量下降,学生普遍基础较差,所以职业学校的数学教学更应强调基础知识的灵活运用,为社会培养更多的实用型人才。但当前数学课教学面临时间短、任务重、课时少、进度快的困难,许多学生对数学课已丧失信心,将学习数学看成是一种负担,毫无兴趣可言。正因为职业学校数学教学中存在诸多问题,我们才更有责任和义务提高学生的数学学习兴趣,争取早日改变这一现状。因为数学学习不仅关系到学生自身素质的提高,而且,在以后所从事的职业中,数学知识的渗透和数学思想的运用也是必不可少的。本研究以教育心理学和数学学习理论等为理论依据,在总结前人有关数学学习兴趣成果的基础上,通过对兴趣的理论分析和研究,结合职业学校学生数学学习的实际,探索培养职业学校学生数学学习兴趣的策略。本课题研究的理论依据主要有:建构主义学习理论、认知迁移理论和成就动机理论,建构主义理论认为,学习是学生主动建构自己知识的过程,学习的新旧经验之间是一个双向交互作用的过程,即通过同化和顺应两种途径来建构意义的过程;迁移的实质是学习者运用原有知识结构的观念对新课题进行分析、概括,揭示新、旧课题共同本质的过程,是认知结构与新课题内容的“同化”过程;成就动机是指个人追求进步以达成希望目标的内在动力,是个人在不顺利的情境中,冲破障碍克服困难奋力达成目标的心理倾向。本文采用问卷调查法,在我校的2006级和2007级两个年级的学生中进行,共抽取了16个班参加,调查的时间为2007级新生入学和2006级二年级开学的第一周。对所得数据进行统计分析的结果表明:数学教学内容、课程难易程度、教学方法、数学课与专业课的结合等因素是影响职业学校学生数学学习兴趣的主要因素。作为数学教师应从这几方面出发,结合相应的教学理论和实践,与其他数学教师一起探索提高学生数学学习兴趣的原则和具体方法,在教学实践中具体实施,并根据学生的反馈不断进行调整,以利于职业学校学生数学课的学习,更好地为专业课教学服务。本文提出了培养职业学校学生数学学习兴趣的原则主要有:主体参与原则、应用性原则和循序渐进原则;并探讨了主体参与原则与建构主义的联系,应用性原则与认知迁移理论的联系,循序渐进与原则与成就动机理论之间的联系。本文提出了培养职业学校学生数学学习兴趣的主要措施有:1)针对教学内容所采取的措施主要是:应对教学内容进行灵活处理,这就要求教材应对每个基本概念都提供以相关专业为背景的实例,不能笼统地从数学到数学的物理或几何为背景。对职业学校数学教材评价和改进机制应不断完善,既重视教学成绩,又重视获取成绩的过程与方法,通过评价促使教师改进自己的教学方法,引导教师利用新教材去提高学生的数学学习兴趣。2)针对教学方法所采取的措施主要有精心创设问题情境以利于学生知识的建构;在教学中经常用类推引入概念,促使学生知识的逆向迁移;设计互动,引导学生主动参与;难易结合,使学生获得学习上的成就感。3)针对教学手段所采取的措施有教学中可尽量采用多媒体教学,发挥其在数学教学中的优势,多媒体技术在数学教学中的功能包括动画模拟、分层显示、演示实验、控制模拟、影视演播和练习设计的功能,应用多媒体技术可以化学习被动为主动,化抽象为具体,通过带娱乐性的练习,能轻松巩固已学知识,从而切实激发学生发自内心的学习兴趣。同时,数学教师还应与各专业实际相结合,培养学生数学应用意识,由于职业学校专业设置较为分散,各专业对数学基础的要求不同,这就要求数学教师根据不同专业的特点,讲授不同的内容,还应结合具体专业实际,贯彻数学教学的应用性原则,不断提高学生的学习兴趣和实践能力。

【Abstract】 Because the quality of the vocational school students are descend in recent years, the students’knowledge foundation is worse, so the foundation knowledge flexibly applied should be more emphasized in mathematics teaching ion vocational schools, more practical type talented person should be cultured to society. But the current mathematics lesson teaching faces the difficulty of short time, heavy duty , lesson time short, quick progress and so on, many students have already lost confidence to mathematics lesson, study mathematics has been seen as a kind of burden, they has little interest in it. It is so many problem in mathematics teaching in vocational schools that we have more responsibility and obligation in enhancing student’s study mathematics interest, we hope change this existing condition soon. Because mathematics study is not only relation to the students character of updating, in their later occupation, the permeating of mathematics knowledge and the using of mathematics thoughts are also essential.This research is based on education psychology and mathematics study theories, after summary the past relevant results of mathematics study interest, through analysis and research of the interest of theories, combining the mathematics study practice of the vocational school, culturing mathematics study interest is developed in vocational school students. The base theories of this topic are as follows:Constructivism study theories, cognition transfer theories and achievement motive theories, constructivism theories consider, study is a process of student actively constructing their knowledge, the new and old experience of study is a pair process of selecting each other, that process is constructed by two means of assimilating and adjustment; transfer theories’substantial is a process that the learner use original knowledge structure of idea to analysis and generalize ,and disclose the new, old topic common essence, the process is“assimilate”between cognition structure with new topic contents; The achievement motive theories is a inside the motive of person who want to pursue progress to reach his hope, in the frustrate situation , and is a mental state of breaking through obstacle and overcoming difficulty to reach the target.A questionnaire survey is adopt in this topic, carry on in two grade of 2006 and 2007 in our vocational school, total 16 class students were attended as examples, investigate of time is the first week of 2007 grade freshman and 2006 grade. The statistics analysis data of the result indicated: The mathematics content of course,the degree difficulty, teaching method, the combining between mathematics lesson and profession lesson are main factor of influencing vocational school students mathematics study interest. Being mathematics teacher, we should set out from this several aspect, combine corresponding teaching theories and practice, investigate enhancing students’mathematics study interest of principle and concrete method with other mathematics the teacher, fulfill in the teaching practice, and continuously adjust according to the student’s feedback, convenience of the vocational school student mathematics study, better service to the professional lesson teaching.This text put forward main principles of interest of mathematics study on culturing vocational school students as follows: The major participate principle, application principle and gradually sequence principle; the relationship between the major participate principle and constructivism , the application principle and the cognition transfer theories, gradually sequence principle and achievement motive theories was also discussed.This text put forward main measures of interest of mathematics study on culturing vocational school students as follows:1) The main measure for adopting to the teaching content as follows:The teaching content should be treated more vividly, this will require the teaching content provide examples of related profession due to each basic concept, and not generally from mathematics to physics mathematics or geometry. The evaluation and improvement mechanism of mathematics teaching material of the vocational school should be continuously completed, not only emphasis teaching result, bur also emphasis process and method of obtaining result, teacher will improve their teaching method through evaluation, they will be leaded to enhance the student’s mathematics study interest by using new teaching material.2) The main measure for the teaching method as follows:Well-designed problem situation to favor students’construction of knowledge ;Usually lead in concept by analogy in teaching, negative transfer of students’knowledge will be promoted ;design interaction, leading student active participate ; combining the difficult and the easy, make the students acquire achievement sense of study.3) The main measure for the teaching tools as follows:Multimedia teaching should be adopted as far as possible, exertive its advantage in mathematics teaching, multimedia technique function include animation imitate, layering manifestation, display experiment, control imitate, showing cinema and TV program, practice design and so on, applying multimedia technique can turn passive to active on study, turn abstract to concrete, through amusement of practice, the learned knowledge will be easily consolidated , students’heartfelt study interest will be stirred up practically. Meantime, mathematics teacher should combine with each professional practice, developing students’mathematics application consciousness, because of vocational school professions are located dispersal, each profession request different mathematics foundation, this will demand mathematics teacher teach different contents according to different profession characteristics, combine practical profession, carry through the application of mathematics principle, continuously exaltation students’study interest and practice ability.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】589

